
Chapter 01


Catherine is a newcomer to the company. She is a fresh graduate from a local college of business administration. Her daily routine is to answer the phone and to get feedback from customers. To get promoted is her dearest wish. One of her colleagues asks her to go shopping together after work. Shopping is her favorite pastime. 凯瑟琳是这 家公司的新职员。她刚从当地的一所工商管理学院毕业。 她的日常工作就是接电话,并且从顾客那里获得反馈意 见。升职是她的最大心愿。她的一个同事请她下班后一 起去购物。购物是她最喜欢的消遣方式。

上文中,第一句是专有名词Catherine作主语,第二句是代词she作主语,第三句是名词短语her daily routine作主语,第四句是不定式to get promoted作主语,第五句是名词所有格结构one of her colleagues作主语,第六句是动名词shopping作主语。


重点解析1 名词作主语



· Ms. Rawlings is used to staying up late. 罗林斯女士习惯于熬夜。

· Michael is said to be the most hardworking student in the class. 据说,迈克尔是班上学习最 刻苦的学生。

· Dora is the most talkative girl in our company. 多拉是我们公司最健谈的女孩。

· Mr. Smith usually goes to work on foot. 史密斯先生经常步行去上班。

· Megan wants to buy a big house. 梅根想买一栋大房子。



· President John F. Kennedy, if memory serves, is the 35th president of the USA. 果我没有记错,约翰 •F• 肯尼迪是美国的第 35 位总统。

· Dr. Johnny is very experienced in surgical operation. 强尼医生在外科手术上很有经验。

· Professor Nina has given me great help during my college. 大学期间,妮娜教授给予 了我极大的帮助。


· McDonald's achieves great success as a chain of fast food restaurants. 作为快餐连锁店, 麦当劳取得了极大的成功。

· Downing Street is actually a great distance from here. 事实上,唐宁街距离此处很远。

· Westminster Abbey is very famous in the world for its Poets' Corner. 威斯敏斯特教堂以“诗 人角”闻名于世。

· Hollywood is the dreamland for many film-goers and film-makers. 好莱坞是众多影迷和电影 制作人的梦想之地。

· Empire State Building is one of the popular tourist attractions in New York. 帝国大厦是纽 约的著名旅游景点之一。


★有些专有名词前,可以有定冠词 the 修饰。名词置于句首作主语时, the 的首字母也要大写。

· The Louvre Museum , as is known to all, is located in Paris. 众所周知,卢浮宫位于巴黎。

· The Taj Mahal is an imposing Indian architecture. 泰姬陵是一座宏伟的印度建筑。

· The Leaning Tower of Pisa was built in the year of 1173. 比萨斜塔始建于 1173 年。


· London , the capital city of the United Kingdom, is also the largest city in the country. 英国 首都伦敦也是其国内最大的城市。

· America is known as one of the world powers. 美国被认为是世界强国之一。

· Detroit , once the biggest city in Michigan, was known as the Motor City. 底特律曾是 密歇根州最大的城市,被称为“汽车之城”。

· Holland is notable for the windmill and tulip. 荷兰因风车和郁金香而闻名。

· Australia is coined as "the country riding on the sheep's back". 澳大利亚被称为“骑在羊背 上的国家”。


· Christmas is just around the corner. 圣诞节即将到来。

· September should be the best time to go on a visit. 9 月应当是旅游的最佳时间。

· Saint Valentine's Day is a festival to express your love to your lover. 情人节是向爱人表达 爱意的节日。

· January is the first month of the year. 一月是一年中的第一个月。

· Friday has been thought as an unlucky day by Christians. 基督徒认为星期五是个不吉利的日子。



· A car is waiting under the tree over there. 一辆小汽车在那边的树下等着。

· The socks in the store are on sale now. 这家店里的袜子现在正低价出售。

· Two students were playing football at that time. 当时有两个学生在踢足球。

· More than fifty firefight were killed in the great fire disaster. 50 多名消防员在那场大火 中牺牲了。

· Three laptops were stolen yesterday. 三台手提电脑昨天被盗。


· The army suffered a great loss in the battle. 在此次战斗中,这支军队伤亡惨重。

· The police have adequate reason to arrest the habitual criminal. 警察有充足的理由逮捕这 名惯犯。

