
Chapter 3



导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. May I introduce myself? 我能自我介绍一下吗?

类似表达:May I make a self-introduction?

I'd like to introduce myself.

I want to introduce myself.

Allow me to introduce myself.

回答:OK! Go ahead. 好啊!来吧。

Of course! 当然可以!

Please! 请吧!

2. I'd like to introduce Stefan to you. 我想把斯蒂芬介绍给你认识。

类似表达:I want to introduce Stefan to you.

I prefer to introduce Stefan to you.

I will introduce Stefan to you.

Maybe I can introduce Stefan to you.

There is somebody I'd like to introduce to you.

May I introduce Stefan to you?

回答:Thank you! I wanted to get acquainted with him. 谢谢!我早就想结识他了。

It's my honor to meet him. 我很荣幸认识他。

We have got acquainted with each other. Thank you all the same! 我们彼此认识。不过还是要谢谢你!

3. I think we've met before. 我觉得我们之前见过。

类似表达:We have met before, haven't we?

I think I have met you before.

Have you met me before?

I think we must have met somewhere.

回答:Yeah, we have. 是的,我们见过。

Yes, we met at Mary's wedding. 是的,我们在玛丽的婚礼上见过。

I don't think we have met before. 我觉得我们之前没见过。

I don't think so. 我不这么认为。

Have we? I am not impressed. 我们见过吗?我没印象。

4. Glad to meet you. 认识你很高兴。

类似表达:Nice to meet you.

It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Delighted to make your acquaintance.

回答:Glad to meet you, too. 见到你,我也很高兴。

Nice to meet you, too. 见到你,我也很高兴。

5. We got acquainted with each other at the party. 我们是在那场派对上相识的。

类似表达:We were acquainted with each other at the party.

It was the party that brought us together.

We knew each other at the party.

We got to know each other at the party.

回答:It's a coincidence. 真巧。

Fate brought you two together. 缘分把你们牵到一起。

It's fate. 这是命运的安排。

It must be the meaning of God, I think. 我觉得这一定是上帝的安排。

6. He is just a business acquaintance. 他只是业务上认识的人。

类似表达:I made acquaintance with him on business.

I knew him on business.

We knew each other on business.

7. May I have your contacts, please? 请问,我能留一下你的联系方式吗?

类似表达:May I have your telephone number, please?

May I keep in touch with you, please?

May I know your telephone number, please?

I want to know your contacts.

回答:Of course, you can. 当然可以。

I will tell you later. 我稍后告诉你。

Sorry, you can't. 不好意思,不行。

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:派对相识 自我介绍

A: Hello, my name is Sara, Jane's friend.


B: Hi, I'm Oliver, Jane's fiancé.


A: It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance.


B: Nice to meet you, too.


情景2:结识朋友 互相介绍

A: Good evening, please allow me to introduce myself. I'm Steven.


B: My name is Jane. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.


A: I think we have met before, right?


B: Maybe we have, but I can't remember.


A: We met at Jack's wedding. Have you remembered that? May I have your contacts, please?


B: Yeah, I remember that. I will give you my contacts later.


单词注释 Words

acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns] n. 相识的人,熟人;对……有了解;相识;知识,心得

fiancé [fɪˈɒnseɪ] n. 未婚夫,结婚对象

短语解析 Phrases

· get acquainted with sb 与某人相识,与某人结识,结识某人,认识某人

get acquainted with sb的同义词组有be acquainted with sb、know sb、get to know sb,均为“与某人相识,与某人结识”之意。

· introduce oneself 自我介绍,介绍自己

introduce oneself可与make a self-introduction相互替换,均为“自我介绍,介绍自己”之意。 XyhkO2ESS4FZBh8ZqFob6O2qCh7/c1KFe0sSDEut7FzKQuAjA8RdIMwC1gpBBetF
