
Chapter 02


Vivian is a foreign student from Canada. She is studying International Law. She has traveled to many countries up to now. In her spare time, Vivian often goes to the yoga class and does some parttime jobs. She is all-round, and she can play the piano as well as dancing. Staying with her will bring you much pleasure. We all like her very much. 薇薇 安是一名来自加拿大的留学生,学的是国际法。到目前 为止,她已经去很多国家旅行过。在业余时间,薇薇安 经常去上瑜伽课,还做些兼职。她多才多艺,会弹钢琴, 还会跳舞。和她待在一起会有很多乐趣。我们都很喜欢她。

第一句中的谓语是be动词,第二句中的谓语是be doing结构。第三句的谓语是由助动词have构成的have done完成时态。第四句中用到了实义动词go和do。第五句中既有be动词,又有情态动词can后接动词原形。第六句和最后一句谓语都用到了实义动词。每个句子中还保持主谓一致。


重点解析1 系动词




描述人的感官动作,表示“……起来”,通常由实义感官动词转化而来,主要有 look sound smell taste feel 等。

· The red wine tastes pure and nice. 红酒尝起来很醇美。

· This kind of flower smells pretty sweet. 这种花闻起来很香。

· It sounds a wonderful idea. 听起来是个好主意。

· Silk always feels soft and smooth. 丝绸摸起来总是柔软平滑。

· She sat quietly and looked concerned. 她静静地坐着,看起来忧心忡忡。


表示主语的状态,通常由 be 动词充当。

· She is very kindhearted. 她很热心。

· The tall man is our teacher. 那个高个子男人是我们的老师。

· They are satisfied with the salary. 他们对薪水很满意。

· My younger brother is in a bad mood now. 我弟弟现在心情很糟糕。

· The young man is the president of this company. 那个年轻人是这家公司的董事长。


表示主语继续、保持某种状态或态度,主要有 keep stay remain rest lie stand 等。

· He kept silent all through the meeting. 他在会议上一言不发。

· The bookstore stayed closed all day long. 那家书店一整天没开门。

· They remain best friends after the quarrel. 吵架后他们还是好朋友。

· She stays single. 她还是单身。

· The cause of the accident rests a mystery. 事故的起因还是一个谜。


表示“看起来像……”,主要有 look seem appear 等。

· You look pale today. 你今天看起来气色不太好。

· That teacher seems quite experienced. 那个老师看起来很有经验。

· Fiona appears confused about this question. 菲奥娜看起来对这个问题很困惑。

· He looks strong enough to carry the box. 他看起来很强壮,可以搬动那个箱子。

· She appears tired and sleepy after climbing the mountain. 爬山回来后,她看起来又累又困。


表示“变成……”,这类词主要包括 become get turn grow go 等。

· Unfortunately, the man became mad after the accident. 不幸的是,出事之后,那个男人疯了。

· The foliage turns yellow when autumn comes. 秋天来了,树叶变黄。

· The milk goes sour quickly. 牛奶很快就会变酸。

· When he saw the scene, his face turned red. 看到这种场景,他的脸红了。

· He has grown thinner and thinner after the operation. 手术之后,他越来越瘦了。


表示“证实……;变成……”,主要有 prove turn out 等。

· Her intuition proves to be correct. 她的直觉证明是对的。

· His plan turned out to be a cloud castle. 他的计划最终成为了空想。

· All that we have imagined proved to be feasible. 我们的所有设想证实是切实可行的。

· The scandal turned out to be a crisis for her. 那场丑闻变成了她的一场危机。

· What he said to us proved to be false. 事实证明,他和我们说的话都是假的。


① 一般情况下,表示状态的系动词没有进行时态

· Tina is being an actress. ( ×

· Tina is an actress. (


· The boy is staying excited during the film showing. ( ×

· The boy stays excited during the film showing. (


· He was remaining composed when the teacher rebuked him. ( ×

· He remained composed when the teacher rebuked him. (




· He is just being indifferent. 他只是装作不在乎。 表示一种短暂或反常的状态

· I am feeling empty when nobody is around. 没人在身边,我感觉心里空落落的。

· I suppose you are keeping fine. 我想,你还好吧。

② 感官系动词在强调动态动作的情况下可以使用进行时态

· Don't be nervous. He is feeling much better now. 不用紧张。他现在感觉好多了。

· She is smelling the perfume at the counter. 她正在柜台旁闻香水。

· The greedy boy is tasting the chocolate mousse cake. 那个贪吃的小男孩正在品尝巧克力慕斯 蛋糕。

· The gourmet is tasting the dishes. 那位美食家正在品鉴菜肴。


★系动词是否有进行时态,应结合系动词的意思和具体语境而定。例如, feel 虽可用于进 行时态,但表示“丝绸摸起来很柔软”这种无意识的静态性质时,一般不用“ The silk is feeling soft. ”来表达,而会用“ The silk feels soft.”。

· The silk cloth he delivered to us yesterday feels extremely soft. 昨天他发来的那一批丝 料摸起来非常柔软。

· Sally bought a silk dress. It feels smooth and soft. 萨莉买了一件丝绸长裙,裙子摸起来 光滑柔软。

· My elder sister's silken long hair feels smooth. 我姐姐如丝绸般的一头长发摸起来很光滑。

① 一些表示瞬间动态的系动词不能与时间段连用,必要时可以与时间点连用

· She became a teacher for two years. ( ×

· She became a teacher two years ago. (


· He has become a doctor for three years. ( ×

· He has been a doctor for three years. (


· The flower has turned withered for three days. ( ×

· The flower turns withered quickly. (


· The ball has grown large in one minute. ( ×

· The ball grew large in one minute. (


② 系表结构:“ get+ 动词过去分词”


· They got started at once. 他们立马行动了起来。

· We got lost in the mountain area. 我们在山区里迷路了。

· She got surprised about being accepted by the university. 那所大学录取了她,这让她很吃惊。

· This couple just got married last week. 这对夫妻上星期才结婚。

· The car gets cleaned once a week 。这辆车每周清洗一次。

· She gets tired of quarreling with him. 她厌倦了和他吵架。


· They got injured in the car accident. 他们在车祸中受了伤。

· I got caught in the rain on my way home. 我在回家的路上被雨淋了。

· The tour group got caught in the traffic jam. 旅行团遇到了交通堵塞。

· Most of the collect books got burned in the fire. 这次火灾烧毁了大部分藏书。

· The glass got broken as she didn't hold it tightly. 由于她没有握紧,杯子摔碎了。

③ 变化系动词的特殊用法

变化系动词 (become grow get turn 等) 的进行时态可以与形容词比较级连用,表示渐进的状态,指“越来越……”。

· It is getting brighter and brighter outside the window. 窗外的天越来越亮了。

· The man is becoming stronger and stronger after the fitness training. 健身训练之后,那个人 越来越强健了。

· The boy is growing taller and taller day by day. 那个男孩一天天在长高。

· The rare species is getting fewer and fewer. 稀有物种越来越少了。

· Our life is getting better and better. 我们的生活越过越好。

④ 系动词在其它句子中的运用

★系动词 be appear seem 可与 there 连用。

· There is a secret agreement between the two youngsters. 这两个年轻人很有默契。

· There appears (to be) a coffee stain on your white cotton shirt. 你的白色棉衬衣上好像有一 块咖啡渍。

· There are a lot of people in the waiting room. 候车室有很多人。

· There seems (to be) some misunderstanding between us. 我们之间似乎有些误会。

· There appeared (to be) no motive of the crime. 似乎看不出有什么犯罪动机。

seem appear look get prove grow 后可以接不定式作表语。

· Her project proved to be a profitable one. 结果证明,她的项目很盈利。

· She seems to be ignorant about the whole matter. 她对整件事情似乎一无所知。

· You appear to be vulgar by doing this. 你这样做显得很庸俗。

· I grow to accept the imperfection of this world. 我开始接受这个世界的不完美。

· The housing price looks to increase in the next quarter. 下个季度,房价看起来会涨。

★感官系动词 smell look sound feel 及表象系动词 seem appear 之后可接 as if as though 引导的表语从句。

· It looks as if it is going to rain. 天看起来好像要下雨了。

· The cat appeared as if it had been kicked by someone. 那只猫看起来好像被谁踢了。

· She looked as though she was fired by her boss. 她看起来好像被老板解雇了。

· It seemed as if she didn't know the man at all. 看起来她根本不认识那个男人。

· We feel as if we will go faint. 我们感觉要晕了。

★表象系动词 seem appear 在“ It+ 系动词 +that 从句”结构中的运用。

· It seems that the concert will be called off. 这场音乐会似乎要取消。

· It appeared that she had got the passport. 她好像已经拿到了护照。

· It seemed that his winning the championship was expected. 他能拿冠军似乎是意料之中 的事。

· It appears that he has no eye for being promoted. 他似乎不在意得到提拔。

重点解析2 助动词




be、do have 这类词没有词汇意义,只有语法意义,可以辅助主要动词构成进行时、 完成时、被动语态、否定句及疑问句等。

· Tom is playing basketball in the playground. 汤姆正在操场上打篮球。

· I have learned Japanese by myself for three months. 我已经自学日语有三个月之久了。

· My purse was stolen yesterday. 昨天我的钱包被偷了。

· He doesn't know what to do next. 他不知道接下来该做些什么。

· Do you know how to get to the museum? 你知道去博物馆怎么走吗?