· The furniture has been moved to the store room. 家具已经被搬到了储物间。

· The militia was ordered to assemble in the square. 民兵队伍接到命令要在广场上集合。

· The machinery was driven by wind power. 这些机器是由风力驱动的。


· Rice is the staple agricultural product of the developing country. 大米是这个发展中国家的 主要农产品。

· Water freezes at zero degrees centigrade. 水在零摄氏度时结冰。

· Air is very thin at the high altitude like this. 在这样的海拔高度,空气非常稀薄。

· Wine volatilizes easily if you don't preserve well. 如果不保存好的话,酒很容易挥发。

· Water is an indispensable substance to all the life on the earth. 水对地球上的所有生命来说 都是必不可少的。


· Time is so limited that we may fail to meet a deadline. 时间很有限,我们可能无法如期完成。

· Development appears to be the staple topic of the meeting. 发展似乎是此次会议的主题。

· Education is the lifeblood of a country in the long run. 教育是一个国家长远发展的命脉。

· Courage is what she needs. 她所需要的就是勇气。

· Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。



· A boy is watering the roses in the garden. 一个男孩在花园里给玫瑰花浇水。

· A basketball is in the corner of his bedroom. 他的卧室角落里有个篮球。

· A plane is flying in the sky. 一架飞机在空中飞行。

· A doctor is coming near. 一名医生正走过来。

· A doll is thrown out by the bad-tempered girl. 一个玩具娃娃被那个坏脾气的女孩扔了出去。

① 规则变化的复数名词作主语

★以 -s 结尾的复数名词作主语

大多数名词的复数形式,通常都是直接在词尾加 -s 。清辅音后读 [ s ] ,浊辅音和元音后读 [ z ]。

· The products [ s ] ) in the company enjoy the popularity of the local residents ( [ s ] ). 这家公司的产品很受当地居民的欢迎。

· The novels [ z ] ) seem to be the best-sellers [ s ] ) this quarter. 这些小说似乎是 这个季度的畅销书。

· Two girls [ z ] ) are singing on the stage. 两个女孩正在舞台上唱歌。

★以 -es 结尾的复数名词作主语

-s、-x、-sh、-ch 结尾的名词,其复数形式通常是在词尾加 -es ,读作 [ ɪz ]。

· The boxes are too heavy for the little girl to carry. 这些箱子太重了,那个小女孩搬不动。

· These watches cost them twenty thousand US dollars in all. 这些手表一共用去了他们两万美元。

· The buses were cleaned clearly by the volunteers. 公共汽车被志愿者们打扫得干干净净。

· Toothbrushes can be found on the personal hygiene products shelf. 牙刷可以在个人卫生用 品架上找到。

· These dresses are gorgeous. I don't know how to choose. 这些裙子都很漂亮,我不知道该 怎么选择。

★以 -ies 结尾的复数名词作主语

以辅音字母加 -y 结尾的名词,其复数形式通常是先将 -y 变为 -i ,再加 -es ,读作 [ ɪz ]。

· These cities are all known for the tourist attractions. 这些城市都是因其旅游景点而闻名。

· The babies kept crying all the night. 这些婴儿哭了一晚上。

· The stories have been told again and again by my grandmother. 这些故事已经被我奶奶讲 了很多遍。

· These strawberries are very fresh as they were just picked off. 这些草莓很新鲜,因为它们 是刚采摘的。

· The puppies are sleeping soundly under the protection of the mother dog. 小狗们在狗妈妈 的保护下睡得正香。


★与此不同的是,以元音字母加 -y 结尾的名词,其复数形式通常是直接在词尾加 -s ,读 [z]

· The boys made so much strange noise. 这些男孩发出了很多古怪的噪音。

★以 -ves 结尾的复数名词作主语

-f、-fe 结尾的名词,其复数形式通常是先将 -f、-fe 变成 -v ,再加 -es ,读作 [vz] 。这类 单词常见的共有 12 个,列表如下:

· The leaves fall down from the tree. 叶子从树上掉落下来。

· The shelves are full of books on literature. 架子上放满了文学类的书籍。

· The shelves should be mended by the carpenter. 这些架子应该让木匠修理一下。

· The wolves are howling in the mountain forest over there. 狼在那边的山林里吼叫。

· Those thieves were finally caught by the police. 那些小偷最终被警方逮捕了。


★以下 3 个以 -f 结尾的名词,其复数形式可以直接在词尾加 -s ,读作 [s] ;也可以去掉 -f, 再加 -ves ,读作 [vz] 。列表如下:

