Long as thine art shall love true love,
Long as thy science truth shall know,
Long as thine eagle harms no dove.
Long as thy law by law shall grow,
Long as thy God is God above,
Thy brother every man below,
So long, dear land of all my love,
Thy name shall shine, thy fame shall glow.
( Sidney Lanier )
Sidney Lanier (1842-1881) was an American poet. Born in Georgia and writing about southern scenes, he has been called the poet of the South. He was very musical and could play on the guitar, banjo, violin, and flute. His books for boys are widely read, especially his Boys’ King Arthur. He wrote “The Centennial Cantata” for the Centennial Celebration held at Philadelphia in 1876, from which these famous lines are taken.
dove : a white pigeon
glow : to be visible in the dark
Answer the following questions.
1) How does the poet address his country?
2) How are laws made and how are they changed?
3) What is meant by “thy God is God above”?
4) How can people show that they respect everyone?
5) What can we learn from reading this poem?