介于实义动词和助动词之间的一种结构,常见的半助动词有 be about to be bound to be certain to be going to be likely to be obliged to be willing to be supposed to be unable to be unwilling to have (got) to seem to tend to 等。

· She is about to fly to New York. 她将要飞往纽约。

· David works so hard that he is certain to succeed. 大卫工作那么努力,一定会成功。

· Maria is willing to go with you. 玛丽亚愿意跟你一起去。

· They have to carry out the experiment again. 他们不得不重新做那个实验。

· He is likely to give up the chance to be an exchange student in America. 他很可能要放弃去 美国做交换生的机会。


① 助动词 be 的用法

be to do

· You are to do as the doctor says. 你要按照医生说的去做。 含有一种命令的语气

· We are to go for a picnic tomorrow. 我们明天要去野餐。 表示按计划或安排将要发生的事

· We are to meet at the coffee shop around the corner. 我们在街角的咖啡店碰面。 表示约定

· What are we to do with the mess that he left to us? 我们该如何收拾他留下来的这个烂摊子? 表示征求意见

be doing 构成进行时态

· They are discussing the solution to the matter with our manager. 他们正在和我们的经理讨论 这件事情的解决方案。

· Linda is drawing the picture under the tree. 琳达正在树下画画。

· My mother was cooking dinner in the kitchen when the courier knocked the door. 快递员敲 门的时候,妈妈正在厨房做饭。

· You are dreaming away your time at this place. 你在这个地方就是虚度光阴。

· The workers are packaging the finished products. 工人们正在包装成品。

be done 构成被动语态

· The building was torn down three years ago. 那栋建筑三年前被拆了。

· The bottle full of vinegar was knocked over by the cook. 那个装满了醋的瓶子被厨师撞倒了。

· He is always laughed at because of his stammer. 由于口吃,他经常受到嘲笑。

· Nick was elected as our monitor. 尼克被选为我们的班长。

· They were saved at the last minute. 他们在最后关头获救了。

② 助动词 do 的用法


· He doesn't do anything in his spare time. 他在空闲时间什么也不做。

· I don't like to stay with him. He is dull in some degree. 我不喜欢和他待在一起,他有点儿 无趣。

· Linda didn't return the book to the library. 琳达没把书归还到图书馆。

· They don't live a life of lavish spending after they have made a pile. 他们发财后没有过着挥 霍无度的生活。

· She doesn't think she is capable of doing this. 她觉得自己没有能力做这件事。


· Do you know where I can get my membership card activated? 你知道我在哪儿能激活会员卡 吗?

· Do you really believe what she said to us? 你真的相信她跟我们说的话吗?

· Did he get the tourist visa to Spain last week? 他上周拿到去西班牙的旅游签证了吗?

· Does your mother give you some private space? 你妈妈会给你留些私人空间吗?

· Did she drive to Phoenix all alone yesterday? 她昨天独自一人驾车去的菲尼克斯吗?


· Do take your ID card here tomorrow. 明天一定把你的身份证带过来。

· Do come to my graduation ceremony. 你一定要来参加我的毕业典礼。

· She did see a cockroach in the corner of the kitchen. 她确实看见厨房墙角有一只蟑螂。

· He did need the money. 他真的很需要这笔钱。

· You do need to take a vacation. 你确实需要休个假。

★辅助主要动词构成否定祈使句 (只可用 do)

· Don't talk to your father like that. 不要那样跟你爸爸说话。

· Don't smoke in public. 不要在公共场所吸烟。

· Don't park your car at the gate of our shop. 不要把车停在我们店门口。

· Don't pig out when you have dinner outside. 在外面吃饭时,不要狼吞虎咽。

· Don't talk big in front of others. 不要在别人面前吹牛。


· —Do you know where the old man lives? 你知道那个老人住在哪儿吗?

—Yes, I do. 是的,我知道。

· —Did he pass the final examination last semester? 他上学期的期末考试通过了吗?

—No, he didn't. 不,他没有。

· You don't want to let me down, do you? 你不想让我失望,是吧?

· She didn't go to the cinema, did she? 她没有去电影院,是吗?

· You know her plot, don't you? 你知道她的阴谋,对吧?

★用于倒装句 (引导此类倒装句的副词包括: seldom little so never only 等)

· Rarely does Mary come late for work. 玛丽很少上班迟到。

· Little did we know how much efforts she had made in the last year. 我们不知道她在过去的一 年里付出了多少努力。

· Seldom does the man go to travel by train. 那个男人很少乘火车去旅行。

· So well did she sing the song that I was moved to tears. 她唱歌非常好听,我都被感动得哭了。

· Never does he say thanks to his mother. 他从来没有跟妈妈说声谢谢。

③ 助动词 have 的用法

have done 构成完成时态

· She has made great efforts to help him. 她已经尽力去帮助他了。

· I have lived here for two years. 我已经在这儿住两年了。

· He has got the most available information from the manager. 他已经从经理那儿得到了最有 价值的消息。

· The storekeeper has marked down the price of the wheat flour. 店铺老板已经降低了面粉的 价格。

· They had worked continuously for 48 hours. 他们已经连续工作了 48 个小时。

have been done 构成完成时的被动语态

· The visitors have been picked up by the local guide at the airport. 游客在机场已经被当地导 游接走了。

· They have been trapped in the elevator for about half an hour. 他们被困在电梯里已经快半个 小时了。

· For the sake of safety, automatic alarms have been installed in the building. 为了安全起见, 大楼内已经安装了自动报警装置。

· The window has been broken by some drunkard. 窗户已经被某个酒鬼砸碎了。

· Numerous relief supplies have been sent here from all over the country. 大量的救灾物品从 全国各地寄过来。

have been doing 构成完成进行时

· The heavy-hearted woman has been sitting here for the whole morning. 那个心情沉重的女 人已经在这儿坐了一整个上午。

· They have been waiting for you for one hour. 他们已经等了你一个小时了。

· He has been working in this company for five years. 他已经在这家公司工作五年了。

· Daniel has been playing up to his higher-up these days. 丹尼尔最近一直在讨好他的上司。

· We have been working with each other for many years. 我们已经合作很多年了。

① 有些由半助动词加动词(短语)作谓语的句子,可以与“ It...that... ”结构进行转换

· She is likely to make a speech in the graduation ceremony. 她可能在毕业典礼上做演讲。

转换为: It is likely that she will make a speech in the graduation ceremony.

· He seems to be much happier than before. 他看起来比之前开心多了。

转换为: It seems that he is much happier than before.

· Their team is certain to be the champion. 他们队肯定会夺得冠军。

转换为: It is certain that their team will be the champion.

② 有些半助动词不能进行上述转换

这类词包括 be about to, be going to, be bound to, have to, tend to 等。

· He is about to leave. 他马上要离开了。

不能转换为 : It is about that he will leave. (×)

· The girl tends to wait for another hour. 那个女孩还要再等一个小时。

不能转换为: It tends that the girl will wait for another hour. (×)

· She is bound to win the contest. 她一定会赢得比赛。

不能转换为: It is bound that she will win the contest. (×)

重点解析3 情态动词




· You must get to the airport before 10 o'clock. 你必须在 10 点之前到达机场。

· I can give you some advice on this legal case. 我可以给你一些关于这个法律案件的建议。

· She may be in the studio now. 她现在可能在工作室。

· You had better make yourself up before an interview. 面试之前你最好打扮一下。

· You should learn a second language. 你应该学习一门外语。


★情态动词的否定形式,即在情态动词之后直接加 not ,其对应的缩略式多用于口语表达中。

· He shouldn't treat the old man in such a disrespectful way. 他不应该这样无礼地对待这 位老年人。

· You must not think nonsense before you know the result 。结果出来之前你一定不要胡 思乱想。

· You should not treat the little boy as a beggar though he was dressed in worn-out clothing. 尽管这个小男孩穿着破旧,你也不应该把他当做乞丐一样对待。



· Could you do me a favor? 你能帮我个忙吗?

· You have to be back before 10 p.m. 你必须在晚上 10 点之前回来。

· You can't park your car here. 你不能把车停在这里。

· What would you do if you were in my shoes? 如果你站在我的立场上,你会怎么做?

· May I have another cup of lemon juice, please? 我能再喝杯柠檬水吗?



· This dress must a little tight. ( ×

· This dress must be a little tight. ( 这件连衣裙肯定有点儿紧。

· The manager of HR may in the Central Business District from nine to five o'clock since there would be a job fair during that time. ( ×

· The manager of HR may be in the Central Business District from nine to five o'clock since there would be a job fair during that time. (



情态动词过去式的时态性并不强,有时不表示过去,而是为了使表达更加客气、委婉,因此可以用于过去、现在和将来的时态。另外, should 通常用于现在时。

· He would be back in an hour or two. 一两个小时后他就会回来。

· Would you please turn off the radio? 请把收音机关上,好吗?

· You should finish your paper first. 你应该先完成论文。

· The girl dared insist her own thought when her answer was different from the teacher's.


· She might stay with her girlfriend last night. 她昨晚可能和她的闺蜜在一起。


★并非所有与过去有关的情况,都可以用情态动词的过去式来表示。如果是对过去情况的推 测,就应该用“情态动词 + have done ”,而不用“情态动词的过去式 + 动词原形”。

· We can't get in touch with Tom for a few days. He may / might have avoided us. 我们 好几天联系不上汤姆了。他可能在躲着我们。

· He can't / couldn't have attended the meeting, for he was away on a business trip then. 他不可能出席会议了,因为那个时候他在外地出差。

· She can't / couldn't have sold the car. 她不可能卖掉了那辆车。


① 肯定句中一般用 must can could may might

其中 must 表示的可能性最大,语气最强烈; may 表示“很有可能”; might could 表示可能性小;而 can 则指理论上的可能性。 (在这里 might could 并非 may can 的过去式,而是表示语气较为委婉或可能性较小)

· They must be having supper now. 他们现在一定在吃晚饭。

· She may tell you the truth. 她有可能会告诉你实情。

· He must be very angry when he sees this awful mess. 他看到这个烂摊子一定会气疯的。

· We could / might become billionaires some day. Who knows? 将来有一天我们或许会成为亿 万富翁。谁知道呢?

· This kind of thing can happen to anyone of us. 这种事情可能会发生在我们中的任何一个人身上。

② 否定句中用 can't / couldn't may not / might not

can't / couldn't 表示“不可能”,而 may not / might not 指“可能不”。

· She can't / couldn't be at home. I just saw her chatting with a saleswoman at the shopping mall. 她不可能在家。我刚刚还看到她在商场和一个女售货员聊天。

· He may / might not lie to you. 他可能不会骗你。

· She can't / couldn't go there without taking any clothing items with her. 她不可能不带任何衣 物就去了那里。

· Leo may / might not know anything about this matter. 关于这件事,利奥可能什么也不知道。

· You may / might not care about this news. 你可能不关注这个新闻。

③ 疑问句中常 can / could ,表示不相信、怀疑的态度

· Can he be at the office now? 他现在会在办公室吗?