· These scarves in the discount shop sell well. 那个折扣店里的围巾很畅销。

★其他的以 -f、-fe 结尾的名词,其复数形式是直接在词尾加 -s ,读作 [ s ]。

· The safes in his office are somehow missing. 他办公室里的保险箱不知怎么就不见了。

★以 -oes 结尾的复数名词作主语

以下 5 个以 -o 结尾的名词,其复数形式是在词尾加 -es ,读作 [z] 。列表如下:

· These tomatoes are one US dollar a kilo. 这些番茄每公斤一美元。

· The heroes received a hearty welcome. 这些英雄们受到了热烈的欢迎。

· The Negroes were extremely discriminated in the old days. 在过去,黑人们备受歧视。

· These volcanoes are active ones. They may erupt at any time. 这些是活火山。它们随时都 可能爆发。

· Potatoes were their staple food in the past. 在过去,土豆是他们的主食。


★大多数以 -o 结尾的名词,其复数形式都是直接在词尾加 -s ,读作 [z]

· These photos in the album are all black-and-white ones. 这本相册里的照片都是黑白的。

★少数以 -o 结尾的名词,其复数形式可以在词尾加 -s ,也可以加 -es。

· Six zeros / zeroes can be seen in the number one million. 数字 1 000 000 中有 6 0。

② 不规则变化的复数名词作主语


常见的有以下 6 个: aircraft, deer, fish, hovercraft, shark, sheep。

· Some sheep are wandering through the grassland. 一些绵羊在草地上游荡。

· Deer in the park need attention. 这个公园里的鹿需要好好照看。


fish 一词较为特殊,表示“鱼”时,为单复数同形的可数名词;表示“各种鱼类”时, 要在词尾加 -es 构成复数形式 fishes 。而表示“鱼肉”时,则被视为不可数名词。

· Several tropical fis are in the glass tank. 这个玻璃缸里有几条热带鱼。 单复数同形

· Fishes , as well as crabs, are in this pond. 这个池塘里有各种鱼和螃蟹。 复数 fishes 表示各种鱼类

· Smoked fis is at a discount today. 今天的熏鱼在打折。 不可数名词

shark hovercraft 的复数形式,可以是在词尾加 -s ,也可以是单复数同形。

· Shark / Sharks sound fearful. 鲨鱼听起来很可怕。

· Sharks are very cruel. They are carnivorous animals. 鲨鱼很凶残。他们是肉食性动物。

★有些名词变复数形式时,个别元音会发生变化,常见的有以下 6 个:

· Two women are making a conversation over there. 两个女子在那边聊天。

· A nest of mice spoilt the granary. 一窝老鼠糟蹋了这个粮仓。

★少数名词的复数形式,是在词尾加 -en 或是 -ren ,常见的有以下 2 个:

· Children are playing games happily in the playground. 孩子们在操场上快乐地玩游戏。

· The oxen are tired out after a day's hard work in the field. 在田地里忙碌一整天后,那头牛都 累得筋疲力尽。


有些以 -is 结尾的外来词,其复数形式要变为以 -es 结尾,常见的有以下 8 个:

analysis analyses 分析

axis axes

basis bases 基础

crisis crises 危机

diagnosis diagnoses 诊断

hypothesis hypotheses 假定

parenthesis parentheses 圆括号

thesis theses 论题

有些以 -um 结尾的外来词,其复数形式要变为以 -a 结尾,常见的有以下 4 个:

bacterium bacteria 细菌

curriculum curricula 课程

datum data 资料

medium media 媒体

有些以 -us 结尾的外来词,其复数形式要变为以 -i 结尾,常见的有以下 4 个:

nucleus nuclei 原子核

radius radi / radiuses 半径

stimulus stimuli 刺激因素

syllabus syllabi / syllabuses 教学大纲

有些以 -a 结尾的外来词,其复数形式要变为以 -ae 结尾,常见的有以下 3 个:

antenna antennae / antennas 天线

vita vitae 个人简历

formula formulae / formulas 公式

有些以 -ex、-ix 结尾的外来词,其复数形式要变为以 -ices 结尾,常见的有以下 2 个:

index indices 索引

appendix appendices / appendixes 附录

· Some hypotheses for global warming turn out to be true. 事实证明,有几项关于全球变暖的 假说是正确的。

