Once Gray Pussy sat in a tree.
Brown Pussy sat on the ground.
Gray Pussy looked at Brown Pussy.
Brown Pussy looked at Gray Pussy.
“Good morning,” said Gray Pussy.
“Mew, mew,” said Brown Pussy.
“What a pretty coat you have!”
Brown Pussy ran away.
Gray Pussy looked at her.
She said, “See Brown Pussy run!
I wish I could run, too.”
Brown Pussy ran to her home.
Guess what she said to her mother!
She said,
“A little gray kitten
Sat in a tree!
I looked at her,
She looked at me!”
( Kate L. Brown )
pussy: cat
coat : fur
A) Answer the following questions.
1) Where was Gray Pussy?
2) Where was Brown Pussy?
3) What did Gray Pussy say to Brown Pussy just before she ran away?
4) Where did Brown Pussy run when she ran away?
5) What did Brown Pussy do after she ran away?
B) True or False? Read these sentences carefully and write True or False.
1) _____ Gray Pussy and Brown Pussy sat in a tree together.
2) _____ Brown Pussy’s mother sat in a tree.
3) _____ Gray Pussy told her mother about Brown Pussy.
4) _____ Gray Pussy chased Brown Pussy home.
5) _____ There are no dogs in this story.