





Opportunities have never been greater to those who master English.










考英研难,难在如下两方面:(1)英研考卷本身。“选拔考试”都信奉一个原则:特殊大于一般。那些你知我知的一般性知识是很少出现的。出题人命题的潜台词是“知特殊必知一般”。因此考英研的卷子有其特殊性,而这特殊性在大学四年学习中很少涉及,所以只掌握大学四年学习的内容是达不到考研要求的,或者说虽然涉及,也是不成系统、支离破碎、点评式的。这就意味着,英研(无论哪个英语院系)是有英研的特殊要求的,它需要我们有针对性地做系统准备。(2)如前文所言,“考研者不仅仅要战胜考卷,更是要战胜其他考生……才能稳操胜券”。这就要求考英研者必须表现优秀,而优秀只能出自准备,正如北京环球时代学校的校训所言:伟大是准备出来的。(Greatness can be prepared!)





A. 打下坚实的英语语言基础。没有坚实的语言基本功,考英研就成了无本之木、空中楼阁。据统计,在以往考英研落榜者中,80%的人都是因为英语基础不过关,基础英语这张卷子没有达到100分以上。另外,考英研专业卷主要是用英文答题的,扎实的语言基本功无疑让你如虎添翼。坚实的语言运用基础很少是一蹴而就。它要求我们从点滴做起,扎扎实实练功。如词汇的广度(词汇量)和词汇的深度(词的用法)。在广度方面,要求考生识别15 000~18 000个单词。2000年修订大纲规定专八词汇量是13 000,但十几年过去了,随着社会的进步和发展,对英语专业人才要求的提高,加之考研这个选拔性考试的高标准,如今要想考英研稳操胜券,起码要达到我们所提出的词汇量标准。达到这样的词汇量必须要求切实可行的、契合英语专业学习者的词汇学习方法:或背美文记单词,或语义词群记忆,或“倒背如流”,或“内联外想”,或“后现代解构”,或借助声音契合和语文关系,或词源词根等。在词的深度方面,只知其一不识其他是很危险的,如我们只知道suppose是动词,不知它有连词词性,我们就会拒绝这样的句子“Look, suppose you lost your job tomorrow, what would you do?”词汇以外的其他内容也是如此。

B. 深化专业课学习。我们知道以自我完善为目的的大学专业课学习与以考英研为目标的专业课学习是不尽相同的(如语言学学习)。后者要求目的性更强,知识掌握更精准,有些还要理论联系实际,总之要求高一些。所以当你定下专业方向就要以这样的标准要求自己。

C. 不仅看单科分数,而且看总分。目前大多数院系还是以“基础英语”150分、专业课150分、二外100分、政治100分,总分500分为体系(除少数院系如上海外国语大学等另有其计算总分的方法)。这就说明,只是英语基础扎实、英语专业学得出色,而二外和政治较弱也是令人遗憾的。所以考研者要全面提高素质,万不可偏颇。



一、共核性知识点的高度浓缩。 所谓共核,就是任何学校都要考的,比如:英语的基础知识,如词汇、语法、修辞、阅读、写作、翻译等;综合英语,如语言学、文化等。基础英语是每个院系都需要考查的,虽然各校之间的题型有差异,甚至同一院系的同一专业在不同的年份题型都不尽一致,但变化的只是形式,不变的却是核心、是考点,也就是共核性的知识点。语言学、英美文学和文化就更复杂一些,各个学校都会指定厚厚一大摞参考书,而学校与学校之间的指定参考书还不一样,这就更需要在研读了所有这些书(几乎全部是用英文写就)的基础上进行归纳与总结,同时再研究各校历年真题,从而概括出高度浓缩的共核性考点。据我们观察,考研成功者都是一样的,有扎实的基本功和共核性知识,而考研失败者除有各自的理由之外,也呈现这种共核性知识缺失的共性。所以,我们在这套“丛书”中突出强调了共核性知识点,但同时,我们也对一些比较边缘的知识点做了相应处理。

二、全真模拟练习的广泛运用。 我们认为,只有通过充分地练习才能牢固地掌握语言,只有在实践中才能熟练地学会语言。知识,尤其语言知识的掌握必须经历三个阶段。第一阶段:知识的认知,即学习知识;第二阶段:知识的运用,用学到的知识去解决问题;第三阶段:知识的创新,通过知识创新最终掌握知识。人类认知的水平发展到现在,认知阶段的时间已被大大缩短了,很多知识、技能的掌握都是直接通过运用而完成的,知识的最终掌握必须通过知识创新而达到。遵循以上原则,编者们在参考上百所高校真题题型的基础上,结合自己的命题实践,编制了大量模拟练习题,让使用者在解决问题的过程中学习新知识,同


