
Chapter 8



导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. I'd like to check out. 结账。

类似表达:Reckon up the bill, please.

May I have the bill, please?

I want the bill.

回答:In one bill or separate bills? 一起结账还是分开结账?

Together or split? 一块儿算还是分开算?

2. We will pay it in cash. 我们现金付账。

类似表达:We'd like to pay in cash.

We make the payment by cash.

We will pay money down.

3. Will that be cash or credit card? 您是用现金付账还是用信用卡?

类似表达:Which one will you prefer, in cash or by credit card?

Will you pay in cash or by credit card?

Do you choose to pay in cash or by credit card?

Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?

回答:I'd like to pay in cash. 我想现金支付。

In cash. 现金支付。

By credit card. 信用卡支付。

Either. 都可以。

4. Who will pay for the bill? 你们谁付账单?

类似表达:I wonder who is going to stand treat?

Who will buy dinner?

Who is going to pay the money?

回答:His treat. 他请客。

It's his treat. 他请客。

This is on him. 算他的。

He is going to stand treat. 他请客。

5. There is no cash on me. 我没带现金。

类似表达:I forget to bring cash with me.

I don't have any cash on me.

回答:It's OK. You can also pay by credit card. 没事儿。你也可以信用卡支付。

This restaurant accepts credit card. 这家餐厅接受信用卡付账。

I can pay it for you this time. 这次我替你付。

6. The bill is wrong. 账单算错了。

类似表达:The bill is added up wrong.

A mistake is made over the bill.

回答:Really? Let me check it. 真的吗?让我核对一下。

Let me see. Oh, it's my mistake. 让我看看。噢,是我的过失。

Sorry, madam. I will add it up again. 对不起,女士。我再重新算一遍。

7. The bill comes to fifty US dollars. 账单共计50美元。

类似表达:It sums up to fifty US dollars.

It's fifty US dollars in all.

It amounts to fifty US dollars.

The expenses foot up to fifty US dollars.

回答:Here's the money. 给你钱。

I pay in cash. Keep the change. 我现金支付。不用找零。

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:用餐结束 准备结账

A: I'd like to check out now.


B: OK. The bill comes to ten US dollars.


A: Here is the money. Keep the change.


B: Thank you!


情景2:账单错误 重新核算

A: I want the bill. How much is it?


B: It sums up to eighty US dollars, sir.


A: What? Eighty US dollars? I thought it was fifty US dollars at most.


B: Let me check it. Wait a moment, please.(After a while.) Sorry, sir. I made a mistake over the bill. It should be forty-five US dollars in all. In one bill or separate bills?


A: In one bill. May I pay it by credit card?


B: Of course.


单词注释 Words

split [splɪt] vt. 分开;分裂; vi. 绝交;离异; adj. 分开的,分离的,分裂的; n. 划分;分开;裂缝

amount [əˈmaʊnt] n. 总额;量,数量;本利之和;全部效果,全部含义; vi. 等于;合计,总共;发展成为

短语解析 Phrases

· foot up to 一共,总计

foot通常用作可数名词,表示“脚,足”,也可以用作及物动词,表示“负责缴付费用,付账”,多用作foot the bill (for sth)。foot up to相当于sum (up) to、account to、add up to等。

· add (sth) up 加起来

add (sth) up通常表示“把(两个或两个以上的数或量)加起来”,而add up to sth则表示“总计共达;(口语中)相等于……,意为……”。 a1w8A9F4DI526ctoa30Z6GG/BR/fFaIVE/ZS0B0iIHGM9V95Slt3V7oBtKHzChr9
