What does an interviewer expect from an interviewee? Different hotels and hotel groups have different criteria to assess their interviewees. However, we still can find something in common among their criteria.
For an interviewee who wishes to find a job in a renowned hotel at home and abroad, the primary issue he or she ought to be concerned about is what the criteria of the hotel are. After all, only when you know the criteria or the expectations of the interviewer can you know what you will prepare, so that you will meet the hotel's requirements and succeed in the interview. Only when you area ware of what the interviewer expects from you, can you prepare yourself sufficiently.
It is beneficial to study the assessment criteria, by which interviewers in some renowned hotel groups appraise their interviewees, in order to have a clear picture of this issue.
Here, below, are four assessment sheets given by internationally- renowned hotels while they interview job applicants in China.
1. Hilton Hotel Assessment Sheet
Name: _____________________
Date of Interview: _____________________
Position Interviewed for:________
Nationality: ____________ Age: ________
(1) Unacceptable: Cannot answer simple questions, cannot communicate.
(2) Poor: Very basic, poor vocabulary, poor pronunciation.
(3) Average: Able to answer simple questions, basic, acceptable English for rank and file.
(4) Good: Able to communicate with employees and guests.
(5) Excellent: Fluent in English.
(1) Unacceptable: Very poorly groomed, poor presentation.
(2) Poor: Needs rigorous improvement.
(3) Average: Needs some improvement.
(4) Good: Groomed up to Hilton standards.
(5) Excellent: Very well groomed.
(1) Too shy, insecure to communicate.
(2) Very shy, insecure.
(3) Shy, little insecure.
(4) Confident.
(5) Over confident, close to arrogant.
What kind of education? ________________________________
What level of education? _______________________________
Diploma? Yes/ No
Number of years? ____________________________________
2. Le Meridian
Interview Assessment Sheet
Applicant's Name: ___________________ Age: ___________________
Position Applied for: _________________ Date: ___________________
Place of Interview: ___________________________________________
Interviewed by: ______________________________________________
(1) Poor (Negative evidence).
(2) Average (Some positive evidence gained. Requires development to perform completely).
(3) Good (Positive evidence gained. Some service behaviors demonstrated).
(4) Very good (Meets all requirements for evidence).
(5) Excellent (Exceeds requirements for evidence).
Assessment Criteria
Interviewer's Signature
Director of Human Resources
3.Monarch Hotel Interview Assessment Form
Name: ____________________
Date of Interview: __________
Current Position: ___________
Place of Interview: _________
Position Desire: ____________
Date Available: ____________
Check the appropriate box in each category. Then make additional comments below.
Comments: ____________________________________________________________
Interviewer: ____________________________
Date: __________________________________
4. Burj Al Arab
Interview Evaluation
Name of candidate: ______________
Date: ______________________
Position applied for: ______________
Interviewer: _________________
Rating Scale: 7-Outstanding, 6-Very Good, 5-Good, 4-Satisfactory, 3-Needs Developing, 2-Weak, 1-N/A
To sum up, a job interviewee has to prepare himself in following aspects:
Firstly, the initial impression an interviewee makes upon a potential employer is by no means unimportant. The interviewer's first sight falls on the interviewee's image. Therefore, professionally-neat grooming and suitable attire is his “name card” to the interviewer. The first judgment the interviewer makes is going to be based on how the interviewee looks and what he wears. That's why it's always important to dress professionally for a job interview.
Secondly, the body language suggests the interviewee's internal world. Proper body language is a helper to sell himself but poor body language is frustrating and is absolutely an obstacle to his success. His poise, eye contact and facial expression reflect whether he is interesting, self-confident or qualified.