· Could John have finished the report? 约翰能把报告完成了吗?

· Could she have passed the exam? 她可能通过考试了吗?

· Can they be there on time tomorrow? 他们明天能按时到那吗?

① 对现在情况的推测:情态动词 + be / 动词原形或情态动词 + be doing

· She can't / couldn't be at home now. 她现在不可能在家。

· My younger sister must be playing the piano now. 我妹妹现在肯定在弹钢琴。

· The problem is that she may / might not want me to help her. 问题是她可能不想要我帮助她。

· The air-condition in our bedroom must be out of order. 我们卧室的空调肯定出毛病了。

② 对过去情况的推测:情态动词 + have + 过去分词,常用 must might may could

· There may / might have been a car accident at the crossing. 在十字路口可能发生了一起交通 事故。

· The ground is all wet. It must have rained heavily last night. 地面上都是湿的,昨晚肯定下大 雨了。

· The teacher could have talked with Lily last week. 上周老师可能和莉莉谈过话了。

· Linda must have got the admission letter from Columbia University. 琳达肯定已经拿到了哥 伦比亚大学的录取通知书。

③ 对将来情况的推测:情态动词 + 动词原形

· His performance is quite good. He could be the area manager in a year or two. 他的业 绩很好,一两年后他可能会成为区域经理。

· Your career will step a new stage in three years. 三年后,你的事业会再上一个新台阶。

· He may find that what he has done turns out to be idle work. 到最后,他可能会发现自己所 做的一切都将变成无用功。

· She could take charge as chief in the near future. 在不久的将来,她能独当一面。

· The salesman might come to our community later. 那个推销员稍后可能会来我们社区。


① 表示“必须、必要”

多指出于义务、责任或强制命令而必须要做的事。相对于 have to 而言, must 多表示说话人主观上的看法,而 have to 侧重于指客观的需要,多译为“不得不”。

· You must learn to cope with problems all by yourself. 你必须学会独自处理问题。

· Since he is the backbone of the company, he must take responsibility for the overall operating. 因为他是公司的顶梁柱,他必须为整体运营负责任。

· She must take care of her sick mother. 她必须照顾生病的母亲。

· I have to get home before 10 p.m., otherwise my mom will be worried. 我必须在晚上 10 之前回家,否则我妈妈会担心的。

· I have to work overtime, because I still have some tasks to finish. 我不得不加班,因为我还 有一些任务要完成。


★对于 must 所引导的疑问句进行否定回答时,应当用 needn't don't have to ,而不能用 mustn't。

—Must we get to the train station before 9 o'clock? 我们必须在 9 点之前到火车站吗?

—No, you needn't / don't have to. 不,不必。

② 表示“禁止、不允许”,此时要用 mustn't

· You mustn't do that dangerous action again. 不许再做那种危险的动作了。

· You mustn't take this medicine. 不许吃这种药。

· You mustn't enter this room without my permission. 没有我的允许不准进入这个房间。

· You mustn't drink and drive. 禁止酒后驾车。

· You mustn't tell a lie to your parents. 不要向你的父母撒谎。

③ 表示建议、提议时,语气较为强烈

· You must read this book. It will give you some enlightenment. 你一定要看看这本书,它会给 你一些启发。

· You mustn't miss this issue of the program—your favorite actor is the special guest. 一定不 要错过该节目——你最喜欢的演员是节目的特邀嘉宾。 (mustn't 在此表示建议,而非“禁止”

· You must go and see that 3D movie. It is really astonishing. 你一定要去看看那场 3D 电影, 它真的很精彩。

· You must take a vacation and relax your mind. 你最好去度个假,放松一下心情。

· You must watch this variety show. It is extremely interesting. 你一定要看看这个综艺节目, 太有意思了。

④ 表示不受欢迎的巧合,意为“硬要、偏偏”,通常带有不满、恼火、心烦等感情色彩

· I told him that it's not going to work, but he must do it. 我告诉过他行不通,但是他偏偏要做。

· Must you talk so loudly when other students are taking a nap? 其他学生正在午睡,你非要这 么大声讲话吗?

· The computer must crash at this busy hour. 正忙的时候偏偏电脑死机了。

· Why must you interrupt me when I am busy cooking? 为什么非要在我忙着做饭的时候打 扰我?

· If you must leave, at least wait till the snowstorm stops. 如果你坚持要离开,至少也要等到暴 风雪停了以后。

① 表示允许、许可,既可以是给予允许,也可以是征求对方的许可

· You may kiss your bride now. 你现在可以亲吻你的新娘了。

· You may take a rest for half an hour. 你可以休息半个小时。

· You may leave now if you want to. 如果你想走的话,就可以走了。

· May I use your computer? 我可以用一下你的电脑吗?

· May I park my car here? 我可以把车停在这儿吗?

② 表示愿望、祝愿

· May you have a bright future. 愿你前途光明。

· May you have good luck. 祝你好运。

· May our friendship last forever. 愿我们的友谊长存。

· May you succeed. 祝你成功。

· May your dream come true. 祝你梦想成真。

③ 构成固定搭配 may well may / might as well

· After several years, he may well look different. 几年后,他很可能看起来大不相同。 (may well 表示“很可能”,加强推测语气

· You may as well tell your boss the truth. 你最好告诉你的老板实情。 (may as well 用于提议或 劝告,表示“不妨,最好”

· We may as well stay here with the children for another couple of days. 我们不妨在这里和孩 子们再待几天。

· The board may well disagree with this plan. 董事会完全可以不同意这个计划。 (may well 示“有充分理由可以”

· He is very brave. So he may well be praised. 他很勇敢,难怪会受到赞扬。

④ 用于目的或让步状语从句

· Give Gary another chance so that he may turn over a new leaf. 再给盖瑞一次机会,让他可 以改过自新。

· Whatever he may say, I'm going. 无论他说什么,我都要去。

· Ask the salesman for a name card so that you may get in touch with him later. 向那位业务 员要一张名片,以便日后可以与他取得联系。

① 表示许可,多为请求允许,比 may 语气更委婉

· Might I ask you a favor? 我可以请你帮个忙吗?

· Might I take part in this activity? 我可以参加这个活动吗?

· Might I make a suggestion about your menu? 我可以对你们的菜单提个建议吗?

· Might I recommend you a person? 我可以向你推荐一个人吗?

· Might I come in? 我可以进来吗?

② 与完成时连用


· He might have found the treasure. 他可能已经找到了宝藏。(对过去情况的推测)

· You might have come back early. 你本该早点回来的。(过去本来能做而实际未做)

· She might have done the work better. 她本该把工作做得更好的。

· You might have finished your task earlier. 你本该更早完成任务的。

③ 用于虚拟语气中 (may 不能用于虚拟语气)

· The result might be totally different if you had been better prepared. 如果你准备得再充分 一点,结果或许就不一样了。

· But for your kindly help, it might have caused a serious loss to our factory. 要不是你的好心 帮助,它会给我们工厂造成巨大的损失

· If I had more money, I might buy a red sports car. 我要是有更多钱,我就买一辆红色跑车。

· If Sam were here, everything might be all right. 如果萨姆在这儿的话,事情可能会进展顺利。

· If the girl had taken the doctor's advice, she might have gotten well earlier. 如果那个女孩听 医生的话,她可能早就好转了。

① 表示能力

· She can drive. 她会开车。

· She can swim, but I can't. 她会游泳,但是我不会。

· David is a weight lifter. He can lift the stone easily. 大卫是一名举重运动员。他能轻松地举起 那块石头。

· Dora has very good language aptitude. She can speak four languages. 多拉很有语言天赋, 她会说四种语言。

· This banquet hall can hold 2,000 people. 这个宴会厅可以容纳 2 000 人。

② 表示请求和允许, 多用于口语,书面语中常用 may

· Can I come to see you tomorrow? 我明天可以来看你吗?

· Can I smoke here? 我能在这儿吸烟吗

· You can sit where you like. 你可以随便坐。

· You can use my computer. 你可以用我的电脑。

· You can't walk on the grass. 你不可以在草坪上行走。

③ 表示惊讶、怀疑、不相信等,多用于疑问句、否定句或感叹句中,含有推测的意味

· How can this be true? 这怎么可能是真的?

· This can't be true. 这不可能是真的。

· What can the causes possibly be? 原因到底是什么?

· These can't be done by him. 这些不可能是他做的。

· How can you make such a teensy mistake? 你怎么可以犯如此幼稚的错误?

① 表示许可或请求许可,比 can 表达的语气更为委婉

· Could you let me have your ticket? 给我看一下你的入场券好吗?

· Could you spare me a few minutes? 你能给我一点时间吗?

· You could live in my house when I am away. 我外出时,你可以住在我家。

· Could you open the window, please? 你能把窗户打开吗?

· There is no need to hurry. You could come here later. 没必要匆忙,你可以晚点儿来。

② 表示能力或可能性,此时可以作为 can 的过去式

· Could you speak Chinese then? 那时候你会说汉语吗?

· The boy said that he couldn't follow the teacher. 那个男孩说他跟不上老师。

· He could run a marathon when he was young. 他年轻的时候可以跑马拉松。

· We could distinguish them from their appearances. 我们可以从外形上区分他们。

③ 表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等,可以与 can 互换,但 could 表达的语气更加委婉

· What could it be? 到底是怎么一回事?

· Could this be true? 这会是真的吗?

· Could he be serious? 他是认真的吗?

· How could he talk to you like that? 他怎么能那样跟你说话?

④ 用于虚拟句中

· You could have passed the exam if you had tried a little harder. 如果再努力一点,你原本可 以通过考试的。

· If you could possess a supernatural power, what would it be? 如果你能拥有一种超能力,那 会是什么呢?

