
Chapter 6



导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. Would you like some coffee, please? 请问,你想来点咖啡吗?

类似表达:Do you want some coffee?

Do you feel like some coffee?

Some coffee?

回答:Yes, please. I'd like the weak coffee. 是的,请帮我来杯咖啡。我想要淡点的。

No, thanks. 不,谢谢。

2. Remember! Easy on the sugar in the coffee. 记得咖啡少放糖!

类似表达:Remember! Low on sugar in the coffee.

Remember! Less sugar in the coffee.


No problem! 没问题!

Sorry, I have put much in it. 不好意思,我已经放进去好多了。

3. Would you like the coffee weak or strong? 你想要淡咖啡还是浓咖啡?

类似表达:Would you like the weak coffee or the strong?

Do you prefer the coffee weak or strong?

Which one do you want to choose, the weak or the strong?

Do you like your coffee strong?

回答:I'd like the weak. 我要淡的。

I prefer the strong. 我要浓的。

I choose the latter. 我选择后者。

Whatever! 随便,怎么都行!

4. Would you like something to eat? 您想吃点什么吗?

类似表达:Do you want to eat something?

What would you like to eat?

Don't you order something to eat?

回答:Yeah. A hamburger, please. 嗯,请给我一份汉堡。

No, thanks. 不,谢谢。

5. I encountered our superior—Mike—in the cafe yesterday. 我昨天在咖啡馆碰见了我的领导—迈克。

类似表达:I met my superior—Mike by chance in the cafe yesterday.

I met my superior—Mike by accident in the cafe yesterday.

I met my superior—Mike unexpectedly in the cafe yesterday.

I came across my superior—Mike in the cafe yesterday.

回答:What a coincidence! Did you talk with him? 那么巧啊!你和他说话了吗?

Impossible! He told me he stayed at home the whole day. 不可能!他对我说,那天他在家待了一整天。

Really? But as I know, he seldom goes there. 真的吗?但是据我所知,他很少去那里。

How can that be? He has been on business for a couple days. 怎么可能?他已经出差好几天了。

6. How do you pay the bill, in cash or by credit card? 您是想现金支付还是信用卡支付?

类似表达:Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?

Do you want to pay in cash?

Which one do you prefer, cash payment or payment by credit card?

回答:I'd like to pay in cash. 我用现金支付。

I prefer the cash payment. Here is the money and keep the change. 现金支付。给你钱,不用找零。

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:来点饮料 品尝咖啡

A: Would you like something to drink, please?


B: Yeah, I prefer a cup of weak coffee.


A: Anything else?


B: Make it three, please. Thanks.


情景2:朋友相聚 闲聊时刻

A: Hey, Mike. We have not met for ages,right?


B: Yeah. It's three years since we met last time. What do you come to cafe for?


A: I'm waiting for my workmate just for small talk. And you?


B: I have nothing to do these days and just kill time here.


A: Oh, I see. I like the coffee here. And it seems that you also like this cafe,right?


B: Yeah. I need another cup of coffee.Waiter, a cup of coffee and easy on the sugar and milk.


单词注释 Words

coincidence [kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns] n. 巧合;同时存在;一致;并存

unexpectedly [ˌʌnɪk'spektɪdlɪ] adv. 未预料地,未料到地,意外地;居然

短语解析 Phrases

· easy on the sugar 少放糖

easy on后接名词,意为“少放……”,例如:easy on the milk少放牛奶、easy on the salt少放盐。

· meet sb by chance 偶然碰见某人

by chance为固定用法,意为“偶然地,意外地”。meet sb by accident也表示“偶然遇见某人”,相当于meet sb unexpectedly、encounter sb等。 25qNSVptWUNvMLtif1a3sjRWUndB529bqo5PZ3rLB/Z+N/xxEuua/bugMRDsQ+/5

