

You know, we French stormed Ratisbon;

A mile or so away,

On a little mound, Napoleon

Stood on our storming-day;

With neck out-thrust, you fancy how,

Legs wide, arms locked behind,

As if to balance the prone brow

Oppressive with its mind.

Just as perhaps he mused, “My plans

That soar, to earth may fall,

Let once my army-leader Lannes

Waver at yonder wall” —

Out ’twixt the battery-smokes there flew

A rider, bound on bound

Full-galloping; nor bridle drew

Until he reached the mound.

Then off there flung in smiling joy,

And held himself erect

By just his horse’s mane, a boy;

You hardly could suspect

(So tight he kept his lips compressed,

Scarce any blood came through) —

You looked twice e’er you saw his breast

Was all but shot in two.

“Well,” cried he, “Emperor, by God’s grace

We’ve got you Ratisbon!

The Marshal’s in the market-place,

And you’ll be there anon

To see your flag-bird flap his vans

Where I, to heart’s desire,

Perched him!” The chief’s eye flashed; his plans

Soared up again like fire.

The chief’s eye flashed; but presently

Softened itself, as sheathes

A film the mother-eagle’s eye

When her bruised eaglet breathes;

“You’re wounded!” “Nay,” his soldier’s pride

Touched to the quick, he said:

“I’m killed. Sire!” And his chief beside.

Smiling, the boy fell dead.

( Robert Browning )

Historical Note

Ratisbon, a walled city of Bavaria, was besieged in 1809 by Napoleon. The Bavarians made such a vigorous defense for five days that Napoleon’s victory was no small achievement. The poem, based on this incident, shows the beauty of a devotion to duty that forgets self. It also shows the admiration of soldiers for such a leader as Napoleon.

Word list

prone : downcast

oppressive : burdened down

flag-bir : French flag flying in the a

vans : wings

You Practice

Answer the following questions.

1) What are some lines that make it sound like the poet was actually present at the incident?

2) How do we know that browning was sympathetic towards the French?

3) Where was Napoleon at the time of this incident?

4) What was the boy’s message?

5) To what does the poet compare the softening of Napoleon’s eye?

6) Who is the hero of this story?

7) What thought gave him power to smile in spite of his terrible pain? S3NUYcrHRglgLtisBkujoFzx7EKW8J2MLvVolOIHXQFYGbh4UzwuqlwllsJKtaAh