· You could be muscular if you insist on your fitness program. 如果你坚持你的健身计划,你会 成为一个肌肉男。

· She could live a much more peaceful life if she knew how to let the past pass by. 如果她知 道如何让过去的事情随风而去,她会过得更加平静。

shall、should、ought to的用法比较

(1) shall的用法
① 用于第一、三人称的疑问句中,表示征询意见

· Shall I call you back later? 我可不可以过会儿再打给你?

· Shall he wait outside? 他能不能在外面等?

· Shall I come with you? 要不要我和你一起去?

· When shall we leave for Los Angeles? 我们什么时候去洛杉矶?

· Where shall they place the furniture? 让他们把家具放哪儿?

② 用于第一、二、三人称的陈述句中


· You shall come to fetch the book tomorrow. 你明天可以过来取书。 表示允诺

· You shall keep away from that person. 你离那个人远点。 表示命令

· One day she shall be sorry for what she has done. 总有一天她会为所做的事后悔的。 表示 必然性

· You shall suffer for what you did today. 你会为今天所做的事吃苦头的。 表示威胁

· I shall never leave here. 我一定不会离开这儿。 表示决心

③ 用于各种人称的主语、宾语从句中,表示“应当”(该用法在日常口语中不常见)

· It is decided that these houses shall be pulled down. 已决定要将这些房屋拆除。

· The staff told him that he shall hand in some supporting documents. 那位工作人员告诉他要 提交几份证明文件。

· The announcement says that all the candidates shall get in sequentially. 公告上说所有参赛 选手都要按顺序入场。

① 表示按常理认为有义务或有必要做某事、适宜做某事等,通常译作“应该”

· You should keep your room tidy. 你应该让你的房间保持整洁。

· She should refuse Tom's unreasonable demands. 她应该拒绝汤姆的无理要求。

· You should finish your task at hand before going out. 出去之前,你应该先把手头上的工作 做完。

· When you leave the laboratory, you should close the door. 当你离开实验室的时候,你应该 关好门。

· He should help his father with the business. 他应该在生意上帮帮他父亲。

② 表示有较大可能会实现的猜测、推测,指“可能;总该……吧”

· The baby should be awake. 孩子该睡醒了。

· I should have time after 5 o'clock. 我五点之后可能有时间。

· The singer should arrive soon. 那个歌手可能快到了。

· After the project is ended, we should have a two-day rest. 这个项目结束后,我们应该会有两 天的休息时间吧。

· That coach should have already left here. 那辆长途汽车大概已经离开这儿了。

③ 用在条件状语从句中,表示较强语气的假设,可译为“万一”

· If you should fail to convince her, tell me. 万一你无法说服她,告诉我。

· If it should rain tomorrow, don't expect me any more. 万一明天下雨,就不要再等我了。

· If you should fail to catch the train, you can have your ticket changed. 万一你没有赶上火 车,你可以改签。

· If you should miss the chance, you have to wait for another two years. 万一你错过了这次 机会,你必须再等两年。

· Should she come, tell her that I'm occupied. 万一她来了,就告诉她我正忙着。

④ 用于由 why how who 等引导的疑问句


· How should I know what she is thinking? 我怎么知道她在想什么?

· Why should the boss blame me for her fault? 明明是她的错,老板为何要责备我?

· I am wondering why we shouldn't have a try. 我在想我们为什么不试一试呢。

· Why should I pay for his mistake? 为什么我要替他的过错受罚?

· Who should do that but him? 除了他还有谁会做这种事?

⑤ 表示吃惊,译为“竟然、竟然会”

· Fiona, such a beautiful girl on her appearance, should have an evil heart. 菲奥娜,一个外表 如此美丽的女孩,内心竟如此邪恶。

· The cute boy should lie to his parents. 那个可爱的男孩竟然对他的父母说谎。

· Sam should sleep during the exam. 萨姆竟然在考试期间睡着了。

· I couldn't believe that the man should be so rude to a lady. 我真不敢相信那个男人竟然对女 士那么粗鲁。

· It is strange that the workaholic in our company should be late. 真奇怪,我们公司的工作狂 竟然迟到。

⑥ 用于虚拟语气中

★用于表示与将来情况相反的条件从句中 (从句谓语用 should do ,主句谓语用 would / could / might do)

· If it should rain tomorrow, we would have to postpone the activity. 如果明天下雨,我们就不 得不推迟活动。

· Should you still be sick tomorrow, you had better go to see the doctor. 如果你明天还没痊愈, 你最好去看医生。

· If you should come back late, they would stay here and wait for you. 如果你回来晚了,他们 就在这儿等你。

· If she should tell us the truth, we wouldn't do that. 如果她能告诉我们真相,我们就不会那样 做了。

★用于“ It is suggested / proposed / decided / desired / ordered / important / necessary / strange / a pity / a shame that ”引导的宾语或主语从句,而从句中的 should 可省

· It is ordered that the task (should) be finished in three days. 我们接到命令说这项任务要在 3 天内完成。

· It is suggested that you (should) have a complete physical examination. 建议你做一个全面 体检。

· It is important that they (should) ensure your personal security. 重要的是,他们应该保障你 的人身安全。

· It is a pity that such a talent like Nick should go unrewarded. 真遗憾,像尼克这样的人才竟然 被埋没了。

· It is necessary that the schedule (should) be rearranged. 有必要重新调整进度表。


should 在动词 suggest / propose / decide / advise / order / demand / insist / require 等引导的宾语从句中可以省略。

· He suggests that I (should) be more optimistic. 他建议我要更乐观一些。

· The factory director decided that they (should) dispose the defective products. 厂长决 定销毁那些残次品。

· The doctor advised that you (should) drink some water and have a good rest. 医生建 议你多喝水,好好休息。

should 在名词 suggestion / proposal / order / advice / request / decision / motion / requirement 等引导的表语从句或同位语从句中可以省略。

· My suggestion is that you (should) be well prepared. 我的建议是你应该好好准备。

· Our manager rejected the proposal that a sales promotion (should) be organized. 们经理拒绝了组织一个促销活动的提议。

· My motion is that we (should) be given another three days to finish this project. 我的 请求是再给我们三天时间来完成这个项目。

(3)ought to的用法
① 表示对现在或将来的推测,暗含可能性很大

· Everything ought to be all right if we make concerted effort. 如果我们齐心协力,一切都会好 起来的。

· Leo ought to succeed this time for he has made best endeavors. 利奥这次应该会成功,他已 经竭尽全力了。

· They ought to be asleep for lights in the bedroom were turned off. 他们应该睡着了,因为卧 室里的灯都关掉了。

· We ought to get there on time. 我们应该会准时到。

② 表示因责任、义务或道义而应该做的事,比 should 的语气稍强

· You ought to start off right now. 你们现在就该出发。

· You ought to do something to make up a little. 你应该做些什么来补救一下。

· You ought to be strict with your students. 你应该对你的学生严厉一点儿。

· Such a thing ought not to be allowed to happen again. 这样的事不该再发生。

· You ought to keep quiet in the library. 在图书馆你应该保持安静。

③ 用于第二、三人称,表示建议或劝告

· You ought not to go there alone. 你不应该一个人去那儿。

· He ought not to drink so much. 他不应该喝这么多酒。

· You ought to assemble it according to the specifications. 你应该按照说明书组装。

· She ought to talk over the matter with us. 她应该跟我们商量这件事。


① 表示“将,将要”

· I will inform you if there is any change in the schedule. 如果安排有变,我将会通知你。

· She will go on a research trip into the countryside tomorrow. 她明天将去乡下采风。

· The news conference will be held next Monday. 下周一将召开记者招待会。

② 表示主观的意愿

· I will stay with you no matter how many hardships there are. 不管有多少艰辛,我都会和你在 一起。

· She won't give up the chance to be promoted for it. 她不愿为此放弃晋升的机会。

· Mary won't speak with you now. 玛丽现在不愿意和你说话。

③ 表示提出请求或征求意见,多用于第二人称的疑问句中

· Will you come to my birthday party? 你会来我的生日聚会吗?

· Will you please pass me the magazine? 你能把那本杂志递给我吗?

· Won't you come with me ?你不和我一起来吗?

· Let us go fishing at the weekends, will you? 这周末我们去钓鱼吧,你去吗?

④ 表示习惯或反复发生的动作

· Rita will read books for one hour before she goes to sleep. 丽塔睡觉前会读一个小时的书。

· My grandma will have a pain on her legs once it rains. 一下雨,我奶奶就腿疼。

· Peter will lie on the sofa watching TV after work. 下班后,彼得会躺在沙发上看电视。

· If you don't interrupt her, she will talk for hours. 如果你不打断她,她会讲几个小时。

① 表示请求、邀请或征求意见

· Would you like to go to the shopping mall with us? 你要跟我们一起去商场吗?

· Would you tell me the exact time of her arrival? 你能告诉我她到达的确切时间吗?

· Would this Friday afternoon suit you? 这周五下午你有空吗?

· Would you mind my opening the window? 你介意我把窗户打开吗?

② 表示主观意志,多为过去的意愿

· She said she would render full support to this project. 她说她愿意全力支持这个项目。

· The boy would not admit the mistakes he had made. 那个男孩不愿承认他所犯下的错误。

· Vivian asked if I would go with her to the headquarters. 薇薇安问我是否愿意同她一起去 总部。

· Smith would not agree with the risky plan. 史密斯不愿同意那个铤而走险的方案。

③ 表示过去经常发生或习惯性的动作

· She would finish her homework first after school. 放学后她一般会先把作业写完。

· The old man would sit there for hours doing nothing in the past several months. 在过去的几 个月里,那个老人在那里一坐几个钟头,什么也不做。

· The dog would wait for me in front of the house. 那只狗会在家门口等我。

· When Sam was a little boy, he would often fight with others. 萨姆小时候经常和别人打架。

④ 表示揣测,语气较委婉

· What she said would be true. 她说的可能是真的。

· It would be the plumber. I just phoned him to come over. 可能是管道修理工,我刚打电话让 他来一趟。

· You would be right. 你可能是对的。

⑤ 用于条件状语从句中,表示强烈愿望、惊讶或可能性等

· I wish it would not be so hot tomorrow. 我希望明天天气不要太热。

· If I were you, I would resolve the matter peacefully. 如果我是你,我会和平解决这件事。

· It would be better if I told him these words in person. 如果我当面告诉他这些话,可能会更好一些。

· You would recover soon if you took this medicine. 如果你服下这个药,你会早些恢复。


dare 作情态动词时,后跟动词原形,一般用于否定句、疑问句、 if whether 引导的条 件句或表示判断的句子中,表示“敢于”。

· How dare you play such a shabby trick! 你竟敢用如此卑鄙的手段!

