

Baa, baa, Black Sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes, Sir! Yes, Sir!

Three bags full.

One for my master,

One for my dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives in the lane.

Girl: Good morning, Black Sheep!

Have you any wool?

SheeP: Yes! I have three bags full.

Girl: What will you do with it?

SheeP: One bag is for my master.

One bag is for my dame.

One bag is for Little Boy Blue.

Girl: Where is Little Boy Blue?

SheeP: He is in the lane.

SheeP: Good morning, Boy Blue!

Guess what I have for you.

Boy: Is it a bag of wool?

SheeP: Yes, it is a bag of black wool.

Boy: Thank you, Black Sheep!

Thank you for the wool!

I will take it to mother.

She will make me a coat.

The coat will keep me warm.

(Mother Goose)

Word list

baa, baa : the sound that a sheep makes

coat : a warm piece of clothing for the upper body

You Practice

A) Answer the following questions.

1) How many bags of wool does Black Sheep have?

2) Who are the bags of wool for?

3) Who is asking the Black Sheep if he has any wool?

4) What season of the year do you think it is? Why?

5) What are some other things you can make with wool?

B) Opposites—Write the opposites of these words. The words are found in the story.

1) white ____________

2) no ___________

3) big ____________

4) girl ___________

5) night ____________

6) cool ___________

C) True or False? Read these sentences carefully and write True or False for each one.

1) _____ All sheep are black.

2) _____ All the bags of wool are for boys.

3) _____ Little Boy Blue is in the lane.

4) _____ Little Boy Blue wants to give the wool to his father.

5) _____ Little Boy Blue’s father will make him a sweater. L/XUAT4Wi5ofz/tmYQEWmLjPVK5+hSZySL6T4MqP7ToqSEHYPUIE+TIQwQZ1M38T