三、对本科教学内容的拔高和对英研学术内涵的前瞻性运用。 这套“丛书”的主创人员都是具有丰富教学经验的硕士生导师,许多甚至就是其所在高校英研招生入学考试的命题人。他们一方面拥有丰富的一线教学经验,既教本科生,又带研究生,同时还在从事相关领域的研究工作,处于学术研究的最前沿,所以他们对本科生与研究生之间的差距非常了解,熟知研究生入学考试专业课的考查要求和命题重点。在这次“丛书”的编撰过程中,我们还组织所有创作人员对上百所高校近年来的研究生入学考试真题进行细致分析和深入研究,以此为基础组织内容,对本科所学知识进行总结和拔高,并适度前瞻性地运用语言学、语用学、测试学、心理学甚至哲学等学科的研究成果,力求用更具科学性的方法来贯通知识的传授,使这套“丛书”不仅仅服务于考研的需要,还可为较高层次的英语学习者所用。


吴中东 宫玉波
2019年7月 hcZe789pHKAE1Qac/NpabIxRK3H00S0ZGmxv0tRUkjsmsjtR5pDqlLBA1WCxCv2+

>>> 北京航空航天大学 <<<



Part One Linguistics (70 points)

Ⅰ. Briefly answer the following questions. (30 points, ×6)

1. What is a phoneme? How to discover phonemes?

2. What are endocentric compounds and exocentric compounds? Which compounds below are endocentric and which are exocentric?

Airplane; dog food; pickpocket; policeman; redhead; sky-blue; walkman

3. What are syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations? Explain each of them with an example.

4. What is Contrastive Analysis (in Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching) ?

5. What are image schemas? Give three examples of image schemas.

Ⅱ. Answer the following questions or complete the related tasks below, together with some appropriate superordinates and hyponyms, in a diagram to show the hyponymy. (40 points, 4×10)

1. What is hyponymy? Arrange the vehicles shown in the first column in the table

2. Write some phrase-structure rules ( beginning with S → NP + VP) which can generate the sentence:

The men love a red car.

3. What is Componential Analysis? Use this theory to explain why the following sentences do not make sense :

(a) John is a man but not a male.

(b) Peter killed Bob but Bob did not die.

4. Consider the dialogue between A and B:

A: Can I talk to you now?

B: I will have a meeting in a minute.

Explain B’s implicature using Grice’s theory of Conversational Implicature.



1. 考点提示: 本题考查的是音位。

解题思路: 首先解释音位的概念,再说明通过最小对立对来发现音位并加以举例说明。


A phoneme is the smallest linguistic unit of sound that can signal a difference in meaning.Phonological analysis relies on the principle that certain sounds cause changes in the meaning of a word, whereas other sounds do not. A simple methodology to demonstrate this is to take a word, replace one sound by another, and see whether a different meaning results. For instance, the word tin in English consists of three separate sounds, each of which can be given a symbol in a phonetic transcription, [tin].If we replace [t] by [d], a different word results: din. [t] and [d] are thus important sounds in English,because they enables us to distinguish tin from din, tie from die, and many more words pairs. Similarly, [i]can be shown to be important units, too.

This technique, called the minimal pairs test, can be used to find out which sound substitutions cause differences of meaning. For English, it leads to the identification of over 40 important units, called phonemes.

2. 考点提示: 本题考查的是向心复合词和离合复合词。

解题思路: 首先解释向心复合词和离心复合词的概念,再选出符合相对应的复合词。


Compounds can be further divided into two kinds: the endocentric compound and exocentric compound. The head of a nominal or adjective endocentric compound is de-verbal. That is, it is derived from a verb. Consequently, it is also called a verbal compound or a synthetic compound. Usually, the first member is a participant of the process verb. The exocentric nominal compounds are formed by V+N, V+A, and V+P, whereas the exocentric adjectives come from V+N, V+A.

The endocentric compound are: airplane, dog food, policeman, redhead, sky-blue.

The exocentric compound are: pickpocket, walkman.

3. 考点提示: 本题考查的是结构主义语法中的组合关系和聚合关系。

解题思路: 首先解释组合关系和聚合关系的概念,再举例加以说明。


Saussure proposed the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations. Syntagmatic relation is a relation between one item and others in a sequence or between elements which are present, such as the relation between “weather” and others in the following sentence: “If the weather is nice, I’ll go out.”

