大学之道,在明明德,在亲 ① 民,在止于至善。
秦中一 69×138cm
What the Great Learning teaches,is to illustrate illustrious virtue,to renovate the people,and to abide in the highest good.
Only after knowing what to abide in can one be calm.Only after having been calm can one be tranquil.Only after having achieved tranquility can one have peaceful repose.Only after having peaceful repose can one begin to deliberate.Only after deliberation can the end be attained.
秦中一 69×138cm
秦中一 69×138cm
Things have their roots and their branches.Affairs have their ends and their beginnings.Knowing sequencing will lead one near the Way.
The ancients,who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom,first brought order to their states.Wishing to bring their states,they first regulated their families.Wishing to regulate their families,they first cultivated themselves.Wishing to cultivate themselves,they first rectified their minds.Wishing to rectify their minds,they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts.Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts,they first extended to the utmost their knowledge.Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.
秦中一 69×68cm
From the emperor down to the mass of the people,all must consider the cultivation of the personal life as the root.It cannot be,when the root is neglected,that what should spring from it will be well ordered.It never has been the case that what was of great importance has been slightly cared for,and,at the same time,that what was of slight importance has been greatly cared for.
秦中一 69×68cm
所谓诚其意者,毋自欺也,如恶 ① 恶臭,如好好色,此之谓自谦 ② 。故君子必慎其独也。
What is meant by “making the thoughts sincere.”is the allowing no self-deception,as when we hate a bad smell,and as when we love what is beautiful.This is called self-enjoyment.Therefore,the noble person must be watchful over himself when he is alone.
秦中一 69×138cm
富润屋,德润身,心广体胖 ① ,故君子必诚其意。
秦中一 69×138cm
Wealth makes a house shining and virtue makes a person shining.The mind is expanded,and the body is at ease.Therefore,the noble person must make his thoughts sincere.
The noble person deem worthy what they deemed worthy,and love what they loved.The common people delight in what delighted them,and are benefited by their beneficial arrangements.That was why the former kings are not forgotten even after they passed away.
秦中一 69×138cm
《康诰》曰:“克明德。”《大甲》 ① 曰:“顾 ② 天之明命。”《帝典》 ③ 曰:“克明峻德。”皆自明也。
秦中一 69×138cm
①《大甲》:指《尚书 商书》中的《太甲》。
② (shì):通“是”。代词,这。
③《帝典》:指《尚书 尧典》。“峻”,《尧典》作“俊”。
In the Announcement to Kang,it is said:“He was able to make his virtue illustrious.”In the Tai-chia,it is said:“He contemplated the illustrious decrees of Heaven.”In the Canon of the emperor(Yao),it is said:“He was able to make illustrious his lofty virtue.”These passages all show how those sovereigns made themselves illustrious.
On the washbasin of the king Tang,the following words were engraved:“If you can renovate yourself today do it from day to day.Yea,let there be daily renovation.”
秦中一 69×138cm
秦中一 69×138cm
As a sovereign,he rested in humanity.As a minister,he rested in reverence.As a son,he rested in filial piety.As a father,he rested in kindness.And in dealing with the people of the country,he rested in faithfulness.
When the mind is not present,we look but do not see,listen but do not hear,eat but do not know the taste of what we eat.
秦中一 69×138cm
秦中一 69×138cm
Hence it is said,in the common adage,“A man does not know the wickedness of his son;he does not know the richness of his growing corn.”
If the lord practices humanity in his own family,all people in his state will practice humanity.If the lord is courteous,all people in his state will become courteous,If the lord is greedy and cruel,the whole country will be plunged into disorder.Such is the subtle,incipient activating force of things.
秦中一 138×69cm
秦中一 69×138cm
The noble person must himself be possessed of the good qualities,and then he may require them in the people.He must not have the bad qualities in himself,and then he may require that they shall not be in the people.Never has there been a man,who,not having reference to his own character and wishes in dealing with others was able effectually to instruct them.
所谓平天下在治其国者,上老老而民兴孝,上长长而民兴弟,上恤孤而民不倍 ① 。是以君子有 ② 絜矩之道也。
What is meant by “making the whole kingdom peaceful and happy depends on the government of his state”is this:When the sovereign behaves to his aged,the people will be aroused toward filial piety;when the sovereign behaves to his elders,the people will be aroused toward brotherly respect;when the sovereign treats compassionately the young and helpless,then the common people will not follow the opposite course.Thus the ruler has a principle with which,as with a measuring square,he may regulate his conduct.
何玉如 69×138cm
何玉如 69×138cm
When a sovereign loves what the people love,and hates what the people hate,then he is so-called the parent of the people.
By having the support of the people,the sovereign have their countries,and by losing the support of the people,the sovereign lose their countries.
何玉如 69×138cm
何玉如 69×138cm
Virtue is the root,while wealth is the branch.
The noble person has a great course to pursue.He must attain it through loyalty and faithfulness and will surely lose it through pride and indulgence.
何玉如 69×138cm
何玉如 69×138cm
There is a great principle for the production of wealth.If there are many producers and few consumers,and if people who produce wealth do so quickly and those who spend it do so slowly,then wealth will always be sufficient.
A man of humanity develops his personality by means of his wealth,while the inhumane person develops wealth at the sacrifice of his personality.
何玉如 69×138cm