

Once there were three trees.

They lived on a hill.

One tree was big.

One tree was not so big.

One tree was little.

The snow came down upon them.

They said, “Christmas is coming!

We want to be Christmas trees!”

A little bird came along.

The little bird was lost.

He could not find his mother.

He went to the big tree.

“Are you a kind tree?” he said.

“May I sit in your branches?

The snow is so cold!”

The big tree said, “No, no!

I don’t want birds in my branches.

I am going to be a Christmas tree!”

“How cold I am!” said the bird.

“I wish I could find a kind tree!

It would keep me warm.”

He went on up the hill.

Soon he came to the next tree.

“Are you a kind tree?” he said.

“May I sit in your branches?

The snow is so cold!

I am lost, dear Tree.

I can not find my mother.”

Now the tree was not kind.

It was like the big tree.

It said, “No, Little Bird, no!

I don’t want birds in my branches.

I am going to be a Christmas tree!”

“How cold I am!” said the bird.

“I wish I could find a kind tree!”

He went on up the hill.

Soon he came to the little tree.

He said, “Little Tree, I am lost!

May I sit in your warm branches?

The snow is so cold!”

Now the little tree was kind.

It was not like the other trees.

It said, “Oh, yes, dear Bird!

You may sit in my branches.”

How happy the little bird was!

By and by the bird heard something.

A sleigh was coming up the hill!

It did not stop at the big tree.

It did not stop at the next tree.

On it went to the little tree.

“It has come to us!” said the bird.

A man jumped out of the sleigh.

Can you guess who he was?

“What a pretty tree!” said the man.

“I want it for a Christmas tree.”

So he took it with him in the sleigh.

He took the little bird, too.

He said, “I will take you to Patty.

She will keep you warm.”

Away they all flew in the sleigh.

How happy the little tree was!

How happy the little bird was!

( Mary McDowell )

Word list

branches : arms or limbs of a tree

sleigh : a vehicle for travelling over snow

You Practice

A) Answer the following questions.

1) What did the three trees want to be?

2) What did the cold Little Bird want?

3) How was the little tree different from the big tree and the not-so-big tree?

4) Who do you think the man was? Who took the little tree and the bird?

5) What do you think the man will do with his new Christmas tree?

B) What’s the word? Using the clues, choose the correct words from the story.

1) to not know where you are: _ _ _ _

2) arms or limbs of a tree: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3) a boy who has grown up: _ _ _

4) we can ride this in the snow: _ _ _ _ _ _

5) not cold: _ _ _ _

C) True or False? Read these sentences carefully and write true or false for each one.

1) _____ The little Christmas tree was the kindest.

2) _____ The big tree helped the little bird.

3) _____ The little bird found its mother.

4) _____ All the trees wanted to be Christmas trees.

5) _____ The little tree didn’t want a bird in its branches LFK9ElvLms+JG+RrYlyxyMzOjukYtNx9x7G/5qB7ZyBtcqtFlYAaLYaQEll8D+Gx