· Dare you tell your mother the truth? 你敢把实情告诉你的妈妈吗?

· Lily is timid. She dare not take the risk. 莉莉胆小,她不敢冒这个险。

· I am not sure whether he dare have a try. 我不确定他是否敢试一试。


dare 通常不用于肯定句中,但 I dare say 的用法除外,可以译为“我敢说”。它还可以 表示一种不太肯定的语气,此时通常译为“我想、很可能、大概”等。

· I dare say you feel ashamed and uneasy for spending less time with your family. 我想 你因为很少陪家人而感到愧疚。

· I dare say that he will come soon. 我猜他很快就会来。

· You catch a cold, I dare say. 我看你是感冒了。

dare 也可以用作实义动词,译为“敢于”,后接带 to 的不定式,有动词的所有变化形式。

· No one dares to say anything against the plan. 没人敢对这个计划提出异议。

· She doesn't dare to interrupt him. 她不敢打断他。

· Do you dare to challenge this entertainment project? 你敢挑战这个娱乐项目吗?



通常用于否定句、疑问句以及 if whether 引导的条件句中。

· Need I show you how to do it step by step? 需要我一步步地教你怎么做吗?

· You need not be afraid of this. 你不需要害怕这个。

· I want to know whether we need make an appointment in advance. 我想知道我们是否需要 提前预约。

· If you are short of money, you need only tell me. 如果你缺钱,只需要告诉我一声就行。

· The handling process needn't take you too much time. 整个办理过程不需要花费你太长时间。


进行否定回答时可以用 needn't ,而肯定回答只能用 must

· — Need I tell you how to do it? 需要我告诉你怎么做吗?

— No, you needn't. 不,不需要。

· — Need I take off the shoes? 需要我把鞋脱掉吗?

— Yes, you must. 是的,你必须得脱。


接完成式时, need't have done 表示事情本不该做,但实际上却做了。

· You needn't be standing here. 你没有必要站在这儿。

· You needn't have washed the clothes. I had just taken them from the laundry. 你本不必要洗 这些衣服。我刚从干洗店把它们取回来。

· The wall needn't be painted again. 墙壁不需要再刷。

重点解析4 实义动词



及物动词 (transitive verb) ,指本身意义不完整,需要在后面接宾语的动词,用 vt. 表示,有被动形式。

· The girl likes beautiful dolls. 那个女孩喜欢漂亮的玩具娃娃。

· He was playing basketball with his classmates. 他当时在和同学打篮球。

· You had better consider her suggestion carefully. 你最好认真考虑她的建议。

· How long may I keep these books? 这些书我能借多长时间?

· My father gave me a lovely reading lamp for my birthday. 我爸爸送给我一盏可爱的台灯当做 生日礼物。

不及物动词 (intransitive verb) ,指本身意义完整,后面可以不用接宾语的动词。如要接宾语,须在其后加介词。用 vi. 表示,没有被动形式。

· Tom finally came . 汤姆终于来了。

· The president spoke at the annual meeting of the company. 总裁在公司年会上讲了话。

· Lucy is listening to light music in her bedroom. 露西正在卧室听轻音乐。

· William works very hard. 威廉工作非常努力。

· Look at the monkey. It is eating bananas. 看那只猴子,它正在吃香蕉。

① 作及物动词和作不及物动词时,意义相同

· Would you like to sing along to this English song? 你愿意跟着这首英文歌一起唱吗? (sing 作不及物动词

· We keep singing the singer's classic songs. 我们一直在唱那位歌手的经典歌曲。 (sing 作及 物动词

· I like reading books before bedtime. 我喜欢睡前读书。 (read 作及物动词

· Do you usually read ? 你经常读书吗? (read 作不及物动词

· This store sells everything from articles of daily use to high-end products. 这家店卖各种商品, 从日用百货到高端产品应有尽有。 (sell 作及物动词

· The coffee bean sells at a good price this year. 今年的咖啡豆能卖个好价钱。 (sell 作不及物 动词

② 作及物动词和作不及物动词时,意义不同

· The phone in her office rings . 她办公室里的电话响了。 (ring 做不及物动词,表示“铃响”

· You can ring me if you need my help. 如果需要我帮忙,你可以给我打电话。 (ring 作及物动词, 表示“打电话给……”

· He failed in the TOEFL. 他托福考试没有通过。 (fail 作不及物动词,表示“不及格”

· She failed her family once again. 她又一次让家人失望了。 (fail 作及物动词,表示“使……失望”

· The farmer grew tomatoes in the fields last year. 那位农民去年在田里种了西红柿。 (grow 及物动词,意为“种植”

· The grass in my garden grows quickly. 我家花园里的草长得很快。 (grow 作不及物动词, 意为“生长”

① 及物动词后接单宾语,即谓语后只接一个宾语,构成“主+谓+宾”结构

· She bought a new computer last week. 她上周买了一台新电脑。

· Please follow the usher . 请跟着引座员入席。

· The road is slippery after the big snow. An old lady hurt her leg yesterday. 大雪过后路 很滑,昨天一个老妇人摔伤了腿。

· He accepted the requirement of that customer. 他接受了那位顾客的要求。

② 及物动词后接双宾语,即谓语后有两个宾语 (间接宾语 + 直接宾语) ,构成“主 + + 双宾”结构

· Annie often sends me a postal card every time she gets to a new place. 每到一个新地方, 安妮就会给我寄明信片。

· The customer told me the reason why he wants to do business with us. 那位客户跟我说了 他想要和我们做生意的原因。

· Could you show me the way to the National Museum? 你能告诉我去国家博物馆怎么走吗?

· Professor Grace taught us linguistics last semester. 格蕾丝教授上学期教我们语言学。

③ 及物动词后接复合宾语,即宾语后还需要接宾语补足语,构成“主 + + + 宾补”结构

· She awoke to fin herself lying on the hospital bed. 她醒来发现自己躺在医院的病床上。

· He find this place quite habitable . 他发现这个地方很适合居住。

· All the audience watched the girl fall over on the stage. 所有的观众都看到那个女孩在舞台 上跌倒了。

· The wise man encouraged me to try another time. 那位智者鼓励我再试一次。


不及物动词只能用于“主+谓”结构,如 live listen hurry work fall arrive come belong rise sit sail succeed laugh 等。

· The snowflakes fall quietly. 雪花静静地飘落。

· Our business plan finally succeeded . 我们的商业计划最后成功了。

· The new teacher told the students a funny story. They all laughed . 那位新老师给学生们讲 了一个有趣的故事。他们都笑了。

· The beggar died peacefully on a cold night. 那个乞丐在一个寒冷的夜晚安详地去世了。

· Many people believe that life also exists on other planets. 很多人认为其他行星上也有生 命存在。

不及物动词后若跟宾语,需在其后加介词,构成“不及物动词 + 介词 + 宾语”。

· He points to the old house in the picture excitedly. 他激动地指着照片中的老房子。

· Now please look at the related data . 现在请看一下相关资料。

· Peter often listens to classical music . 彼得经常听古典音乐。

· The student got to school late, because he played for a long time in the street. 这个学生上 学迟到了 , 因为他在街上玩了很长时间。



英语中有一部分表示“使、令、让”等意义的不完全及物动词,我们称之为使役动词。这类词主要包括 have make let leave get keep 等。

· He made me cry. 他使我哭了。

· The policeman let him go. 那位警察让他走了。

· She left him waiting outside the office. 她让他一直在办公室外面等。

· He had his hair cut. 他把头发剪了。

① 使役动词 have make let 后接不带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语

· Let him mop the floor. 让他拖地。

· Don't let her drink carbonated beverages. 不要让她喝碳酸饮料。

· What would he have me do? 他会让我做什么?

· The writer made me tell a story. 那位作家让我讲一个故事。


leave get 后接带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语。

· I think you'd better leave her to accomplish the assignment. 我想你最好还是让她完成 任务吧。

· I can get Tom to repair my computer. 我可以让汤姆来修理我的电脑。

· The mother got a tutor to help her daughter study. 这位母亲请了一位家教来帮助自己的 女儿学习。

② 使役动词后接过去分词作宾语补足语

· You had better have the machine repaired at once. 你最好马上找人来修理一下机器。

· Please keep the window closed before you go out. 出门之前请把窗户关好。

· The teacher raised her voice to make herself heard by the students. 那位老师提高了嗓音, 以便学生能听得见。

· Nick has his hair cut every month. 尼克每个月剪一次头发。

· Mr. George is trying his best to get the bill passed. 乔治先生正竭力想使议案通过。

③ 被动语态的使役动词如接不定式作宾语补足语,要带 to

· Only Bruce is left to keep watch this time. 这次只有布鲁斯被留下来值班。

· To be honest, I was made to feel embarrassed at that time. 说实话,我当时被弄得很尴尬。

· She was made to turn tears into smiles by his comforting words. 她被他安慰的话语弄得破 涕为笑。

make 的用法

当“使、让”讲时, make 常用于 make sb do sth ( 迫使某人做某事) 和 make sb / sth done ( 强调动作的被动性) 中。除此之外, make 还可以用于 make sb sth / make sth for sb 结构中,表示“为某人做某物”,但此时, make 为及物动词,不具有使役动词的含义。

· The mischievous boy made his classmate cry. 那个淘气的男孩把他的同学弄哭了。

· Her courageous behavior made her respected in our company. 她的勇敢行为让她在我们公 司很受尊敬。

· Professor Smith made himself understood by giving us an example. 史密斯教授通过举例子 让我们理解了他的意思。

· The housemaid will make you a cup of coffee.= The housemaid will make a cup of coffee for you. 女佣会给你磨一杯咖啡。

· My grandpa often makes me model airplanes.= My grandpa often makes model airplanes for me. 爷爷经常给我做飞机模型。


make sb sth 还可以指“使某人成为……,让某人担当某职务”。

· The workers make him the leader. 工人们让他当负责人。

· The manager made her his assistant. 经理委派她做自己的助手。

· Tom was made sales representative of the company. 公司让汤姆做销售代表。

let 的用法

let + 宾语 + do ,表示“让……做”,很少用于被动语态。

· Let's run fast. 让我们跑快点。

· Let them do what they want to. 让他们随意干吧。

· Let the task be finished in an hour. 一个小时内把任务完成!

