
Chapter 3


Renting and Buying Houses

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. I want to see the apartment you advertised a couple days ago. 我想看看几天前你登广告的那套公寓。

类似表达:I'd like to see the apartment you advertised a couple days ago.

I am eager to see the apartment you advertised a couple days ago.

I look forward to seeing the apartment you advertised a few days ago.

May I see the apartment you advertised a couple days ago?

I come to see the apartment you advertised a couple days ago.

回答:Great! Follow me! 太棒了!跟我来!

Come after me! 请跟我来!

I will lead you there. 我会带你过去。

Sorry, I just rented it out yesterday. 不好意思,我昨天刚把它租出去了。

Unfortunately, I have already sold it out. 很遗憾,我已经把它卖出去了。

2. How much is the rent? 租金多少?

类似表达:How much is it monthly?

What's the rent?

I'd like to know the rent.

I want to know the rent.

回答:It's US$500 every month. 每月500美元。

I have not decided. 我还没决定多少。

It's up to my husband. 那由我的丈夫决定。

I will tell you, if I decide it. 我决定了的话会告诉你。

3. Please show me the lease. 你可以给我看看租约了。

类似表达:May I see the lease?

I want to see the lease.

I'd like to see the lease.

Could you show me the lease, please?

I need the lease.

Where is the lease?

回答:Here you are. 给你。

Here. 在这儿。

It's in my room and I will fetch it for you right now. 在我房间里,我马上给你拿。

I will give it to you as soon as you pay the rent. 你一交完租金,我就给你。

4. What is the area of your apartment? 你的公寓有多大面积?

类似表达:What is the size of your apartment?

How large is your apartment?

I wonder what the area of your apartment is.

I want to know the area of your apartment.

I'd like to know the size of your apartment.

回答:It's one hundred square meters. 100平方米。

It's about ninety square meters in all. 一共大概90平方米。

I am not sure. 我不确定。

5. What about the surrounding area? 周围环境怎么样?

类似表达:How about the surrounding area?

What are the surroundings like?

How are the surroundings?

回答:It's really nice. 真的很漂亮。

It's pretty good. 环境不错。

That's beautiful. 挺漂亮的。

6. Which floor is the apartment on? 公寓在几层?

类似表达:On which floor is the apartment?

Could you tell me which floor the apartment is on?

May I know which floor the apartment is on?

I'd like to know which floor the apartment is on.

I want to know which floor the apartment is on.

回答:The apartment is on the seventh floor. 公寓在七楼。

It's on the seventh floor of the building. 在这栋建筑的七楼。

On the seventh floor. 在七楼。

It's on the seventh floor, sir. 在七楼,先生。

7. The drain is backed up. Could you have it repaired, please? 下水道堵了。请问,你能找人修一下它吗?

类似表达:The drain is blocked up. Could you repair it, please?

The drain is clogged. Could you have it repaired, please?

Could you have the drain repaired which is blocked up, please?

回答:No problem! I will have it repaired as soon as possible. 没问题!我尽快找人把它修好。

OK! I will deal with that this afternoon. 好的!我今天下午帮你处理。

Sorry, I have no time recently. But I can do that as soon as I have time. 对不起,我最近没时间。但是我一有时间就会帮你修。

8. The housing prices have risen sharply this year. 今年房价急剧上涨。

类似表达:There is a steep rise in the housing price this year.

The housing prices have zoomed this year.

The housing prices have jumped sharply this year.

A sharp rise has been caused in the housing price this year.

The housing prices are still spiraling this year.

There is an explosion of housing prices this year.

回答:Yeah, it is so high that I can't afford a house. 是的,房价太高了,我买不起房子。

Yeah, the soaring housing prices give me enormous pressure. 是的,飞涨的房价给了我巨大的压力。

I think the government should take measures to control it. 我认为政府应该采取措施控制一下房价。

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:购买公寓 讨论条件

A: How do you think of the apartment?


B: The owner offered me a low price, but it's a little stuffy there.


A: I wonder if the location is easily accessible.


B: It's easily accessible. That's the only advantage.


情景2:房价飞涨 压力倍增

A: How is the housing price this area?


B: It's soaring recently, because the subway has been scheduled to open here this year.


A: Oh, really? The high housing price leads to the problem that many young people can't own their own house.


B: Yeah, I think the government should take measures to prevent it from soaring.


A: I do agree with you. So, will you buy a house recently?


B: I prefer to buy a smaller one.


单词注释 Words

stuffy [ˈstʌfɪ] adj. 闷热的,不通气的;枯燥无味的;古板的,保守的;一本正经的

lease [li:s] n. 租契,租约;租赁物;租赁权; vt. 租借,出租

短语解析 Phrases

· be blocked up 被堵塞,被堵

be blocked up是动词词组block...up(阻塞,阻碍,阻挡)的被动语态结构,可与be backed up、be clogged互换。

· prevent...from doing sth 阻止……做某事

词组prevent...from doing sth中,介词from可以省略,其同义词组有keep...from doing sth、prohibit...from doing sth、stop...from doing sth、hold...back from doing sth。 w+B1bPXCYZgt0lr9cBS8H/Uvq1wVho76vhQV+BqrapYyWq10W0hs7ItpXGh/lYe9
