
Chapter 3
Categorized Questions & Analysis


The interview is a well-planned project with sufficient consideration and detailed schedules for both interviewers and interviewees. As the old sayinggoes in China,know the enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat. Consequently, in order to pass the interview and finally get the job offer, interviewees should know well the questions probably proposed, the motives behind those questions, how to answer each kind of question approximately and different kinds of questions in different interviews. This chapter is subdivided into four parts and the above four aspects will be discussed respectively.

Unit 3.1
Categorized Questions

1. Customer Focus

(1) What do you think our customers expect in terms of service?

(2) How can you tell whether a customer is happy or not? If not, what steps can you take to solve his problem?

(3) What would be your reaction if a customer invited you to a nightclub?

(4) Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer on your own.

(5) How have you handled difficult customers?

(6) Describe your ideal job.

2. Team Focus

(1) Describe a team or group of which you have been a member recently.

(2) Describe your role within the team.

(3) How effective do you feel your behavior was when you were in a situation where the team members responded positively to you? How about when they responded negatively?

(4) How would your colleagues describe you?

(5) How have others appraised you? How have your weaknesses been perceived by your clients/colleagues/bosses/ subordinates?

(6) What nationalities have you worked with?

(7) When a colleague was in need of assistance, what, where, when and how did you assist? Give an example.

(8) Are you a good team player and why?

3. Personal Effectiveness

(1) What experience have you had in scheduling routines?

(2) What do you see to being the key stages in organizing and completing a project?

(3) Give me an example of how you have taken responsibility for your own learning.

(4) What training needs do you think would help you to improve your career?

(5) What are your limitations at work?

(6) What have you learned from your mistakes?

(7) What inspires you?

(8) How did you improve yourself last year?

(9) Do you work well on your own?

(10) If I were to tell you that I do not like you, how could you change my mind?

(11) What qualifications do you think the job requires?

(12) What makes you better than other candidates?

(13) Do you work well under pressure?

4. Delivering Results

(1) How do you go about prioritizing your actions during the day?

(2) What motivated you to be in this interview?

(3) How do you ensure the standards are implemented in the hotel?

(4) Quality is the prime dimension in the hospitality industry. What would your approach in maintaining quality?

5. People Management

(1) What aspects of your job require you to work with other people?

(2) Can you give me an example of when you have had to solve a problem in your work place or college or family and how did you handle it?

(3) What would one need to do in the event of an argument at work?

(4) What suggestions would you make to have the sale of an Italian restaurant in your city increased over the next 3 months having seen a potential market available?

(5) What is your motivation for applying for this position?

(6) What contribution could you offer to our organization?

6. Education and Employment

(1) How do your studies at school relate to this job?

(2) How did you benefit from your summer vacation work?

(3) Name three things you learned in school that you could apply to this job.

(4) How do you appraise your school, your teachers and your fellow students?

(5) What excited you most at school?

7. General

(1) What do you expect from an organization?

(2) What do you know about our company/ hotel?

(3) What is your remuneration expectation?

(4) Why do you think you are suitable for this job?

(5) What do you see about yourself in about five years? / Tell me about your five-year plan.

(6) Why have you applied for this position in our hotel?

(7) Can you tell me some of the job responsibilities? aMYQxnVezPjINjIJ9heRST0JypvdmtL8pV0qeAkHEicQ3WcF6o1932kCExB65Qo3
