
Unit 3.3
The Principle of an Answer

Answering questions in an interview quite differs from what you do in class or in daily life. As stated in the above part, the interviewer puts forward each question with a motive and an expected answer from interviewees. Therefore, being aware of how to answer each question is rather important and useful. In order to give satisfactory answers and impress the interviewer, you are supposed to follow several principles, which will be stated in the following part.

(1) Q: What is your remuneration expectation?

As for this question, firstly you have to understand the superficial meaning: What does“ remuneration ”mean?If you can not understand it or do not catch it when the interviewer speaks too fast, never answer it based on your own understanding. Ask the interviewer to repeat it or explain it until you can fully get the question. Don't be shy. Answer it as Fig.3.2.

Fig. 3.2

Secondly, you should take the motive of the interviewer into consideration: why does he/she ask such a question? He/she does not really expect a number from you but your attitude towards salary and work: what counts more?

Answer for reference: Money is important, but I am still very young and to me, the opportunities and job responsibilities mean more to my career.

To sum up, the first principle to follow is to understand the question superficially and get the motive of interviewer.

(2) Q: Why did you choose Hotel Management as your major?

A: My parents told me that hotel industry is rising fast with a bright future.There are more opportunities to find a good job when I graduate. So I chose this major. Or, many of my classmates and friends chose this major, so did I .

If your answer is of this kind, you will definitely impress the interviewer with your lack of dependence, which is totally unadvisable. Interviewers always expect to employ those who can think and work independently.

Answer for reference: Hotel industry is growing fast and has provided lots of opportunities for those who want to work in this industry. I believe with interest and hard work, I can do well both in college and in my future job

Therefore, the second principle to follow in an interview is to show your independence and individuality.

Fig. 3.3

(3) Q: How would your friends and classmates describe you?

A: All my friends and classmates like me very much.They like playing and sharing with me. I am rather popular among my friends and classmates .

This is actually an unadvisable answer because the interviewee does not answer the question in a direct way. To pass the interview, you'd better know the characteristics about both western and Chinese culture.

Western culture can be compared to a Pizza, which presents the main point in a clear way while Chinese culture is much more like dumplings, with details wrapping up the main point (Fig. 3.4).

Fig. 3.4

Answer for reference: They say I am a kind-hearted and responsible person.When they have some trouble, they all like to turn to me.

When you have an English interview, remember to think and answer questions in an English way. This is the third principle—give a direct answer first and then decide whether or not to make further explanations.

(4) Q: If you had one million US dollars to donate, where would you donate it to?

If your answer is something like “I would like to donate it to the poor”, you are talking too generally. An answer with details or examples is much more appreciated than a too general answer, because the interviewer can be better informed with a detailed answer. He/she may get lost in your general talking.

Fig. 3.5

Answer for reference: If I had such a great amount of money, I would donate it to educational institutions so that poor children can also be educated. Or, I want to donate it to animal conservation institutions to protect rare animals .

Therefore, you should also follow this principle in an interview: answer questions specifically rather than too generally.

(5) Q: What does excellent service mean to you?

A: For me,excellent service means I should always wear a smile and provide as good service as possible for customers .

This might be a complete answer or an incomplete one, which depends on the situation. Whether you are supposed to explain why or not depends on the reaction of interviewers. When you finish stating your viewpoint, observe the interviewer's reaction carefully. If he/she waits for your explanation, carry on with your answer. Generally speaking, most interviewers would expect an answer to “why”.

Fig. 3.6

Answer for reference: For me, excellent service means I should always wear a smile and provide as good service as possible for customers. Because “smile” is the most beautiful language in the world and it can shorten the distance between people. As a hotel employee, serving customers is our vocation. I will wear a smile all the time and try to make customers satisfied when they come to our hotel.

In conclusion, your answer should be answer plus one, that is, remember to explain “why” your answer is that.

(6) Q1: What subject do you like least in college?

Q2: What is your greatest weakness?

A1: The subject I like least is Chinese, because I think it's very boring and we have been learning Chinese for so many years. I don't think it's necessary to spend another year to learn it in College.

A2: My greatest weakness is that I am too lazy.(Or I am very careless or I am often late for class…)

When you confront the first question, do not complain about the so-called tediousness or difficulty of a certain subject. For the second one, never tell your weakness without careful consideration. The above answers are typically wrong, because all they've conveyed to the interviewer is negative, from which the interviewer could conclude that the interviewee may also complain about the perspective job or colleagues or they will definitely not employ you because of your laziness, carelessness or unpunctuality.

Fig. 3.7

Answer for reference:

A1: When I just attended college,I was not very interested in Chinese but gradually,I realized every subject exists for a reason and counts. Since then I read many Chinese novels and joined a poetry society.

A2: I think my greatest weakness is that I am too careful.Quite often I would check my work very carefully for the second time even though I have finished it as requested. Sometimes this really bothers me and I feel a little bit stressful from myself .

Remember to be positive during the interview and your positive attitude will help you a lot to get the offer.

(7) Q: What is your lifelong dream in career?

A: I always expect to be a manager in a five-star hotel because hotel management is my major and I like working in hotel industry. I want to devote all my talents and make some achievement finally

The above answer lacks a good ending. The interviewee can continue the answer and talk a lot more. The question involved here is how to end the answer properly. There are two ways for reference. One is to repeat the question or viewpoint: that's my opinion or that's my understanding of … The other is to end the answer through your eye contact or other facial expressions including a nod, smile and so on. The last choice is to wait the interviewer to interrupt your answer.

Answer for reference: I always expect to be a manager in a five-star hotel because hotel management is my major and I like working in hotel industry. That's my lifelong dream.

Fig. 3.8

So when you want to end your answer, repeat your viewpoint or drop the interviewer a hint through smile, eye contact, nod and so on.

Moreover, at the very end of interview, remember to express your thanks with a smile and then leave. nJvgJJNNP1377seMQH3bpt+edIAkPv2kZt8XIgtSdoekykrba3rTk7ENPBQnjgJp
