
Chapter 4


Invitation and Answer

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. We'd like to invite you to our wedding next Sunday. 我们想邀请你下周日参加我们的婚礼。

类似表达:We want you to come to our wedding next Sunday.

We want to invite you to our wedding next Sunday.

We hope you can attend our wedding next Sunday.

We will have the wedding next Sunday. Will you be present?

Will you attend our wedding next Sunday?

回答:Thank you for inviting me. And congratulations! 谢谢邀请。恭喜你!

Thank you for your invitation. 谢谢你的邀请。

Thanks for the invite. 谢谢你的邀请。

Thank you for asking me to your wedding. 谢谢你邀请我参加你的婚礼。

I'd like to, but I have to deal with a matter of prime importance that day. 我想参加,但是那天我得处理一件十分紧要的事情。

2. My grandparents have invited their friends to their 50th wedding anniversary.我祖父母邀请朋友一起庆祝他们的结婚50年周年纪念。

类似表达:All the friends of my grandparents have been invited to their 50th wedding anniversary.

All the friends of my grandparents have been asked to their 50th wedding anniversary.

My grandparents have sent their invitations to their friends to their 50th wedding anniversary.

3. May I invite you to dinner, please? 请问,我可以邀你共进晚餐吗?

类似表达:Would you like to have dinner with me, please?

Do you want to have dinner with me, please?

Are you willing to have dinner with me, please?

May I buy you dinner, please?

May I treat you to dinner, please?

Would you mind having dinner with me, please?

How about having dinner with me?

回答:Of course, when and where? 当然可以,时间和地点是?

I'd like to. Thank you so much. 我愿意。非常感谢你。

Sorry, I'm engaged. 不好意思,我有约了。

4. I was invited to be a maid of honor at my friend's wedding. 我被邀请在我朋友的婚礼上担任伴娘。

类似表达:I was asked to be a maid of honor at wedding.

My friend invited me to be a maid of honor at wedding.

My friend asked me to be a maid of honor at wedding.

5. Shall we have barbecue today? 我们今天吃烧烤怎么样?

类似表达:Can we have barbecue today?

How about having barbecue today?

What about having barbecue today?

Let's have barbecue today.

回答:Someday! 改天吧!

Make it next Sunday. 改到下周日吧。

How about next Sunday? 下周日怎么样?

I prefer next Sunday. 我倾向于下周日。

6. You can call round at any time. 你可以随时来看我。

类似表达:You can come round at any time.

You can drop by at any time.

You can drop in at any time.

You can stop by at any time.

You can give me a look-in at any time.

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:婚礼将至 邀请朋友

A: Hello, is that Linda speaking?


B: Yes.


A: I want to invite you to be the maid of honor at my wedding this Sunday.Will you be present?


B: Of course! Congratulations!


情景2:受到邀请 婉言相拒

A: Good evening, Jane. May I invite you to meal tomorrow?


B: Oh, sorry. I have to attend my friend's wedding.


A: Whose wedding?


B: It's Mary's. She's one of my best friends,and she invited me to be the maid of honor.


A: Oh, congratulations to her!


B: Thank you!


单词注释 Words

maid [meɪd] n. 女仆,侍女;处女,未婚女子;少女

barbecue [ˈbɑ:bɪkju:] n. 烤架;户外烧烤

短语解析 Phrases

· Is that sb speaking? 是某人在接电话吗?

Is that sb speaking?为打电话用语,是打电话时询问对方是不是自己要找的那个人。如果对方正是此人,则可以回答This is sb speaking.

· call round 顺便拜访

call round是邀请用语,表示邀请别人有空时可以来玩,其同义词组有come round、drop by、drop in、stop by、give sb a look-in。 xJorEk4hkQ8ujl2wA1q2KAlOVTF2zCsG61ippgSzgdOaSUiAOkIBOjYYWCbA+wIg
