
Chapter 5


Making a Date

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. Are you free tonight? 你今晚有空吗?

类似表达:Are you available tonight?

Do you have time tonight?

回答:Yes, I am. 有,我有空。

Yeah, I have nothing to do tonight. 有空,我今晚没什么事儿做。

No, I'm not. I have a blind date tonight. 没有,我没时间。今晚我要去相亲。

2. Let's fix a time to meet. 让我们约个时间见面。

类似表达:Let's name the time to meet.

Let's arrange a time to meet.

Let's fix an appointment.

Shall we fix an appointment?

Shall we fix a time to meet?

When shall we meet?

What time shall we meet?

Shall we make a date for meeting?

回答:OK! How about this Friday? 好的!这个周五怎么样?

What about meeting on this Friday? 这个周五见面怎么样?

I prefer this Friday. 我选这周五。

I'd like to meet on this Friday. 我想在这周五见面。

3. My time has been taken up. 我的时间都被占满了。

类似表达:My schedule has been full.

I have no time today.

I have been booked up.

I'm too busy to get away.

回答:Oh, what a pity. 哦,真遗憾。

It doesn't matter and we can make it some other time. 没关系,我们可以再约时间。

We can postpone it to tomorrow. 我们可以推迟到明天。

Let's make it some other time. 再约时间。

4. I'd like to postpone the appointment to next week. 我想把约会推到下周。

类似表达:I want to put off the appointment to next week.

I want to defer the appointment to next week.

Let's make the appointment next week.

I want to change the appointment to next week.

回答:OK! It's up to you! 好!你说了算!

As you please. 随你便。

I disagree, because I will go abroad next week. 我不同意,因为下周我要出国。

5. It was my first date yesterday. 昨天是我第一次约会。

类似表达:I got a date for the first time yesterday.

It was yesterday that I got a date for the first time.

I am excited that someone dated me for the first time.

6. Don't be late. 不要迟到。

类似表达:Arrive on time.

Be there on time.

Be punctual!

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:准备约会 敲定时间

A: Are you available tonight? May I ask you out?


B: Yes, I'm free. Let's fix a time.


A: How about seven o'clock in the restaurant?


B: I couldn't agree more.


情景2:档期已满 推迟约会

A: Are you free tonight? I'd like to buy you a drink.


B: I'm sorry that my time has all been taken up today.


A: We can postpone the date. Let's make it some other time.


B: How about tomorrow night? I will be free then.


A: Couldn't be better. That's settled.


B: See you then.


单词注释 Words

fix [ˈfɪks] vt. 修理;使固定; vi. 固定

postpone [pə'spəʊn] vt. 使延期,延缓

短语解析 Phrases

· fix a time 约定时间,安排时间

及物动词fix可以表示“确定时间、位置、某事物的性质等”。fix a time的同义词组有book a time、arrange a time、name a time等等。

· be taken up 被占据

be taken up一般是形容时间“被占用、被用完”,同样可以形容时间被占用的表达还有be booked up、the schedule is full等等。 v6rAa2zkVivcS3ZtfqhY+QJr1Gu3mYP+APSUqkTgIUzfOIRvu7/Ucd6M6puJXz7/
