
Language Points(语言点)

1.Numbers 0-100 and price(数字0—100和价钱的表达)

Numbers 0-100

Denominations of money

①Some people,especially those in southern China,prefer using jiǎo to máo .

How to read price

Can you summarize when èr is used andwhen liǎng is used when you read price? (小 结“二”和“两”的用法)

Write your summary here :(把你的总结写在这里)


We have learnedthat adverb appears before the verb in a sentence(see Unit 1).Thisunit gives us more examples ofadverbs: hái méi zhǐ .(第一课学了副词“也”,本课再 学几个 :还、不、没、只)

(1) Hái yào shén me?

(2) yào bái fàn.

(3) huαn chī shí táng de fàn.

(4) Shí táng zhǐ yǒu bái fàn bāo zi, méi yǒu chǎo fàn, méi yǒu chǎo miàn.

Do these adverbs also appear before verbs? (这些副词也出现在动词前吗?)

When both and are before the verb see Sentence 4 ,which adverb is closer to the verb? (当“也”和“没”同时出现在动词前〔见句4〕,哪个副词离动词更近?)

3.Simple question with question particle ma (带助词“吗”的简单问句)

We have learned question with a question word in Unit 1. In this unit,we learn simple question. Add a question particle ma to a statement and it becomes a simple question.


Can you find the rule of how to answer a question with ?(如何回答简单问句?)

Write your findings here: (把你的发现写在这里)

Please change the four questions with above into questions with question word.


4.Measure word(1)(量词一)

Unlike in English,a numeral in Chinese is usually not immediately followed by a noun.

A measure word is used in between.So the structure is:



Commonly used measure words are less than twenty(See Appendix 1). ge is by far the most common measure word in Chinese and is used with a whole range of nouns which do not have their own specific measure words.Let's see some examples of ge :(常用量词不超过 20个〔见附录1〕,“个”是最常用的量

ge míng zi liǎng ge bāo zi sān ge xuésheng bǎi ge guó jiā

Measure wordis not only used after a numeral,but also after a question word.(量词不仅可以用在数词后,也可以用在疑问词后)

e.g. ge duō shǎo ge tOZwW/uNQSB1B9UulbmlmohibQ5fp9p24rLhxAmklBze3Sz7w7KnVY/ntxe1qQwd
