
Chapter 5


Cleaning and Caring

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. What is the quality of this material like? 这种材料的质量怎么样?

类似表达:How is the quality of this material?

Is its quality good or not?

I'd like to know its quality.

回答:With an easy-to-clean surface, its material is durable. 这种材料耐用且易清洗。

This material is durable and easy-to-clean. 这种材料耐用且易清洗。

This material stands wear and tear with an easy-to-clean surface. 这种材料表面易清洗且耐磨损。

This material wears well with an easy-to-clean surface. 这种材料耐用且易清洗。

The material is durable and its surface is easy to clean. 这种材料耐用且易清洗。

This material is easy to clean and outwears all others. 这种材料比其他的耐用且易清洗。

It is of poor quality. 它质量不好。

As I know, it is of good quality but stains easily. 据我所知,它质量好,但是不耐脏。

I think it's of good quality and doesn't show dirt. 我觉得它质量很好,而且耐脏。

2. You should give the suit a dry cleaning. 你应该干洗这套西装。

类似表达:The suit should be given a dry cleaning.

You should dry-clean the suit.

The suit needs dry-cleaning.

The suit needs to be dry-cleaned.

回答:Yeah, it can't be washed. It will shrink in the water. 是的,它不能水洗。水洗的话它会缩水。

The instruction shows it can just be dry-cleaned. (洗涤)说明上说它只能进行干洗。

Yes, I have to. It needs dry cleaning instead of washing. 是的,我不得不干洗。它需要干洗,而不是水洗。

3. Could you iron the shirt for me? 你能帮我把这件衬衣熨一下吗?

类似表达:Will you iron the shirt for me?

The shirt needs to be ironed. Could you help me with that?

Could you help me iron the shirt?

The shirt creases. Can you iron it for me?

回答:Sure, I will iron it as soon as possible. 当然可以,我尽快帮你熨。

No problem, dear. Just leave it to me. 没问题,亲爱的。就把它交给我吧。

Yes, but where is the iron? 可以,但是熨斗哪儿去了?

Sorry, I am rushed off my feet today. Maybe I can do that tomorrow. 抱歉,今天我忙得不可开交。也许明天我能帮你熨。

4. The material of cloth soils easily, I think. 我觉得这种布料很容易脏。

类似表达:The material of cloth stains easily, I think.

The material of cloth dirties easily, I think.

The material of cloth is easy to stain, I think.

回答:Yes, you are right. 是的,你说的对。

You have to wash it frequently. 你得频繁地清洗它。

It needs frequent washing. 它需要频繁清洗。

It needs to be washed frequently. 它需要频繁清洗。

5. You should have your laundry as soon as possible. 你应该尽快洗你的衣服。

类似表达:You should do your laundry as soon as possible.

You ought to wash your clothes as soon as possible.

You had better have your clothes washed as soon as possible.

You have to do your washing as soon as possible.

You must launder the clothes as soon as possible.

回答:Yes, mom. I will do it right now. 好的,妈妈。我马上就洗。

Can I do it later? 我能晚点洗吗?

I prefer washing clothes tomorrow, for being jiggered up now. 现在太累了,我想明天再洗。

6. You can bleach the shirt with the bleaching agents. 你可以用漂白剂来漂白衬衣。

类似表达:With the bleaching agents, the shirt can be bleached.

Bleaching agents can remove the stains from the shirt.

Bleaching agents can keep the shirt from yellowing.

Bleaching agents counteract the yellowing from the shirt.

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:衣服摺痕 需要熨烫

A: My shirt creases. Could you iron it for me, mom?


B: OK! Just leave it to me. I will iron it as soon as possible.


A: Thank you so much, mom. I have to go to work now.


B: Go ahead.


情景2:挑选衣服 易于打理

A: I want to buy a T-shirt for my baby.


B: Good! The T-shirts are over there. Come with me.


A: What material of cloth is better? Could you suggest to me?


B: This material feels good. It stands wear and tear with an easy-to-clean surface.


A: Wow, sounds great. How much is it?I'd like to pay in cash.


B: It's twenty-five US dollars.


单词注释 Words

bleach [bli:tʃ] vi. 漂白; vt. 使褪色; n. 漂白;漂白剂

iron [ˈaɪən] vt. 熨烫; vi. 被烫平,熨衣; n. 熨斗,烙铁;铁制品; adj. 铁制的,含铁的;坚韧不拔的

短语解析 Phrases

· be rushed off one's feet 忙得不可开交,太忙了

be rushed off one's feet可与keep sb bumping、have one's hands full、keep sb on the trot、wear oneself out等互换,均为“忙得不可开交”之意。

· have one's laundry 洗衣服

have one's laundry可与do the laundry、wash the clothes、have one's clothes washed互换。 cJy+7XEtGSxgfaQ3vinBvUvPO3GVCt90eQDxhsY1WsCL0zamSxq+riYi/1jEZfoP