· These vitae are attached to his email. 这些简历包含在他的电子邮件附件中。



Chinese Chinese 中国人

Portuguese Portuguese 葡萄牙人

在单数名词词尾加 -s 构成复数名词

American Americans 美国人

German Germans 德国人

-man 结尾的名词,其复数形式变为以 -men 结尾

Englishman Englishmen 英国人

· Germans are always prudent in their duties. 德国人工作总是十分谨慎。

· Englishmen seem to be much more conservative. 英国人似乎更为保守。



father-in-law fathers-in-law 岳父

grown-up grown-ups 成年人

high-way high-ways 公路

passer-by passers-by 过路人


man servant men servants 男仆 woman nurse women nurses 女护士

· Some passers-by are the witnesses at the scene of the accident. 有几个路人是这场事故的 目击者。

· Grown-ups can help children perform the experiment. 成年人可以帮助孩子们做这个实验。



· Glass is a fragile material. 玻璃是一种易碎的材质。

· Gold is a valuable, yellow-colored metal, which can be used for making jewellery. 黄金是一 种贵重的黄色金属,它可以用来制作珠宝首饰。

· Iron is pretty hard. 铁很硬。

· Cotton is spun into thread by the spinners. 纺织工人把棉花纺成线。

· Steel is very difficult to temper. 钢很难锤炼。


· Air and water are significant elements for life. 空气和水是生命的重要元素。

· Fish and pork are in the refrigerator. 鱼肉和猪肉都在冰箱里。

· Bread and butter is my father's favorite breakfast. 面包和黄油是我爸爸最爱吃的早餐。


★不可数名词可以用 some、much、a lot of、lots of、a little、 little a bit 等数量形容词 来修饰。

· We need to buy some meat . 我们需要买一些肉。

· Only a little water is left in the bottle. 瓶子里只剩一点儿水了。

★不可数名词还可以用适当的量词作单位来表示,形成“数词 + 量词 普通名词 ) +of + 可数名词”的结构,其单复数变化由普通名词体现。

· I need a piece of paper to write down his address. 我需要一张纸来记下他的地址。

· Please give me a cup of water . 请给我一杯水。

· I will give three pieces of advice . 我会给你三条建议。





· Grace's pet dog is missing. 格蕾丝的宠物狗找不到了。

· Mark Twain's novel is very interesting. 马克 · 吐温的小说很有意思。

· Lily's best friend is Anne. 莉莉最好的朋友是安妮。

· My friend's wallet was stolen when she was going shopping. 我朋友的钱包在逛 街的时候被偷了。

· The girl's father disagrees with my point. 那个女孩的爸爸不同意我的观点。

· Two weeks' time is not enough for him to find a new job. 两周的时间不够他找到 新工作。


· The legs of the table need some repair. 桌子的腿需要修理。

· The walls of my house were painted green. 我家房子的墙壁被涂成了绿色。

· The title of his graduation thesis hasn't been decided. 他的毕业论文题目还没有 定下来。

· The story of the actress is very touching. 那个女演员的故事很感人。


· A neighbor of mine won the lottery last week. 我的一个邻居上个星期中了彩票。

· A friend of Tom's will come to visit him next weekends. 汤姆的一个朋友下周末要 来看他。

· An old acquaintance of mine can give you some help. 我的一位老朋友可以给你 一些帮助。

· Those classmates of Peter's are all very friendly to him. 彼得的同学都对他很友好。

· That left foot of Mary's was badly injured. 玛丽的左脚受伤很严重。

· Several colleagues of hers want to hold a celebration party for her promotion. 她的几个同 事想给她办一个升职庆祝会。

重点解析2 代词作主语





· He often gets up early in the morning and goes jogging in the park. 他经常早起,到公园里跑步。

· She is generally rated as the most hardworking student in our class. 她是我们班公认的学习 最用功的学生。

· I never say anything bad about others. 我从不说别人的坏话。

· We will be best friends forever. 我们会是一辈子的好朋友。

· They have to put off the planned welcome ceremony to meet her schedule. 为了配合她的日 程,他们不得不推迟计划好的欢迎仪式。



· As soon as she arrived, Tina went straight to the manager's office. 蒂娜一到就径直朝 经理室走去。

