

1. zuò v. to sit,to take(taxi,bus,subway,plane,etc.)

2. 出租车 chūzūchē n. taxi

v. to rent

chē n. vehicle(with wheels)

3. 司机 sījī n. driver

4. 先生 xiānsheng n. mister,sir

5. nín pron. you

Usage: Only have singular form. nín is more respectful than .It is used to address seniors,customers,etc.

6. v. to go

Usage: no preposition is needed between and the destination.
e.g. Nán jīng Měi guó And it is the same in the case of lái (to come)、 huí (to return)and dào (to arrive).
e.g. lái Zhōng guó huí xué xiào dào Shàng hǎi

7. 哪里 nǎli QW where(also nǎr 儿,see Cultural Tips)

8. 路口 lùkǒu n. intersection,crossing

9. n. road

10. 师傅 shīfu n. master

Usage :it is a form of address to show respect for skilled men such as driver,repairman,doorman,etc.

11. zài prep. in,at,on

12. xià adj. next

e.g. xià ge kǒu next intersection
xià ge xīng nex tweek
Opposite: shàng last
e.g. shàng ge xīng last week

13. zuǒ n. left

Opposite: yòu right

14. guǎi v. to turn,to make a turn

e.g. zuǒ guǎi turn left

15. 好的 hǎo de okay,alright

16. tíng v. to stop

17. 这里 zhèli pron. here(also zhèr 儿)

18. v. to pay

19. 现金 xiànjīn n. cash

jīn n. gold

20. 还是 háishì conj. or

Usage :used in questions asking for choice
e.g. Nán jīng hái shì chuān Lù?
Do you go to Nanjing Rd.or Sichuan Rd .?
“or”in“either...or...”is huò zhě ,See Unit8 Vocabulary.
e.g. zuò chū chē huò zhě tiě.
I take taxi or subway .

21. yòng v. to use

22. 交通卡 jiāotōngkǎ n. transportation card

交通 jiāotōng n. transportation,traffic

n. card

23. gěi v. to give

24. qǐng v. please(used in request)

25. 发票 fāpiào n. receipt

piào n. ticket

26. děng v. to wait

27.…… 一下 yíxià used after a verb to indicate the briefness of the action(see Language Points)

28. 可以 kěyǐ AV may,can

29. 地铁 dìtiě n. subway

30. 公共汽车 gōnggòngqìchē n. bus

公共 gōnggòng adj. public

汽车 qìchē n. car

31. 方便 fāngbiàn adj. convenient yyuTP6aqhu19Gr7M2FVh7hofKjFtrLJokZqDuJ0xG4aHf3Ebwcf//pkgshF8958O