· If you need help, let me know. 如果你需要帮助,告诉我。


★“ let + 宾语 + prep. ”可以用来表示方向。

· They will not let you in unless you give them the password. 只有你给出口令,他们才 会让你进去。

· Please open the window and let the bright sunshine in. 请打开窗户,让明媚的阳光照 进来。

· Peter lets the pet out of the house. 彼得把宠物从房子里放了出来。

keep 的用法

keep + sb / sth+ doing 指“使……处于……的状态中”,强调动作延续了一段时间。

· I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time. 对不起,让您等了那么长时间。

· The worker keeps the machine operating. 那名工人让机器一直运转着。

· It is so cold today. Please keep the stove fire burning. 今天真冷,别让炉火熄灭。

· He keeps me guessing what the problem is. 他一直让我猜问题是什么。

keep + sb / sth + adj. / adv. / prep . 表示“使……处于某种特定状态”。

· Your job is to keep the laboratory in order. 你的职责就是保持实验室整洁。

· You should keep the meat frozen. 你应该让肉保持冷冻。

· These padded coats will keep you warm. 这些棉衣会使你很暖和。

· Too much work keeps her at the office. 有太多工作要做,她仍留在办公室里。

· Never keep your best friends in suspense when something happens. 有什么事情发生的话, 千万不要把好朋友蒙在鼓里。

have 的用法

have sth done 可以译为“叫、让、请别人做某事”,强调主观意志,此时动作的执行者不是主语,而是另有其人;还可以译为“遭遇不幸事件”,一般与主观意志无关。

· Maria had her hair dyed at a hair salon last week. 上星期玛利亚去美发店把头发染了。

· I had my car repaired in the garage. 我让汽车修理站把车修好了。

· That patient wants to have his temperature taken. 那位病人想让人给他量体温。

· Steven had his bike stolen yesterday. 昨天史蒂文的自行车被偷了。

· My grandma had her teeth fixed last month. 上个月我奶奶请人给她补了牙。

· She had her left leg broken when she ran the race. 她在赛跑时把左腿摔伤了。


★有时 have sth done 可以表示主语 可能参与 完成某事。

· The children are going to have some cherry trees planted in the vacant land. 孩子们 打算在空地上种些樱桃树。

· They must have the remaining work completed this afternoon. 他们必须在今天下午完 成剩下的工作。

· The farmer wants to have the fields plowed. 那位农民想把田地犁一遍。

have sb / sth doing ,含有动作正在进行之意,指“让某人或某事处于某种状态”。

· The girl has the tap dripping all through the night. 那个女孩听任水龙头滴了一整晚水。

· This heart-warming film has us crying throughout. 这场感人的电影使我们从头哭到尾。

· The mother won't have kids running around in the sitting room. 妈妈不允许小孩们在客厅里 乱跑。

· She soon had all of us laughing. 她很快让我们都笑了起来。

· The lady had a taxi waiting for her outside the apartment. 那位女士让一辆出租车在公寓外等她。

have sb do 可以表示“叫、让、请别人做某事”,此时可与 get sb to do sth 互换;还可以表示主语无意识的行为,此时“ have ” 可译为“有”。另外,还可以表示主语经历某事。

· Remember to have Linda come. 记得让琳达过来。

· My father had me mow the lawn. 我爸爸让我修剪草坪。

· The man has his wife call the police immediately. 那个男人让他的妻子马上报警。

· The baby girl seems very delighted to have her mother accompany her. 有妈妈陪着,那个 女婴看起来很开心。

· The miserable woman had her husband die. 那个可怜的女人失去了丈夫。

have sth to do 用于表示主语“有某事要去完成”。如果 to do 不定式的动作不是主语来完成的话,就要用被动形式 to be done

· The famous writer has some readers' letters to reply. 那位知名作家有一些读者来信要回复。

· Mark has a big family to support. 马克有一大家人要养活。

· I still have some work to finish. 我还有一些工作要完成。

· They have some clothes to be washed. 他们有一些衣物需要 别人 清洗。

· We have many old home appliances to be repaired. 我们有很多旧家电需要 找人 修理。

get 的用法

get sb to do sth 表示“让某人做某事”,强调未来性的动作。

· The bossy man always gets me to obey his order. 那个霸道的男人老是让我听从他的指挥。

· You had better get the professionals to operate this device. 你最好让专业人员操作这台设备。

· Jerry got his neighbors to help him. 杰里让他的邻居们帮助他。

· Please get the children to come early tomorrow morning. 明天早上请让孩子们早点儿来。

· The old lady gets the boy to write a letter to her daughter. 那位老妇人让那个男孩给她的女儿 写一封信。

get sb / sth doing 指“让……做某事,让……行动起来”,强调动作正在进行。

· He will get the car going for you. 他会帮你把车发动起来。

· Tom got his skateboard running fast in the street. 汤姆在街上把滑板滑得飞快。

· He soon got the racing car running. 他一会儿就让赛车跑了起来。

· The tribal person got the fire burning all night. 部落里的人让火着了一夜。

· The worker got the machine tool operating continually. 那位工人让机床不停地运转着。

get sth done 表示“使某事被做”; get sb done sth 表示“使某人处于……状态或使某人经历……”,都强调被动性的动作。

· You should get your hair cut before attending the interview. 参加面试之前你应该理理发。

· Emily got her homework done before she played with her little brother. 埃米丽和弟弟玩之前 把作业做好了。

· The manager got the newcomers trained in the first month. 经理在第一个月对新人进行了 培训。

· The saleswoman got the goods packed again. 那位女售货员又把商品包装了一遍。

get+ 宾语 + adj. / adv. / prep. 表示“使……发生,使……处于某种状态”。

· Lily got her skirt dirty when she ate the ice cream. 莉莉吃冰淇淋的时候把裙子弄脏了。

· We must get everything ready before the party. 我们必须在晚会之前把一切都准备好。

· He got his business partner into trouble. 他使他的生意伙伴陷入了困境。

· Don't let this trifle get you upset. 别为这件小事心烦。

· Please get these boxes outdoors. 请把这些箱子搬到外面去。

leave 的用法

leave sb / sth doing 表示“让……继续处于某种状态”。

· He should not leave the guests waiting outside. 他不该让客人们一直在外面等。

· The mother leaves the baby crying. 那个母亲让孩子一直哭。

· The man left his girlfriend sitting there alone. 那个男人让他的女朋友一个人在那儿坐着。

· Mary left the books lying on the desk. 玛丽让那些书摊在桌子上。

leave 后加介词短语、形容词作宾语补足语。

· Do not leave the window open next time. 下次不要让窗户开着了。

· She was left with no other choices but to quit. 她除了退出别无选择。

· Don't leave your coat behind. 别把外套丢下了。

· The weather is getting warm, so you can leave your sweater off. 天气变暖了,你可以把毛衣 脱了。

重点解析5 非谓语动词

在句子中有一些充当除谓语之外的句子成分的动词形式,我们称之为“非谓语动词” (Non-Finite Verbs) ,主要有不定式、动名词和分词 (现在分词和过去分词) 。

动词不定式 (infinitive)


它表示的动作,与谓语动词动作同时发生,或发生在其后。有主动语态和被动语态之分,分别为: to do to be done

· She wants to have a long vacation. 她想度个长假。

· He wants to be promoted next year. 他明年想得到提拔。

· To increase sales is our short-term target. 提升销量是我们的短期目标。

· My parents wish me to be a teacher. 我的父母希望我当老师。

· It's good for us to do some exercise every day. 每天做运动对我们有好处。

· She went to the hospital to be examined. 她去医院做了检查。


它表示动作正在进行,且与谓语动词动作同时发生。动词不定式的进行式只有主动语态 to be doing 的形式。

· The kids seemed to be dancing on the grass. 孩子们好像正在草地上跳舞。

· He seems to be waiting for someone. 他看起来好像在等人。

· It benefits me a lot to be chatting with you. 和你聊天让我受益匪浅。

· The girl pretends to be listening to her father's words attentively. 那个女孩假装在认真听父亲 讲话。

· I happened to be packing the luggage when he phoned me. 他给我打电话时,我恰好正在打 包行李。


它表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前。动词不定式的完成式有主动语态和被动语态,分别为: to have done to have been done

· Sorry to have brought so much trouble to you. 很抱歉给您添了那么多麻烦。

· This new product is said to have been sold out to many countries. 据说这款新产品已经被卖 到很多国家。

· She claimed to have called the police. 她声称已经报警了。



· She is said to have been working for 5 years in this department store. 据说她已经在这家百 货商店工作 5 年了。 目前仍在这儿工作

· This old couple is known to have been living in this community for 50 years. 据了解这对老夫 妇已经在这个社区住了 50 年了。 目前仍住在这儿

· The salesman seems to have been waiting outside for a very long time. 那位推销员似乎已 经在外面等很长时间了。 目前仍在等

· The doctor appeared to have been operating on that patient continuously for three hours. 那位医生好像已经连续三个小时都在做那台手术。 目前仍在做

· The girl was said to have been learning ballet since she was six years old. 听说那个女孩 6 岁的时候就已经开始学习芭蕾舞了。 目前仍在学

① 两个或两个以上的不定式并列连用时,第二个不定式可以省略 to

· She wants to go to the beach and enjoy the sea breeze. 她想去海边,吹吹海风。

· This girl doesn't know how to speak and walk like a lady. 这个女孩不知道如何像淑女般说话 和走路。

· Tom wants to move to New York and find a job there. 汤姆想搬到纽约,然后在那找一份工作。

· He does not know what to say or wish for at that time. 他当时不知道该说些什么或期望些什么。

· No one tells me when to start and stop. 没有人告诉我什么时候开始,什么时候结束。


★但是在前后有对比、选择等关系的情况下,第二个不定式的 to 一般不可以省略。

· It is better to be a live coward than to be a dead hero. 好死不如赖活着。

· Our ultimate aim is to make people's life much easier, not to make it more difficult. 们的终极目标是让人们的生活更加便捷,而不是更加麻烦。

· She hasn't decided whether to go back to the headquarters or to stay here for another year. 她还没有决定是回去总部还是继续在这儿待一年。

② 在口语中,动词 go come 等后可以接不带 to 的不定式,形成简短的祈使句

· Go tell her the truth. 去跟她实话实说吧!