★人称代词“ we ”经常代替“ I ”,用来表示一种与读者、听众或观众之间的亲密关系。

· We should spare no effort in helping the poor. 我们要竭尽全力帮助贫困者。

★“ she ”常被用来代替国家、城市、宠物等事物,表示说话人对所描述事物的亲密或喜爱之情。

· I love our motherland. She is a great country. 我爱我们的祖国。她是一个伟大的国家。

★“ it ”可指身份不明的人、天气、环境、时间。可作形式主语、形式宾语或用于强调句型。

· It's me, Sarah. Please open the door. 是我,莎拉。请开门。

★“ they ”有时可以代替一般人。

· They say you are an expert in computer repair. 他们说你是电脑维修方面的行家。

① 单数人称代词并列作主语

人称代词的次序排列为:二三一 (人称) ,第一人称主格“ I ”总是放在最后,即: you and I he / she / it and I you, he / she / it and I

· You, she and I will go to the headquarters by plane tomorrow morning. 我、你和她明天早 上要坐飞机去总部。

· You and I should take turns taking care of the sick mom. 我和你轮流照顾生病的妈妈。

· She and I will do some washing for the elderly people of no family. 我和她将会给孤寡老人洗 洗衣服。

② 复数人称代词并列作主语

人称代词的次序排列为:一二三 (人称) ,即: we and you you and they we you and they

· You and they are really brave guys who are pursuing dreams. 你们和他们都是勇敢追梦之人。

· We and you will never say "no" before the whole thing has been wrapped up. 事情成定局 之前,我们和你们都不会认输。

③ 第三人称的男女两性并用

这种情况一般遵循“男先女后”的顺序,即: he and she

· He and she always quarrel over some trifles 。他和她老是因为一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事儿争吵。

· He and she grew up together, and they finally got married. 他和她一起长大,最终结了婚。




· This is the best solution we have thought about. 这是我们能想到的最好的解决办法。

· That reminds me of my first time to take train all by myself. 那让我想起了我第一次独自乘火 车的场景。

· That is a good book worthy of reading. 那是一本值得一读的好书。

· This is really what I want to say. 这正是我想要说的。


· These have been kept for almost fifty years. 这些已经被保存了将近五十年。

· Those should be well preserved to maintain their original looks. 那些要好好保存,维持其原貌。

· These will be sent out in two days. 这些会在两天后寄出去。

· Those reflect their dedication to work in the last three years. 那些反映了他们过去三年对工作 的付出。




someone、 anyone、 something、 anything、 nothing、 somebody、anybody、nobody、 everyone、 everything、 everybody、 no one 等复合不定代词作主语时,谓语 动词用单数形式。

· No one is willing to waste time on this stupid thing. 没有人愿意把时间浪费在这种无聊的事 情上。

· Someone is coming to see you. 有人来看你了。

· Everything was in a state of agitation during the war. 战争期间,一切都处于动荡的状态。

· Everyone is listening to the beautiful music. 大家都在听着动人的音乐。

· Anything is possible to be a success as long as you decide to accomplish it. 只要你下定决 心去完成,任何事情都有可能成功。

(2)all 作主语

如果在句中指人,相当于 all the people ,谓语动词通常用复数;如果在句中指物或现象,相当于 everything ,谓语动词通常用单数形式。

· All have gone to have lunch. 所有人都去吃午饭了。

· All is over. 一切都结束了。

· All need to prepare for the sports meeting. 所有人都需要为运动会做准备。

· All was silent on the sea at that time. 那时,海上一片沉寂。

· Since all are here, let's begin our class. 既然大家都在,我们开始上课。

either neither 单独作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式

· I am not so fastidious. Either is OK for me. 我没有那么挑剔。对我来说,哪一个都可以。

· Neither meets her satisfaction. 两个都没有令她满意。

· Tony gave me two books for my birthday. Either was awesome. 托尼送给我两本书当做生日 礼物。哪一本都很棒。

② “ either / neither of + 名词”作主语,正式文体中谓语动词用单数;在非正式文体中谓语动词用复数

· Is / Are either of the girls ready to go for the picnic? 那两个女孩都准备好去野餐了吗?

