
Chapter 6


Online Shopping

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. Shopping online can save much time. 网上购物能节约很多时间。

类似表达:Shopping online is a new time-saving way.

Shopping online saves time.

Shopping online is time-saving.

Shopping online is economical of time.

回答:Yes, especially for the young people. 是的,尤其对于年轻人来说。

Moreover, it's convenient to shop online. 而且,网上购物很方便。

Yeah, we can shop just at home or in office. 是的,我们在家或者办公室就能买东西了。

It's the revolution of shopping. 这是购物方面的革命。

2. Shopping online is a new way of consumption now. 网上购物是当今消费的一种新途径。

类似表达:It's a new way of consumption to shop online now.

The new way of consumption—shopping online appears now.

Nowadays, shopping online gets more and more popular.

回答:It's very convenient for us and gets popular. 对于我们,网购很方便,而且网购现在很普及。

Yeah, I like it very much. I began shopping online last year. 是的,我很喜欢网购。我是从去年开始网购的。

The online shops must earn a large amount of money. I want to run a online shop, too. 那些网店肯定赚了一大笔钱。我也想经营一个网店。

3. The dress I bought online doesn't match what they advertise online. 我网购的这条裙子和网络广告上的一点都不一样。

类似表达:The dress I bought online is quite different from what they advertise online.

The dress I bought is not the one that they advertise online.

The dress I purchased differs widely from what they advertise online.

回答:There are too many frauds online. You should be careful to shop online. 网上有太多骗子。你网购时应该小心点。

The pictures of the dress online may be prettified. 网上那条裙子的图片可能被美化了。

I don't trust shopping online. That's why I never shop online. 我不相信网购。这也是我从不网购的原因。

4. Why have you stopped shopping online? 你为什么停止网购了呢?

类似表达:Why do you stop shopping online?

Why not go on shopping online?

Why don't you go on shopping online?

Why not keep on shopping online?

回答:I'm afraid the hackers may break my password. 我害怕黑客会破解我的密码。

I'm afraid the hackers have cracked my password. 恐怕黑客已经破解了我的密码。

The hackers may crack the encryption. 黑客可能会破解密码。

I spent too much on this. For now, I am out of money. 我在这上面花的钱太多了。现在我没钱了。

I'm in low water now, so I am trying to reduce expenses. 我现在手头紧,所以我正在试图减少开支。

5. Do you accept cash on delivery? 你们接受货到付款吗?

类似表达:Can I pay after the arrival of the goods?

Are your payments cash on delivery?

I'd like to pay after the arrival of the goods. Can I?

I don't want to pay the money until I get the goods. Can I?

回答:Of course, we do. 当然接受。

Yes, you can pay the money later. 接受,你可以晚点儿付款。

No, we don't. You have to pay in advance so that the order can be placed. 不,我们不接受。你得先付款才能下单。

6. Shopping online gets very popular among the youth. 网上购物越来越受年轻人的欢迎。

类似表达:Shopping online becomes more and more popular with the youth.

There are more and more young people shopping online.

The youth tend to shop online rather than in shops.

It is a trend for the youth to shop online.

回答:Obviously, shopping online has become part of our life, especially for the young girls. 很显然,网上购物已经成了我们生活的一部分,尤其对那些年轻的女孩儿来说。

It makes our life more convenient. 它让我们的生活变得更加方便。

Yes, it is the inevitable trend of shopping. 是的,这是购物的必然趋势。

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:网购优势 方便快捷

A: Why do more and more people shop online now?


B: It's convenient and time-saving. With the development of technology, the online shopping appears to cater for people's needs. We can see lots of goods by clicking the mouse.


A: Besides, the goods online are cheaper,right?


B: You hit the point.


情景2:网上购物 有无保证

A: I want to buy a skirt online. But the quality of it can't be guaranteed.


B: You can see the comments on that shop.


A: You are right. Anyhow, I am afraid hackers will crack my password.


B: Set your mind at rest. It's safe to shop online. If you are too worried about it,you can buy it by cash in delivery.


A: That's a good idea. Thank you so much.


B: Don't mention it.


单词注释 Words

hacker [ˈhækə(r)] n. 骇客,电脑黑客;计算机迷

delivery [dɪˈlɪvərɪ] n. 传送,投递;快递;交付;分娩;讲演

短语解析 Phrases

· break the password 破解密码,偷盗密码

可数名词password在计算机用语中,表示“口令,密码”,通常与动词enter连用。break the password可与crack the password替换。

· be in low water 手头紧,缺钱,生活紧张

be in low water可与be out of money、be hard up、be short of money、be in need of money、be lack of money互换,均为“缺钱,手头紧”之意。


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