
Chapter 11


On a Diet

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. I am on a diet recently. 我最近在节食。

类似表达:I am going on a diet recently.

I began my diet a few days ago.

回答:Oh, really? That's the reason why you eat less and less. 喔,真的吗?那就是你吃的越来越少的原因了。

Oh, I see. 喔,原来如此。

I advise you not to do that. 我劝你还是别那样做。

2. You get fatter and fatter this year. 今年你越来越胖了。

类似表达:You are gaining weight this year.

You are putting on weight this year.

You become plump this year.

You become fleshy this year.

回答:I have to go on a diet. 我需要节食。

I need to go on a diet. 我需要节食。

I have to eat less. 我得少吃点儿。

I need to lose weight right now. 我需要立即减肥。

I want to become slim. 我想变苗条。

I am trying to lose weight. 我正在努力减肥。

I am doing my best to lose weight. 我在尽最大的努力减肥。

3. Don't eat anything fat or sweet. 不要吃任何油腻食物或者甜食。

类似表达:Never eat anything fat or sweet.

You had better not eat anything fat or sweet.

Stop eating anything fat or sweet.

回答:Yeah, you are right. 是的,你说的对。

I can't do this. 我做不到。

OK! I must keep my diet. 好的!我必须坚持节食。

4. You should keep a healthy diet. 你必须保持健康的饮食。

类似表达:You had better make your diet healthier.

A healthy diet is better for you.

5. If you want to keep slim, you have to go on a diet. 你如果想保持苗条,你必须节食。

类似表达:If you will keep your figure, you had better go on a diet.

Go on a diet, if you want to stay in shape.

Keep your diet, if you want to keep fit.

回答:I have to. 我必须那样做。

I think so, too. 我也这样认为。

I suppose so. 我也这么认为。

I don't agree with you. I can keep my figure by exercising. 我不同意你的说法。


6. It's impossible to lose weight only by diet. You need to take more exercise at the same time. 只通过节食来减肥是不可能的。同时,你还需要多锻炼。

类似表达:You can't succeed in losing weight only by diet. You need to do more exercises at the same time.

You should do more exercise when you are on a diet. You will succeed in losing weight.

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:坚持节食 努力减肥

A: Hello, Jane. I heard you are on a diet now.


B: Yeah, I began to go on a diet last month. And I am eager to lose weight.


A: I want to lose weight, too. It will make me more attractive to keep slim.


B: I agree with you.


情景2:减肥秘诀 节食锻炼

A: Good morning, Sara.


B: Good morning, Olivia. You get slimmer and slimmer.


A: You know that I am on a diet now and take more exercise.


B: I was on a diet before, but I didn't succeed in losing weight.


A: You must do some exercise at the same time.


B: You hit the point.


单词注释 Words

figure [ˈfɪgə(r)] n. 身材;人物;数字;算术

plump [plʌmp] adj. 肥胖的;丰满的;丰富的;充裕的

短语解析 Phrases

· on a diet 节食

go on a diet也可以用be on a diet来替换,意为“节食”;也可以用作put sb on a diet。

· succeed in doing sth 成功做某事

succeed in doing sth中的doing sth也可以使用名词形式来替换,作succeed in sth。


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