Paradigmatic relation is a relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at a particular place in a structure or between one element present and the others absent. For example, the word man can be replaced by the phrase pretty girl in the sentence The man smiles.

4. 考点提示: 本题考查的是对比分析。

解题思路: 首先解释对比分析的概念,再加以举例分析。


Contrastive analysis (known as CA) came into fashion in the 1960s. Starting with describing comparable features of the native language and target language (e.g. tense, words or expressions etc.), contrastive analysis compares the forms and meaning across these two languages to locate the mismatches or differences so that people can predict the possible learning difficulty learners may encounter.

For example, between Chinese and French, there are many “false friends”, words and phrases which are rather similar in spelling and sound yet different in meaning and function. This is usually out of a direct transfer from learners’ native language French. Such native language transfer errors may also occur when Chinese English learners simply transfer Chinese collocation or expressions to English as “to touch the society,” and so on.

5. 考点提示: 本题考查的是意向图式。

解题思路: 首先解释意向图式的概念,再加以举例说明。


Mark Johnson proposes image schemas. He defines an image schema as a recurring dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience. Image schematic structures have two characteristics: they are pre-conceptual schematic structures emerging from our bodily experience and they are constantly operating in our perceptual interaction, bodily movement through space, and physical manipulation of objects. Image schemas exist at a level of abstraction, operate at a level of mental organization between propositional structures and concrete images, and serve repeatedly as identifying patterns in an indefinitely large number of experiences, perceptions and image formation for objects or events that are similarly structured in the relevant ways.


1. 考点提示: 本题考查的是词的上下义关系,以及上义词和下义词。


Hyponymy is a kind of sense relation. It is a matter of class membership. (2 points) The upper term or in other words the class, in this sense relation is named as superordinate, while the lower term,namely, the members, is the hyponym. (2 points) A superordinate is a general term that usually includes different words representing narrower categories. (2 points) In this particular case, vehicle serves as the superordinate, and the hyponyms are different vehicles featuring various characteristics, to be exact,van, bus, car motorcycle and bicycle. (4 points)

2. 考点提示: 本题考查的是转换生成语法中短语结构的组合原则。

解题思路: 为了弥补直接成分分析法的不足,乔姆斯基建议在语言研究中区分两层结构即深层结构和表层结构。而转换规则负责把短语的深层结构转换为表层结构。


The phrase structure component has phrase structure rules, which can be listed as S→NP+VP, VP→V+NP, NP→N+Det, Det→a, the, etc. (4 points)

The structure of the sentence mentioned above is as follows: the whole sentence can be divided into a NP (noun phrase) and a VP ( verb phrase). The men form a NP and love the red car serves as VP.The VP can be further divided into love as a verb, and a red car as a another NP. Any NP can be divided into Det+N. Inside the NP, the is a determiner, and men is the noun, as for the NP a red car, both a and red are served as determiners and car is the certain noun. (6 points)

3. 考点提示: 本题考查的是成分分析法。

解题思路: 首先解释成分分析法的概念,再利用其解释句子的意义关系,分析其不合理性。


Componential analysis refers to a semantic approach which defines the meaning of a lexical element in terms of semantic components, or semantic features. For example, the meaning of the word“boy” may be analyzed into three components: HUMAN, YOUNG and MALE. It is a way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning. (4 points) The approach is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features. That is, the meaning of a word is not analysable whole. It may be seen as a complex of different semantic features. (3 points)

The semantic components will also explain sense relations between sentences. The sentences in the examples are all self-contradictory, as there are words, or expressions, which have contradictory semantic components in them. Thus the two sentences do not make sense. (3 points)

4. 考点提示: 本题考查的是会话含义理论。

解题思路: 首先解释会话含义的概念,再根据题目要求阐述该对话违反了哪条合作原则,说明其产生的隐含义。


The theory of conversational implicature was proposed Grice. (2 points) According to Grice,in daily conversation people do not usually say things directly but tend to imply them. Grice coined the term implicature, which refers to the implied meaning. The conventional implicature is a type of implied meaning, which is deduced on the basis of the conventional meaning of words, together with the context, under the guidance of the CP and its maxims. (5 points)

In the conversation above, what B said violates the maxim of Quality. Thus the conventional implicature occurred. Here what B implicates is that I don’t want to talk with you now. (3 points) gqhDElSPRT2LPTul9hFfxBL5+D8iZ/ovNFY2R79++QoQFW3YSxEStjMQNgSckltk
