
Chapter 1



导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. Now, it is bedtime. 现在该去睡觉了。

类似表达:It's time to go to sleep now.

It's time to go to bed now.

You had better go to sleep now.

Go to sleep now.

回答:I am just about to sleep. 我正打算去睡觉。

OK! 好的!

I will go to sleep right now. 我马上去睡觉。

I have to stay up late tonight. 我今晚得熬夜。

2. I couldn't fall asleep last night. 我昨晚睡不着觉。

类似表达:I was awake last night.

I was awake through the whole night.

I spent a sleepless night.

I couldn't sleep last night.

I didn't sleep last night.


What happened? 发生什么事了?

You didn't sleep for a while? 你一分钟都没睡吗?

What made you awake? 什么让你失眠了?

3. Stop talking! Someone is sleeping here. 别说话了,有人在这儿睡觉呢!

类似表达:Be quiet! There is someone sleeping here.

Don't shout, or you will wake him up.

Stop shouting! There is someone sleeping.

回答:Oh, sorry. 呃,对不起。

OK! 好的!

Is there someone sleeping here? 有人在这儿睡觉吗?

How can he fall asleep with such noise? 这么吵,他怎么能睡得着?

4. You know you were snoring last night? 你知道你昨晚打呼噜吗?

类似表达:Do you know that you were sawing logs last night?

You were snoring the whole night, you know?

回答:Oh, I'm so sorry that my snoring bothered you a lot. 呃,很抱歉我打呼噜打扰到你。

Sorry for that. 对此我很抱歉。

Oh, sorry. I just can't control it. 噢,对不起。我只是控制不住。

5. I'm so sorry to keep you up. 不好意思,影响你睡觉了。

类似表达:I'm so sorry that I keep you awake.

I'm sorry that I disturb your sleep.

I'm sorry to disturb your slumber.

I'm sorry to break your sleep.

回答:It doesn't matter. 没关系。

It's OK! 没关系!

That's all right. 没事儿。

Never mind. 没关系。

6. I was in a sound sleep last night. 我昨晚睡得很香。

类似表达:I had a sound sleep last night.

I was sleeping soundly last night.

I slept well last night.

I had a good sleep last night.

7. I overslept this morning. 今早我睡过头了。

类似表达:I overslept myself this morning.

I slept in this morning.

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:互相寒暄 询问睡眠

A: How was your sleep last night?


B: I had a sound sleep last night. What about you?


A: I was awake for the whole night, because I had a stomachache.


B: You had better go to see the doctor as soon as possible.


情景2:呼噜连篇 整夜未眠

A: I couldn't fall asleep last night.


B: What kept you up for the whole night?


A: My elder brother was snoring in a sound sleep and I couldn't stand that.


B: You had better catch up on your sleep right now.


A: I have to do that, or I will fall asleep in the class this afternoon.


B: Have a good sleep.


单词注释 Words

snore [snɔ:(r)] vi. 打呼噜,打鼾; n. 鼾声,呼噜

slumber [ˈslʌmbə(r)] vi. 微睡,睡眠; n. 熟睡;微睡,安眠

短语解析 Phrases

· be in a sound sleep 睡得香

be in a sound sleep可与sleep well、have a sound sleep、have a good sleep互换。另外,sound有一个常用短语为safe and sound,意为“安然无恙,很安全,没什么事儿”。

· keep sb up 把某人吵醒,让某人熬夜不睡

keep sb up可以与keep sb awake、break your sleep等互换。 zI+QtcaGXApIfVOf4FnvHVb5wsiuaM2++i4YW3/a5yckioaItRiVKpWPJ53O3Qkg
