
Chapter 5


Housework and Chores

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. You had better clean up your room for your guest as soon as possible. 你最好尽快收拾一下你的房间,以备客人到来。

类似表达:You had better tidy up your room for your guest as soon as possible.

You had better straighten up your room for your guest as soon as possible.

You had better do your room for your guest as soon as possible.

You had better make up your room for your guest as soon as possible.

You had better fix your room for your guest as soon as possible.

回答:I will do that right now. 我马上就去做。

I'm fully occupied. Could you please help do the room? 我现在太忙了。能请你帮我整理吗?

I will do that as soon as I am free. 我一有空就去整理。

2. I need you to help me with the laundry. 我需要你帮我洗一下衣服。

类似表达:I want you to help me to do the laundry.

I need your help to do the laundry.

I want you to help to wash the clothes.

Could you help me to do some washing?

Could you help me with the laundry?

回答:OK! I'm coming. 好的!我马上就来。

Sure! But I think I can help you half an hour later. 当然可以!但是我认为我半个小时之后才能帮你。

No, you should do it yourself. You should keep your business to yourself. 不,你应该自己做。自己的事情自己做。

I am too occupied to help you. 我太忙了,帮不了你。

3. I will do the dishes. 我会洗碗。

类似表达:I will wash the dishes.

I will get the dishes washed.

4. We alternate in doing the housework. 我们轮流做家务。

类似表达:We do the housework in turn.

We take turns to do the housework.

We are given a turn to do the housework.

回答:That's good. 挺好的。

In my family, it was only my wife who does the housework. 在我家里,只有我妻子做家务。

You should employ a nursemaid to do that. 你应该雇个保姆做家务。

5. I am quite tired of the housework. 我非常厌倦做家务。

类似表达:I am weary of the housework.

I am fed up with the housework.

I hate to do the housework.

I don't like to do the housework.

回答:Me, too. 我也是。

I never do the housework. It's always my wife who does the housework. 我从来不做家务。一直都是我妻子来做。

You can employ a housekeeper to do that. 你可以雇一个保姆来做。

6. I'd like to share the housework with you. 我想和你分担家务。

类似表达:I want to share the housework with you.

I think we should share the housework between us.

Could we share the housework fifty-fifty?

I think we ought to share the housework equally.

回答:I do agree. 我同意。

I think so, too. 我也这么认为。

That's what I want. 这正是我想要的。

That's really a good idea. 真是一个好主意。

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:收拾房间 客人到访

A: You had better tidy up your room for your guest as soon as possible, Tom.


B: Yeah, I know that. But I am too occupied to do anything else. Could you help me clean the room, mom?


A: OK! I am coming.


B: Thank you so much, mom.


情景2:外出不得 忙于家务

A: Mary, my workmate and I will go shopping this Sunday. Will you join us?


B: I'd like to, but I've got a lot of laundry to do.


A: Oh, what a pity it is! Can you leave it to your husband this time?


B: He is busy with his program every day.I have to do all the housework.


A: I share the housework fifty-fifty with my husband. Maybe you can also try this.


B: I will try as soon as he finishes his program.


单词注释 Words

laundry [ˈlɔ:ndrɪ] n. 待洗的衣服;洗好的衣服;洗衣店,洗衣房;洗熨

occupied [ˈɒkjʊpaɪd] adj. 忙的,无空闲的;已占据的,已占用的;在使用的

短语解析 Phrases

· clean up 收拾,打扫,整理

clean up可与tidy up、straighten up、fix等互换,均为“整理、收拾、打扫”之意。

· take turns to do sth 轮流做某事,轮换做某事

take turns to do sth也可以用作take one's turn to do sth,相当于alternate to do sth、be given a turn to do sth、do sth in turn等。 ZOG/RRxCrAcx+0u3wcoeuBq462dMz/W7K+DKT5FS6/FsN1jkZGeUaLtRacqqHaRB