· Neither of the two cars is / are fuel-efficient. 这两辆汽车都不省油。

· I don't think either of the children is / are still in the bedroom. 我想两个孩子都不在卧室。


物主代词即人称代词的所有格,表示一种所属关系,也可以表示指代。物主代词又可以分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词多作定语成分,名词性物主代词可以用作主语、宾语、表语以及与“ of ”连接的定语。

① 名词性物主代词具有名词的性质,相当于形容词性物主代词与其限定的名词构成的名词词组的缩略形式

· The green coat is Lily's. Mine is orange. 绿色的上衣是莉莉的。我的(上衣)是橘色的。 (mine= my coat)

· The car doesn't belong to them. Theirs was parked beside the restaurant. 这辆小汽车不是 他们的。他们的(小汽车)停在餐厅旁边。 (theirs = their car)

· I don't think the toy gun is Tom's. His is under the desk. 我认为这个玩具枪不是汤姆的。他的 (玩具枪)在桌子底下。 (his = his toy gun)

② 在双方都明白所指对象或上文已提到的情况下,可以直接用名词性物主代词

· It's not her pen; hers is in my pencil box. 这个不是她的钢笔;她的在我的文具盒里。 (hers 替上文中的 her pen ,作第二个分句的主语

· Mike mixed his T-shirt with mine. His is in the wardrobe. 迈克把我的 T 恤衫和他的弄混了。 他的在衣橱里。 (his 代替上文中的 his T-shirt ,作第二个句子的主语

· Lily is looking for her hat. Hers was left in the car. 莉莉在找她的帽子。她把它落在车里了。 (hers 代替上文中的 her hat ,作第二个句子的主语

重点解析3 不定式结构作主语


一般来说,动词不定式结构即 to + 动词原形,其否定形式为 not to + 动词原形。当涉及到时态和语态时,动词不定式还可以细分。


一般式表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生,或发生在谓语动词表示的动作之后。动词不定式一般式又有主动语态和被动语态之分,分别为: to do to be done

· To run half an hour every morning is her habit. 每天早上跑步半个小时是她的习惯。

· To be blamed for his naughty is a common thing for him. 因顽皮而挨骂对他来说是家常便饭。


进行式表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。这种情况下,动词不定式的进行式只有主动语态,即 to be doing

· To be sitting in front of the computer all day makes her eyesight dim. 整天坐在电脑前使得她 的视力下降了。


完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前。其主动语态和被动语态分别为: to have done to have been done

· To have won the right to hold the Winter Olympic Games makes everyone of us proud. 得冬奥会的举办权让我们每个人都很自豪。

· To have been trained tensely for three months leaves them no energy to do other things.





· To see is to believe. 百闻不如一见。

· To persuade him into giving up the chance was even harder than we had imagined. 要说服 他放弃这次机会,比我们想象中要难。

· To admit the mistakes is a difficult step for her to take. 对她来说,承认错误是很难迈出去的 一步。

· To be ill in bed all day long is a great torment for her. 整天躺在病床上,对她来说是一种极大 的折磨。

· To have made your acquaintance is my greatest honor. 与你结识,是我莫大的荣幸。


在口语中,当 to do 不定式结构作主语时,为避免头重脚轻,常常用形式主语 it 来替代,而将真正的主语置于句末。

· It is a big challenge to finish the task in such limited time. 在有限的时间内完成这项任务是一 个很大的挑战。

· It is crazy for you to marry a man whom you have just met for two weeks. 你真是疯了,居然 和一个刚认识两周的男人结婚。

· It will be against your conscience to do that immoral conduct. 做出那样不道德的行为是会违 背你的良心的。

· It is very kind of you to pick me up. 你能过来接我,真是太好了。

· It is everyone's duty to protect our environment. 保护环境是每个人的职责。

· It seems difficult for me to save money at present. 目前,存钱对我来说比较困难。


动词不定式与 what which when where how 等疑问词连用构成的不定式短语也可以作主语。

· What to do right now confuses him. 他很困惑现在该做什么。

· Where to hold the press conference hasn't been decided yet. 还没有决定在哪儿召开记者招 待会。

· When to launch the new program is still a secret. 实施新计划的时间还是一个秘密。

· How to make full use of this brand-new equipment is a matter in hand. 当前的问题是如何充 分利用这台全新的设备。

· Which to choose makes her crazy. 要选择哪一个让她很抓狂。


· To help others is to be helped. 帮人即帮己。 相当于 If you help others, you will be helped by others.)

· To see the scenery is to marvel it. 人们见了那样的景色就会惊叹。 相当于 If one sees the scenery, one will marvel it.)

