

I knew that you were coming, June, I knew that you were coming!

Among the alders by the stream I heard a partridge drumming;

I heard a partridge drumming, June, a welcome with his wings,

And felt a softness in the air, half Summer’s and half Spring’s.

I knew that you were nearing, June, I knew that you were nearing —

I saw it in the bursting buds of roses in the clearing;

The roses in the clearing, June, were blushing pink and red,

For they had heard upon the hills the echo of your tread.

I knew that you were coming, June, I knew that you were coming,

For ev’ry warbler in the wood a song of joy was humming.

I know that you are here, June, I know that you are here —

The fairy month, the merry month, the laughter of the year!

( Douglas Malloch )


Douglas Malloch (1877-1938) was born in Muskegon, Michigan, a center of the lumbering industry not many years ago. He is the author of In Forest Land, The Enchanted Garden, and The Woods, from which this selection is taken. Many of his poems,which related largely to the forest and lumber camp, have been published in magazines.

Word list

nearing : coming closer

warbler : a small songbird

You Practice

Answer the following questions.

1) How does the poet know that June has come?

2) What repetition is there in the first and second stanzas

3) What is the effect of this repetition?

4) Why does the poet call June “the Laughter of the year”?

5) What is your favourite rhyme in the poem? x3xdnGo5f5BYgd+JBKg0nq4XHfn1eTZXPRw77ITqKXON4qmrmkHfajScxC37tBiJ
