
Chapter 2


Trying on Clothes

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. May I try this evening dress on, please? 请问,我能试一下这件晚礼服吗?

类似表达:May I try on this evening dress, please?

May I have this evening dress fitted on, please?

I'd like to try on this evening dress.

I want to try this evening dress on.

回答:Of course, you can. 当然可以。

Sure! What size would you like? 当然可以!你穿多大码的?

Yes, you can try it on and see if it fits you. 可以,你可以穿上试试,看看是否合适。

2. Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪儿?

类似表达:Could you tell me where the fitting room is, please?

Where can I try it on?

回答:Over there! Follow me. 在那边!跟我来。

It's over there. Come after me. 试衣间在那边。跟我来。

It's behind you. 你身后就是。

Walk straight and turn right. You will see it. 直走,右拐。你就会看见它。

3. How do you think of this evening dress, madam? 女士,你认为这件晚礼服怎么样?

类似表达:What do you think about this evening dress, madam?

How do you like this evening dress, madam?

Do you think this evening dress fits you, madam?

Do you like this evening dress, madam?

This evening dress suits you perfectly, madam.

回答:It looks nice on me, I think. 我想这件很适合我。

It fits me. 挺适合我。

It makes me look graceful and dignified. 这件衣服让我显得比较端庄优雅。

This is just my size. 尺寸适合我。

It's too small for me. 对于我来说太小。

It is a little big for me. 我穿着有点大。

I look fat in it. 我穿着它,显得比较胖。

I think it a little flashy. 我觉得有点艳。

I think it a little gaudy. 我认为它有点花哨。

I think it loud more or less. 我认为它多多少少有点艳。

I think it a little plain. 我认为它有点平淡,没什么款式。

I think it a little conservative. 我认为它有点老气。

4. What size of shoes do you wear? 你穿多大码的鞋?

类似表达:What size of shoes do you want?

What is your size?

回答:Almost exactly the size of shoes in your hands. 跟你手里拿的那双一样码。

Three sizes bigger than hers, I think. 我觉得比她的大三码。

I'm not sure. It was my mother who always bought shoes for me before. 我不确定,之前都是我妈妈给我买鞋。

5. This necklace matches this evening dress, doesn't it? 这条项链和这件晚礼服挺配的,不是吗?

类似表达:This necklace and this evening dress go together well, don't they?

This necklace goes together well with this evening dress, doesn't it?

This necklace and this evening dress fit together, don't they?

This necklace goes along with this evening dress, doesn't it?

This necklace goes with this evening dress, doesn't it?

回答:Yes, it does. 是的,挺配的。

Yes, they do. 是的,它们挺搭配的。

They match perfectly. 它们搭配得真是太完美了。

They don't match at all. 它们一点都不搭配。

6. Could you bring me a bigger one, please? This is too small for me. 请问,你能拿给我一件大一号的吗?这件太小了。

类似表达:Do you have a bigger one? This is too small for me.

I want a bigger one. This is too small for me.

I prefer a bigger one. This is too small for me.

回答:No problem! 没问题!

Wait a minute, please! 请稍等!

Of course! 当然!

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:商场逛街 试穿衣服

A: This skirt is so cute. May I try it on,please?


B: Of course, you can. The fitting room is over there. Come after me.


A: Thank you! (After a while) This skirt is too big for me. Do you have a smaller one?


B: Yes, we do. Wait a moment, please. I will fetch it for you.


情景2:试穿裙子 满意购买

A: How do you think of the dress?


B: It's nice. But it's a little big for me and makes me look fat.


A: You have a good taste. I can bring you a smaller one. I think a smaller one may make you look slim.


B: Thank you!


A: Here you are. This is a smaller one.Try it on.


B: Good. It matches my shoes perfectly.I will take it.


单词注释 Words

conservative [kənˈsɜ:vətɪv] adj. 保守的 n. 保守的人

gaudy [ˈgɔ:dɪ] adj. 俗气的,花哨的;华而不实的; n. 宴会,招待会

短语解析 Phrases

· go well with 与……搭配,与……协调,与……一致

go well with可以用go along with、go with、match with等词组替换,都是“与……搭配”之意。

· try on 试穿,试戴

try on为动词词组,若接的宾语是代词,则应放在try与on的中间;若接的宾语是名词或者名词词组,既可以放在try与on的中间,也可以放在try on的后面。try on可以与fit on互换。 0VBUhLqmCXTMCQZV9LmWhximNakshszzgBFcJVWg5+9cybIYw08WPzJ9d8fv9OJZ