重点解析4 动名词结构作主语




通常,动名词的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,或发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之后。其主动语态和被动语态分别为: doing being done

· Going to that university for further study is her dream. 去那所大学深造是她的梦想。

· Being punished for no reason makes Tony feel wronged. 无缘无故受到惩罚,这让托尼感到 委屈。


动名词的完成式所表示的动作,发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。其主动语态和被动语态分别为: having done having been done

· Having finished all the housework makes her much relieved. 做完了所有的家务,她感觉如 释重负。

· Having been trained for three months looks as if it had cost her one year. 对她而言,受训练 的三个月就好像过了一年那样漫长。




· Swimming is my father's favorite sport. 游泳是我父亲最爱的运动。

· Taking some exercise is good for your health. 适量运动有益健康。

· Listening to the piano music brings me much enjoyment. 听钢琴曲让我很享受。

· Getting up on time is her habit. 按时起床是她的习惯。

· Traveling around the world is a very fantastic experience. 环游世界是一次非常美妙的经历。

① 在“ It is + no use / no good / a waste of time...+ 动名词”结构中, it 作形式主语,动名词作真正主语

· It is no use screaming here. They will never show any sympathy for you. 在这大喊大叫 没有用。他们绝不会同情你。

· It is no good crying over split milk. 覆水难收。

· It is really a waste of time waiting for him here without any practical action. 没有任何实际行 动地在这儿等他,这简直是浪费时间。

· It is no use writing to her. She even drops the letters into the trash can. 给她寄信根本没用。 她甚至把信件丢进了垃圾桶里。

· It's a great fun chatting with you. 跟你聊天很有意思。

② 在“ It is + good / nice / interesting / useless / worthwhile... + 动名词”的结构中,

it 作形式主语,动名词作真正主语

· It is nice going for a walk with your sweetheart after supper. 晚饭后,和心爱的人一起散步的 感觉很好。

· It is worthwhile trying a new life style. 尝试一种新的生活方式是很值得的。

· It was useless persuading her when she was in bad mood. 在她不高兴的时候劝说她是没用的。

· It is good reading a few pages every day. 每天读几页书挺好的。

· It is quite interesting staying with these children. 和这些孩子待在一起真有趣。

(3)动名词在“There be”句型中作主语

这里动名词中的动词多为表示“认知、转述”等意义的词 (如 know say 等) ,其后常跟疑问词 (如 what when where 等) 。

· There is no telling when Rita will return from Italy. 没人说丽塔什么时候会从意大利回来。

· There is no saying when she will leave this place. 很难说她会何时离开这个地方。

· There is no knowing where they shall meet next time. 不知道他们下次会在哪里遇见。

· There is no announcing what we should do next phase. 没有宣布下一阶段我们将做什么工作。

· There is no planning where these idle machines should be placed. 还没想好这些闲置的机器 应该放哪儿。


★在“ there is no + V-ing ”的结构中,也可以灵活地使用其它动词。需要注意的是在 “There be ”句型中只能用动名词,而不能用动词不定式作主语。

· I'm serious. There is no joking about a matter like this. 说真的,像这种事情不是开 玩笑的。

· There is no setting back the wheel of history. 历史的车轮不可阻挡。

· There is no playing dumb in front of me. 不要在我面前装傻。


· No fishing! 禁止钓鱼! 相当于 No fishing is allowed here!)

· No smoking! 禁止吸烟! 相当于 No smoking is allowed here!)

· No parking! 禁止停车! 相当于 No parking is permitted here!)



· Their coming to my first show is a great encouragement to me. 他们来给我的首秀捧场,对 我来说真是极大的鼓舞。

· Mr. Green's quitting from the team was a huge loss for our department. 格林先生的退出对我 们部门来说是个巨大的损失。

· Her giving up the chance to go abroad turned out to be a wise decision. 她放弃出国机会这 件事,最后证实是明智的。

· My taking part in the singing contest brings about different opinions in my family. 我参加歌 唱比赛的事在家里引发了一场争议。

· Julia's attending the Charity Gala really astonished all of us. 茱莉娅出席那场慈善晚会,这让 我们所有人都大吃一惊。 aFswaW8CUhmpEjETI4kChqL0z07pFaoqOF0qD0Hp9/Y8otpJKceNoOBx0tWF+NkA
