
Chapter 6



导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. You need to take the surroundings into consideration, when you decide where you live. 当你选取住址时,你需要考虑到周围的环境。

类似表达:You should consider the surroundings, when you decide where you live.

As to the selection of an apartment, you had better take account of the surroundings.

When it comes to the choice of an apartment, you ought to give thought to the surroundings.

You must take the surroundings into consideration when you choose the place where you live.

回答:What you said is all true enough. 你说的非常对。

You are right. 你说的对。

You hit the point. 你说到重点了。

Agreed. 我同意你的观点。

I don't think so. I will think more about the housing price instead of the surroundings. 我不这么认为。我考虑更多的是房价,而不是周边环境。

I disagree. 我不同意你的观点。

2. How are the surroundings here? 这儿的周边环境怎么样?

类似表达:What are the surroundings like here?

How much do you know about the surroundings here?

Are you familiar with the neighborhood here?

I'd like to know the surroundings here.

I have to take the surroundings into consideration here.

回答:It seems nice and quiet. 周围环境不错,很安静。

It's pretty nice. 不错。

Pretty good. 非常好。

It's still OK! 还行吧!

So-so. 一般般。

It's not so good. 不太好。

Too noisy! I can't stand the noise at all. 太吵了!我一点都忍受不了噪音。

I don't like it. 我不喜欢这里。

Extremely bad. 糟透了。

3. Is there any fitness equipment nearby? 附近有健身器材吗?

类似表达:Do you know whether there is fitness equipment nearby?

I'd like to know if there is fitness equipment nearby.

Could you tell me if there is fitness equipment nearby?

It will be better to see fitness equipment nearby.

回答:Yes, there is. 是的,有。

Of course, there is. 当然有。

Sure, fitness equipment is here and there. 当然,健身器材到处都是。

No, there isn't. 不,没有。

Sorry, there is no fitness equipment nearby. 抱歉,附近没有健身器材。

For now, no. But a fitness center will be open next month and you can go there. 现在还没有。但是下个月有一家健身中心要开业。到时你可以去那儿。

4. I can't bear the environment pollution here. 我受不了这儿的环境污染。

类似表达:I can't endure the environment pollution here.

I can hardly tolerate environment pollution here.

I have got such a bad case of environment pollution here and I can't stand it.

回答:Me, too. I think the government should take effective measures to improve the environment quality as soon as possible. 我也是。我认为政府应该尽快采取有效措施来提高环境质量。

We should appeal to all the people to contribute to the environment protection. 我们应该呼吁所有人为环境保护奉献一份力量。

Actions should be taken to protect the environment. 需要采取一些行动来保护环境。

We should help to protect the environment. 我们应该帮助保护环境。

We can't emphasize the importance of protecting our environment too much. 我们再怎么强调保护环境的重要性也不为过。

5. We are suffering from the noise pollution which is getting worse. 我们遭受着越来越严重的噪声污染。

类似表达:We are affected by the noise pollution which is getting worse.

We are bearing the noise pollution which is getting worse.

I am worrying about the noise pollution which is getting worse.

The noise pollution which is getting worse is a growing threat to us.

回答:We have to take steps to prevent it. 我们必须采取措施阻止它。

We must take measures to stop it. 我们必须采取措施阻止它。

It's a big problem we are facing now. 这是我们现在所面临的大问题。

It's really a troublesome situation. 这真是一个棘手的问题。

It's essential that measures should be taken to prevent it. 很有必要采取措施阻止它。

6. What are the causes of the pollution? 污染源是什么?

类似表达:What causes the pollution?

What leads to the pollution?

What brings about the pollution?

What creates the pollution?

What results in the pollution?

回答:It's the exhaust fumes from the factory here. 是这儿的工厂排出的废气。

It's the effluent from the factory that causes the pollution. 是这家工厂排出的废水引起的污染。

It's the motor vehicle exhaust. 是汽车尾气。

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:有意购房 询问环境

A: How are the surroundings here?


B: Pretty nice. There is a park, a river,fitness equipment and so on here.That's why I buy the apartment here.


A: It sounds great. But how is the housing price here?


B: It has gone through the floor now.You had better buy now, if you want.


情景2:购置新房 考虑环境

A: We are going to marry, Jack. It's time to buy a house, I think.


B: Yes, honey. We can't pay all at once,but we can pay by installments. What kind of house do you want?


A: It must be easily accessible.


B: Any other demand?


A: It must not be too noisy and the environment is pleasant.


B: OK!


单词注释 Words

effluent [ˈeflʊənt] n. 流出的水流;污水,工业废水; adj. 发出的,流出的

accessible [əkˈsesəbl] adj. 易接近的;易相处的;可理解的;易感染的

短语解析 Phrases

· go through the floor 降到很低,降到最低

go through the floor表示“(价格)降到地板的高度”,意思就是低得不能再低了。

· pay by installments 分期付款,分期交付

词组pay by installments中,介词by也可以用作in,installments之前可以有monthly、yearly等修饰;可与buy sth by divided payments、buy sth by installment payments互换。 KGbHAyXf00LjOVypwSQsMlWrJ9rrCbF+RYwfDBMBFpy13XsWk+xku/IkFR+K5Gr5
