Our country! ’Tis a glorious land!
With broad arms stretched from shore to shore;
The proud Pacific chafes her strand;
She hears the dark Atlantic roar;
And, nurtured on her ample breast,
How many a goodly prospect lies,
In Nature’s wildest grandeur dressed,
Enameled with her loveliest dyes.
Rich prairies, decked with flowers of gold,
Like sunlit oceans roll afar;
Broad lakes her azure heavens behold,
Reflecting clear each trembling star;
And mighty rivers, mountain born,
Go sweeping onward, dark and deep,
Through forests where the bounding fawn
Beneath their sheltering branches leap.
Great God ! we thank thee for this home,
This bounteous birth-land of the free;
Where wanderers from afar may come
And breathe the air of liberty!
Still may her flowers untrampled spring,
Her harvests wave, her cities rise;
And yet, till Time shall fold his wing,
Remain earth’s loveliest paradise!
( Author Unknown )
Chafes : rubs against
ample : more than enough
fawn : baby deer
Answer the following questions.
1) Why does the author mention two oceans?
2) What are the prairies compared to?
3) What makes the stars “tremble”?
4) What is a river that is “mountain born”?
5) Why do “wanderers from afar” come to America?
6) What do they find here