· Come have a rest. 来休息一下吧。

· Come help me. 过来帮我。

· Go find the basket. 去找找那个篮子。

③ 连词 but 与不定式连用

连词 but 前如有实义动词 do ,其后的不定式不用 to ;若连词 but 前没有实义动词 do ,其后的不定式一般带 to

· There is nothing we can do then but wait with patience. 那时候,我们什么也做不了,只能耐 心地等待。

· He has no other choice but to let her go. 除了让她走,他别无选择。

· She cannot do nothing but pray for his health. 她什么也做不了,只有祈求他能健康。

· The whole morning I did nothing but write my term paper. 整个上午我什么也没做,就写学期 论文了。

· The old man told her nothing but to take care of herself. 那位老人除了让她多保重,什么也没 有说。

· She wants to do nothing but sleep for a while. 她什么也不想做,就想睡一会儿。

④ 在 rather than other than would rather cannot but cannot choose but cannot help but 等后用不带 to 的不定式

· Rather than bring trouble for her colleagues, she decided to leave. 与其给同事带来麻烦,她 决定不如离开。

· The man cannot help but leave quietly. 那个男人不得不悄悄地离开。

· We cannot choose but obey his order. 我们没有选择,只能服从他的命令。

· When your mother country calls you up, you cannot but go. 当祖国召唤你的时候,你只能挺 身而出。

· I would rather go there by myself. 我宁愿自己一个人去那儿。

动名词 (gerund)


动名词一般式所表示的动作,与谓语动词动作同时发生,或在其后发生。它的主动语态和被动语态分别为: doing being done

· Steven left without saying goodbye. 史蒂文不辞而别。

· Do you mind sparing me a few minutes? 你介意给我几分钟时间吗?

· Smoking does no good to people's health. 吸烟有害身体健康。

· Being attended carefully by her husband makes the pregnant woman satisfied. 被丈夫细心 地照顾,那位孕妇感到很满足。


动名词完成式所表示的动作,发生在谓语动词之前。其主动语态和被动语态分别为: having done having been done

· She felt ashamed for having wasted so much time. 她因为浪费了太多的时间而惭愧。

· Having passed the exam makes her very happy. 通过了考试让她很高兴。

· He remembered having warned the kids not to play with fire. 他记得警告过孩子们不要玩火。

· My mother forgot having bought some fruits and vegetables yesterday morning. 我妈妈忘记 (她)昨天早上已经买了一些水果和蔬菜。

· He is fed up with being told what to do. 他受够了别人来告诉他该做什么。

分词 (participle)

(1)现在分词 (present participle)


① 现在分词的主动语态

现在分词的主动语态包括一般式和完成式两种形式,分别为 doing having done 。前者表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生;后者表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前。

· Rose sat by the window all alone, watching the birds on the tree. 罗斯独自坐在窗户旁,看着 树上的鸟儿。

· Bruce is sitting on the couch, chatting with his beloved daughter. 布鲁斯正坐在沙发上,和他 心爱的女儿聊天。

· My big brother was lying on the bed, listening to rock music. 我哥哥躺在床上,听着摇滚音乐。

· Having finished her supper, Emily went upstairs to her study room to do homework. 吃完晚 饭后,埃米丽上楼去她的书房写家庭作业了。

· Having watered the flowers, she entered the house. 浇完花以后,她进了屋。

② 现在分词的被动语态

现在分词的被动语态包括一般式和完成式两种形式,分别为 being done having been done 。前者表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生;后者表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前。

· I'm not interested in the topic being discussed. 我对正在被议论的话题不感兴趣。

· Could you tell me some details about the accident being investigated? 你能告诉我一些关于 这起正在被调查的事故的细节吗?

· Having been invited to participate in the opening ceremony, she felt honored and privileged. 邀参加开幕式,她感到非常荣幸。

· Having been decorated by a famous interior designer, this shop looks much more stylish. 经过一位著名的室内设计师装修后,这家店看起来更时尚了。

· Having been laughed at by his peers for his accent, Tony became introverted and withdrawn.


(2)过去分词 (past participle)

规则的过去分词由动词原形加 -ed 构成;其他不规则动词的过去分词没有统一的变化标准。过去分词一方面有动词的性质,另一方面相当于形容词。

· The injured woman was taken into hospital for observation. 那位受伤的女子被送进医院观察 了。 过去分词的形容词性质与动词性质

· The coach to California had already gone when I arrived at the station. 当我到达车站时,去 加利福尼亚的长途客车已经离开了。 过去分词的动词性质

· Little Sam is very interested in assembling toys. 小萨姆对组装玩具很感兴趣。 过去分词的 形容词性质

· The prudent shoemaker is repairing his broken window. 那个节俭的鞋匠正在修理坏了的窗户。 过去分词的形容词性质

重点解析6 主谓一致




① 代词和可数名词单数、习惯用作单数名词的词及不可数名词作主语时

· This is for you. 这是给你的。

· Everyone is unique. 每个人都是独一无二的。

· She is a very talented girl. 她是一个很有天分的女孩。

· A girl was badly injured in the car accident. 一个女孩在车祸中受了很严重的伤。

· A gun is found in the suspicious-looking man's room. 在那个形迹可疑的男人的房间里找到了 一把枪。

· Time is limited. We need to hurry up. 时间有限,我们要抓紧。

② 动词不定式 (短语) 、动名词 (短语) 或从句作主语时

· To see is to believe. 眼见为实。

· Reading is a rewarding pastime. 阅读是一种有益的消遣方式。

· To get up early in the morning is a little difficult for her. 早上早起对她来说有点儿困难。

· What he told us is not the truth. 他告诉我们的不是事实。

· Taking a photograph of the whole family is the old man's long cherished wish. 拍一张全家 福是这位老人的夙愿。


★在 what 引导的主语从句中,大多数情况下,后面的谓语动词用单数形式。但如果表语是 复数或 what 从句是一个带有复数意义的并列结构时,主句的谓语动词用复数形式。

· What she needs are two candles. 她需要的是两支蜡烛。

· What Mary bought online were three pairs of high heels. 玛丽在网上买的是三双高跟鞋。

· What your parents say and do are for your good. 你父母说的话、做的事都是为了你好。

someone anything nobody 等复合不定代词以及 each either neither another the other (a) little much 等作主语或修饰主语时

· Listen! Someone is crying. 听!有人在哭。

· Tony is bitterly sarcastic to others. Nobody comes to see him when he is in trouble. 托尼为 人尖酸刻薄,他有困难的时候没人去看他。

· Either contestant is possible to win in the final. ( 两个中的 哪一个选手都有可能赢得决赛。

· Neither girl is to blame. 两个女孩都不应该受责怪。

· Each of the pens costs 5 US dollars. 每支钢笔 5 美元。

· Each kid in the nursery school gets a small gift on Children's Day. 儿童节那天,幼儿园的每 个孩子都会得到一份小礼物。

· The other child is playing sand in the corner. 另一个孩子在角落里玩沙子。


★在口语中,如果 either neither 后跟有“ of + 复数名词 或代词 ”作主语时,其谓语 动词也可以用复数。

· Neither of my parents shows / show any interest in this movie. 我的父母对这部电影都 没有任何兴趣。

· Neither of the movies is / are moving. 两部电影都不感人。

· Either of the two teams has / have got a lot of support. 两支队伍都获得了很多支持。

④ 表示国家、机构、事件、作品等名称的专有名词或某些以 -s 结尾的名词 (如 news, works, physics 等) 作主语时

· The United States is a country upholding freedom and equality. 美国是一个崇尚自由与平等 的国家。

· Runaway is one of Alice Munro's representative works. 《逃离》是爱丽丝 门罗的代表作之一。

· Among so many subjects, physics is quite hard for me. 在众多学科中,物理对我来说很难。

· News of going bankruptcy has been broadcasted quickly in the company. 公司将要破产的 消息在内部传得很快。

· The United Nations plays a significant role in the international affairs. 联合国在(处理)国际 事务中发挥着重要作用

a series of a kind of the number of 等与名词构成的名词短语以及 many a + 单数名词、 more than one + 单数名词作主语时

· The number of contestants hasn't been decided by the organizing committee. 大赛组委会还 没有决定选手的人数。

· A series of new books has been issued in her book launch. 一系列新书已经在她的新书发布 会上发行。

· A kind of new product of this company sells quite well. 这家公司的一款新产品卖得很好。

· More than one bike was stolen last night. 昨天晚上不止一辆自行车被盗。

· Many a student has signed up for this year's sports meeting. 许多学生已经报名参加了今年的运 动会。

