
Chapter 10



导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. How about going for a picnic this Sunday? 这周日去野餐怎么样?

类似表达:What about going for a picnic this Sunday?

Shall we go for a picnic this Sunday?

I want to have a picnic this Sunday.

Why don't we go for a picnic this Sunday?

Why not go for a picnic this Sunday?

How do you think of having a picnic this Sunday?

回答:Good idea! 好主意!

Nice idea! 好主意!

Good! 好!

OK! 可以!

2. Shall we fix a date for the picnic? 我们定一下野餐的时间,好吗?

类似表达:When shall we have the picnic?

What time is the picnic?

We should set a time for the picnic.

I wonder when the picnic is.

I think we should fix a time for the picnic.

回答:How about this weekend? 这周末怎么样?

What about this Saturday? 这周六怎么样?

I choose this Sunday, if it is fine. 如果天气好的话,我选择这周日。

I prefer next week. 我选下周。

I have no time recently. 我最近没时间。

3. Where to go for the picnic? 去哪野餐?

类似表达:Where shall we go for the picnic?

Which is the best place for the picnic?

Where are we going to have the picnic?

Where can we go for the picnic?

We first need to settle a place for the picnic.

回答:How about the park nearby? 附近的公园怎么样?

It's up to you. 听你的。

What about the countryside? 乡下怎么样?

I have no idea. 我不知道

4. How's the plan for the picnic going on? 野餐计划进展得怎么样?

类似表达:How's the plan for the picnic coming?

How does the plan for the picnic go?

5. Have you decided where to have the picnic? 你决定去哪里野餐了吗?

类似表达:Have you already selected a place for the picnic?

You have not decided where to go for the picnic?

As to the place for the picnic, you need to decide.

Have you decided the place for the picnic?

It's time to choose a place for the picnic.

回答:Yes, I'd like to go to the countryside. 是的,我想去乡下。

Yeah, I want to go to the lake. What do you think of it? 是的,我想去湖边。你认为怎么样?

Not yet. Could you give me any advice? 还没有,你能给我一些建议吗?

No. And the plan is in the air. 没有。而且计划还没定下来。

6. We're going out for a picnic this weekend. Would you like to join us? 我们这周末要出去野餐。你要一起吗?

类似表达:We're having a picnic this weekend. Do you want to go with us?

Would you like to join us for the picnic this weekend?

Do you want to join us for the picnic this weekend?

Do you want to go for the picnic with us this weekend?

回答:Yes, I'd like to. 是的,我想。

Yes, I do. 嗯,我想。

Of course, I do. 当然想去。

Yeah. Thanks for inviting me . 好啊,谢谢你的邀请。

7. What shall we prepare for the picnic this week? 这周野餐我们要准备什么?

类似表达:What shall / should we take for the picnic this week?

What do we need for the picnic this week?

Could you tell me what we should take for the picnic this week?

回答:We should take enough food, cooking utensils, sun block against strong light, and so on. 我们应该带足够的食物、炊具、抵御强光的防晒乳等等。

We should take a change of clothes. 我们应该带换洗的衣物。

Here they are. I have packed up all the stuff. 都在这儿。我已经把所有的东西都打包了。

We had better take a camera to take pictures. 我们最好带个照相机拍一些照片。

8. Who will fix up the lunch? 谁来准备午餐?

类似表达:Who wants to fix up the lunch?

Who will prepare the lunch?

Who will make lunch?

回答:I will. 我来准备。

She promised she would. 她说过她会准备。

I hope it's you. 我希望是你。

9. How do you think about the picnic yesterday? 你认为昨天的野餐怎么样?

类似表达:What do you think of the picnic yesterday?

How's the picnic yesterday?

Tell me how you think of the picnic yesterday.

回答:Absolutely wonderful. I enjoyed myself there. 非常好。我在那玩得很开心。

Couldn't be better. We had a lot of fun there. 好极了。我们在那玩得很开心。

So great! 很棒!

Terrific! 棒极了!

Fantastic! 美极了!

Super! 超级棒!

So-so. 一般。

So bad! 太糟了。

Terrible! 糟透了!

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:共同商讨 野餐计划

A: Shall we go for a picnic this Sunday,honey? The weather forecast says it will be sunny this Sunday.


B: Good idea! It sounds like you have got a plan for the picnic.


A: No. It's still in the air, because I have no idea where to go.


B: We can discuss that now.


情景2:电话邀请 一起野餐

A: Hello, is that Nancy speaking?


B: Yeah, this is Nancy. I'm just about to give you a ring.


A: Really? What a coincidence!


B: Yeah. I want to go for a picnic this Sunday. Would you like to join me?


A: Wow, I'd like to. The weather forecast says it will be sunny this Sunday.


B: Remember to take the suntan lotion in case of sunburn.


单词注释 Words

fantastic [fænˈtæstɪk] adj. 极好的,极棒的;很大的;不切实际的

sunburn [ˈsʌnbɜ:n] n. 晒伤,灼伤,晒太阳过量而引起的皮肤灼痛

短语解析 Phrases

· in case of 以防万一

in case of后面接名词、代词作宾语,意为“以防 / 万一 / 如果……发生”。in case也可以接that引导的条件状语从句。

· in the air 悬而未决的,未确定的

词组in the air表示“未确定的;悬而未决的”,通常用于系动词之后作表语,相当于unsettled、uncertain、undecided、unclear、unknown等;也可以表示“在流传中,流行的”。 dPro5pBHaZA9xgMvd+DBNgMDkpBUJOXuwxD7tve2Ge6qlPPUWt7eHvRC7i8VjGjj
