
Chapter 4


Getting a Refund and Exchange

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. May I ask for a refund? 我能要求退款吗?

类似表达:Could you give me a refund?

May I get the refund?

I want a refund.

I need to get the refund.

I want to return it.

I want the refund of it.

回答:Of course, you can. 当然可以。

You can get the refund on the condition that you have not worn it. 你可以拿到退款,前提是你没穿过它。

Yes, you can. We accept that. 可以。我们接受退货。

No, you can't. We never take anything back. 不可以,你不能退款。我们的任何商品都不接受退货。

2. You can be allowed to exchange the tie but you cannot return it for a refund. 你可以调换这条领带,但是不能退货。

类似表达:You can be allowed to exchange the tie instead of returning it for a refund.

We accept to exchange the tie rather than return it for a refund.

You can't get a refund of the tie, but can exchange it.

We just accept to exchange it instead of returning it.

回答:OK! I see. What other styles of ties do you have? 好的!我明白了。你们还有什么其他款式的领带吗?

Why can't I get the refund of it? 为什么我不能退款?

I think all your ties don't go well with my suit. 我觉得你们这儿所有的领带和我的西装都不搭。

3. We accept returns within fourteen days. 十四天内都可以退货。

类似表达:You can get the refund within fourteen days.

We can give you a refund within fourteen days.

You can return it for a refund within fourteen days.

If you want to return it, we can take it back within fourteen days.

You can return it for a full refund within fourteen days.

4. May I exchange the coat, if my son doesn't like it? 如果我儿子不喜欢这件外套的话,我可以调换吗?

类似表达:Do you accept exchange? I am not sure whether my son likes the coat or not.

May I have other coats instead, if my son doesn't like it?

I'd like to know whether I can exchange the coat, if my son doesn't like it.

回答:Of course, you can. But you should bring the receipt. 当然可以,但是你得把收据带来。

Yes, you may. But you have to bring the receipt. 是的,你可以来调换。但是要把收据带来。

You can exchange it on the condition that you have not worn it. 可以调换,前提是你没有穿过它。

Yes, you can. You can also be allowed a rebate of fifty US dollars. 可以,你还可以得到50美元的部分退款。

5. If there is any quality problem, we will give you a refund in full. 如果有质量问题,我们会为你全额退款。

类似表达:If there is any problem with quality, we will give you a refund in full.

If something is wrong with quality, we will give you a full refund.

If there is something wrong with quality, you can get a refund in full.

We will pay you all the money, if there is any quality problem.

回答:That's good. 真好。

So nice. 不错。

6. If you want to return it, you have to pay the freight. 如果你想退货,你得支付运费。

类似表达:If you want to get a refund, you should pay the freight.

You have to bear the freight, if you want to return it.

回答:Yeah, you are right. Maybe it's the disadvantage of online shopping. 是的,你说的对。也许这就是网购的一个不便之处。

Yeah, I have to. 是的,我不得不承担运费。

I have never returned anything before. Could you tell me how to do it? 我之前没退过任何东西。你能告诉我应该怎么做吗?

OK! I don't prefer to return it now. 好吧!我现在选择不退了。

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:顾客不满 全额退款

A: Hello, the trousers are too loud and I want to return it. May I get a refund in full?


B: Of course, you can. But you have to bring the receipt here.


A: Here is the receipt.


B: Come after me! I will give you the refund right now.


情景2:顾客咨询 换货成功

A: Excuse me, the dress I bought last week for my daughter doesn't satisfy her. I want to exchange it for another style.


B: I see. You can see all our dresses here and choose the one you prefer.


A: Thank you! Could you suggest one to me, please?


B: Sure! The style in my hands is in vogue and your daughter must like it, I think.But you have to pay another twenty US dollars for it.


A: OK, that's it. Could you pack it for me?


B: No problem!


单词注释 Words

refund [ˈri:fʌnd] n. 偿还数额;资金偿还; vt. 退还;归还或偿还; vi. 进行偿还

receipt [rɪˈsi:t] n. 发票,收据;收入; vt. 给……开收据;承认收到

短语解析 Phrases

· instead of 代替,而不是

instead of为介词短语,后接名词、代词、动名词,表示“而不是、而不去做某事”。

· exchange sth for sth 用某物换取某物,以某物交换某物

与exchange sth for sth表达类似的词组有barter sth for sth,但二者的区别是:前者表示用一种东西换取另一种东西,没有强调是买卖的关系;而后者的意思更侧重于以物易物,含有买卖关系。 0j5DOxI+mpSwuKvKDfO83F7ozHt6sCGiJnNdRBLHENhKvpvKFFaJyfobhyYKjnqb
