
Chapter 2



导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. We are going to throw a party tomorrow. Would you like to join us? 我们打算明天举办派对,你要加入我们吗?

类似表达:We are having a party tomorrow. Would you like to come?

We will party tomorrow. I'd like to invite you to come.

We'd like to invite you to attend our party tomorrow.

We will have a reunion tomorrow. Will you attend it?

回答:Yeah, I'd like to. 嗯,我想要参加。

Why not? 为什么不参加呢?

It depends. 视情况而定。

I would really like to, but I have a blind date tomorrow. So I can't go to your party. 我真的很想参加,但是明天我要相亲。所以我无法参加你们的派对。

2. I want to postpone the party to next week. 我想把派对推迟到下周。

类似表达:I plan to put off the party to next week.

The party will be postponed to next week.

The party will be delayed to next week.

I decide to defer the party to next week.

3. All the classmates will come to the reunion this time. 这次所有同学都会来参加聚会。

类似表达:All the classmates will be at the reunion this time.

All the classmates will attend the reunion this time.

None of the classmates will be absent from the reunion this time.

No one will be absent from the reunion this time.

回答:Really? That's amazing. 真的吗?太令人激动了。

Wow, it must be exciting. 哇,那一定很令人兴奋。

We have not met for ages. 我们已经好久没见了。

I think many of us have changed a lot. 我猜我们很多人都改变了不少。

4. The reunion had been carried on into the small hours. 聚会一直持续到第二天凌晨。

类似表达:The reunion continued to the small hours.

The reunion broke up in the small hours.

The reunion was over after midnight.

We ended the reunion in the wee hours of the morning.

回答:You must have a good time. 你们一定玩得很开心。

You must enjoy yourselves at the reunion. 聚会上你们一定玩得很愉快。

You guys must have a lot of fun. 你们一定玩得很高兴。

5. A dance will spice up the party. 一支舞会使这场派对更精彩。

类似表达:A dance will enliven the party up.

A dance will delight all the people at the party.

6. He got drunk at the party and became obstreperous. 他在派对上喝醉了,开始撒酒疯。

类似表达:He was drunk at the party and became very violent.

He got intoxicated and caused a fuss at the party.

He became obstreperous at the party, smashed.

回答:He shouldn't have drunk too much. 他本不应该喝那么多的。

He must be too happy at the party. 他一定是在派对上太开心了。

He is an alcoholic, you know. 你知道的,他是一个酒鬼。

7. He was devastated that she took a French leave. 她的不辞而别让他伤心透了。

类似表达:Her leave without saying goodbye made him heartbreaking.

Her leave without notice made him so sad.

That she left without saying goodbye made him extremely sad.

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:同学聚会 发出邀请

A: We are going to hold a party this Sunday evening. Will you join us?


B: Wow, amazing. I'd like to. But who are you going to invite?


A: Our classmates and teachers will be invited to the party.


B: Sounds great. I will help you to arrange it .


情景2:好久未见 聚会畅谈

A: Hi, John. We have not met for ages.How is everything going?


B: Not bad. What about you? You change so much. Many of our classmates change a lot, I think.


A: Yeah, we change over time. And everyone seems excited and enjoys themselves.


B: I guess the party will be carried on to the small hours.


A: I think so, too. Let's drink to friendship and the reunion.


B: Cheers!


单词注释 Words

alcoholic [ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk] n. 酒鬼,酗酒者;酒精中毒者; adj. 酒精的,含酒精的;酒精中毒的

obstreperous [əbˈstrepərəs] adj. 喧嚣的,喧闹的;不服约束的

短语解析 Phrases

· enjoy oneself 玩得开心,玩得愉快,尽情享乐,尽兴

enjoy oneself 可与 have fun、have a lot of fun、have a wonderful time、have a good time、have a great time 替换,均为“玩得开心,玩得愉快”之意。

· take a French leave 不辞而别,不告而别

leave是“离开”的意思,但前面加上一个French做定语,其意义就变化了。take a French leave意为“不辞而别”,并不是因为法国人喜欢不辞而别,而是因为在18世纪,法国人性格随便,当参加社交聚会时,没有向主人告别的习惯,所以现如今take a French leave就表示“不向主人告别就离开”。 8nukHZLaTRD0t5scmBH9C7H3/AylF0YsCSusyLpmYihxvnlGpOagY4KpAiVi7oX0