⑥ 表示“时间”“距离”“价格”“度量衡”的复数名词看作一个整体作主语时

· Three hours is not enough for her to finish all the tasks. 三个小时不够她完成所有任务。

· 65 miles is a long way to go on foot. 步行 65 公里太远了。

· 25 US dollars is a large number for the little girl. 25 美元对那个小女孩来说是个大数目。

① 由 some several both few many a number of 等词修饰主语,或是由它们自身作主语时

· Some parts of that airplane are missing. 那架飞机的一些部件下落不明。

· Several passers-by come over and give me a hand. 几个路人走过来,帮了我一把。

· Both of the two kids enjoy this game very much. 两个孩子都很喜欢这个游戏。

· A number of citizens swarm into the supermarket to snap up. 许多市民涌入那家超市抢购 商品。

· Many friends have plans to set up in business. 很多朋友计划着要创业。

· Few people understand what she really wants. 很少有人理解她真正想要的是什么。

② 两个或两个以上的主语从句、动词不定式或动名词作主语,表示两个或两个以上的概念或意义时

· To be enrolled in the great university and travel to the most desirous country are her dreams. 被那所名校录取,能到最向往的国家旅行是她的梦想。

· Swimming in summer and skiing in winter are my father's greatest pleasure. 夏天游泳,冬 天滑雪是我父亲最大的乐趣。

· What the politician advocates and what he really puts into practice are not inconsistent. 位政客宣扬的和他真正付诸实施的并不一致。

· Having enough sleep and taking appropriate amount of exercise are helpful to relieve pressure. 充足的睡眠和适量的运动有助于缓解压力。

③ 由两部分构成的成对出现的名词 (如 trousers shoes glasses gloves compasses 等)作主语时

· His beige trousers are a little short. 他的米色裤子有点儿短。

· Her sunglasses are very fashionable. 她的太阳镜很时尚。

· Your leather shoes need to be polished. 你的皮鞋需要擦亮。

· Compasses are very useful in drawing circles. 画圆的时候圆规很有用。


★如果这类词与 pair 连用时,谓语动词要与 pair 的单复数形式保持一致。

· This pair of glasses costs quite a lot. 这副眼镜花了很多钱。

· Two pairs of shoes have been sold by the saleswoman. 那个女售货员已经卖出了两 双鞋子。

· There are two pairs of beautiful gloves on the counter. 柜台上有两副漂亮的手套。

④ 表示群岛、瀑布、山脉等以 -s 结尾的专有名词作主语时

· The Philippines face the Pacific Ocean on the east. 菲律宾群岛东临太平洋。

· Andes Mountains stand in the west of South America. 安第斯山脉坐落在南美洲西部。

① 由 and 连接两个主语时,如指同一人或物,谓语用单数;指不同的人或物,谓语用复数

· The singer and writer was invited to this activity. 那位歌手兼作家的人被邀请参加这次活动。 指同一个人

· The writer and the artist have come. 那位作家和那位艺术家已经来了。 指不同的两个人

· The cartoonist and editor of the newspaper is a friend of my husband's. 这个报社的漫画家 兼编辑是我丈夫的一个朋友。 指同一个人


★由 and 连接的并列单数主语前如果分别有 no、 each、 every 等修饰时,其谓语动词要用 单数形式。

· Each boy and each girl needs to be treated equally. 男孩和女孩都应该受到平等的对待。

· Every student and every teacher takes active part in this activity. 每一名老师和学生都 积极地参加了此次活动。

· No flower and no tree is seen in that deserted garden. 在那个荒废的园子里不见一花一木。

② 集体名词指的是整个集体时,谓语动词要用单数;如果指的是集体的成员,谓语动词就用复数形式

这类集体名词包括 family class crowd committee public audience 等。

· This family has moved to New York. 这一家人已经搬到了纽约。

· All our family gather together to celebrate my grandma's seventieth birthday. 我们全家人聚 在一起,庆祝我奶奶的七十岁生日。

· Class Three wins at the tug-of-war. 三班在拔河比赛中取得胜利。

· Class Three hold different ideas about electing the monitor. 三班的学生对选举班长持不同意见。

· The audience was / were absorbed in this stage play. 观众 全神贯注地看这场舞台剧。

· The public has been cheated by the excessive propaganda of the media. 民众被媒体的过 度宣传欺骗了。


★在英语中 people、 police、 cattle 等名词一般都用作复数。

· People are talking about the rumor spread in town in recent days. 人们都在谈论着最 近镇上散播开了的谣言。

· The police are investigating the recent case of murder. 警察正在调查最近发生的那起 谋杀案。

③ 有些短语作主语,谓语动词的数要由短语中名词的数而定

由“ a lot of lots of plenty of the rest of the majority of enough of + 名词”构成的短语以及由“分数或百分数 + 名词”构成的短语作主语时,谓语动词的数要由短语中名词的数而定。

· There are a lot of girls in our class. 我们班里有很多女生。

· There is lots of yoghourt in the fridge. 冰箱里有很多酸奶。

· A large portion of the iceberg is hidden beneath the water. 冰山的大部分都隐藏在水面以下。

· The rest of the students stay in the classroom. 其余的学生留在教室里。

· The rest of the speech is quite boring. 这个演讲的剩余部分很乏味。

· A quarter of the water in this river has been polluted by the chemical plant. 这条河里已经有 四分之一的水被化工厂污染。

· One-third of the teachers have attended the teaching skills training. 有三分之一的老师已经 参加过教师技能培训。

④ 在倒装句中,谓语动词的数要与其后的主语一致

· Here comes the school bus . 校车来了。

· In front of the garden stand two men chatting with each other. 花园前面站着两个男人,他 们正在聊天。

· Such are our achievements in the last month. 这些就是我们上个月的成果。




数词加上表“时间、距离、金额、价值、度量”等计量单位的复数名词作主语时,如果在主语被视为“整体 (的总量) ”的情况下,谓语动词要用单数形式;在该主语被视为“若干单位”的情况下,谓语动词用复数形式。

· Fifteen years is not a long time. 十五年光阴,弹指一挥间。

· Fifteen years have passed since she left her hometown. 她离开家乡已经有十五个年头了。

· Forty miles is a challenge for him. 四十公里对他来说是个挑战。

· Fifty US dollars are not enough for her to buy these articles of everyday use. 五十美元不够 她买这些日用品。

· Only three kilometers is left to go. 就剩三公里要走。

(2)“the + 形容词”作主语


· The poor have to rely on the government relief. 穷人们不得不依赖政府救济。(指一类人)

· The pure gives pleasure to all. 纯真给所有人带来快乐。(指抽象概念)

· The supernatural has happened. 灵异的事情发生了。(指单个事件)

· The new is an overseas returnee. 新来的那个人是一名海归。(指单个人)

· The homeless need public attention. 无家可归的人需要社会的关注。(指一类人)

· The wounded are still in the emergency room. 伤员们仍在急诊室进行抢救。(指一类人)


and 连接两个并列名词作主语时,如果它们在意义上指同一人,同一物,同一事或者同一概念时,应看作单数,谓语动词用单数;当 and 连接的两个形容词去修饰一个单数形式的主语时,其实是指两种不同的事物,主语则应该看作是复数,而谓语动词也应该用复数。

· War and peace is an eternal subject in history. 战争与和平是历史上的一个永恒的主题。

· Rock and roll is a kind of music that can release yourself. 摇滚乐是一种能让你释放自己的音乐。

· A cart and horse is pulling into the finca. 一辆马车正驶进庄园。

· American and German car are very popular in China. 美国产的汽车和德国产的汽车在中国都 很受欢迎。


主语后面有由 as well as rather than no less than more than like but except besides with along with together with including in addition to 等连接的名词时,谓语动词的单复数要与句首的主语保持一致。若主语为单数,谓语则用单数;若主语为复数,谓语就用复数。

· The boss with his assistant gets in the waiting car. 那位老板,还有他的助理,上了那辆等候 着的车。

· Jim rather than Tom asks the waiter to come. 叫来服务员的是吉姆,而不是汤姆。

· Everyone except Sally has arrived at the airport. 除了萨莉,所有人都已经到机场。

· Susan , together with Linda and E mily, is going to visit their teacher. 苏珊和琳达、埃米 丽一起,要去看望她们的老师。

· In addition to the former guests, another two mystery guests have been invited to our program. 除了之前的嘉宾之外,我们还邀请了两名神秘嘉宾来到我们的节目。

· Fiona , as well as her husband, lives in Canada now. 菲奥娜和她的丈夫现在住在加拿大。




or either...or... neither...nor... not only...but also... 等连接的并列主语出现时,谓语动词一般要与邻近的主语保持人称和数的一致。

· One or two schoolmates are coming this afternoon. 今天下午会过来一两个校友。

· Not only the teacher but also her parents think she had better relax herself a little. 不光是 老师,她的父母也认为她最好放松一下。

· Neither the colleagues nor his wife agrees with his plan. 他的同事和妻子都不同意他的计划。

· Either you or she is going to take over this project. 要么是你,要么是她要接手这个项目。


★主语由肯定和否定两部分组成时,如 not...but... 结构,谓语动词的单复数形式与肯定部分 保持一致。

· Not Rita but I am responsible for this project. 负责这个项目的是我,不是丽塔。

· Not Sam but the twins want to stop and have a rest. 是那对双胞胎想停下来休息,不 是萨姆。

· All but one of the directors were present at the meeting. 除了一个董事没来,其他董事 都出席了会议。

(2)there be句型

· There is a waiter and six waitresses in that restaurant. 那家餐馆有一名男服务员和六名女服 务员。

· There are several chairs and a table in the room. 房间里有几把椅子和一张桌子。

· Sarah likes animals very much. There is a dog and two cats in her house. 莎拉很喜欢动物。 她家里有一只狗和两只猫。

· There is a mobile phone , two notebooks and some candies in her backpack. 在她的背包 里有一部手机,两个笔记本,还有一些糖果。

· There are some passers-by and a sanitation worker on the road. 路上有一些行人,还有一 名环卫工人。 TC1smyyz8E10gRBwykXWB+/oM4OK6dV/X8J0ontMGehN0rBavVgc8EkoOozBBbZE
