

The cock is crowing;

The stream is flowing;

The small birds twitter;

The lake doth glitter;

The green field sleeps in the sun;

The oldest and youngest

Are at work with the strongest;

The cattle are grazing,

Their heads never raising;

There are forty feeding like one!

Like an army defeated

The snow hath retreated,

And now doth fare ill

On the top of the bare hill;

The plowboy is whooping—anon—anon.

There’s joy in the mountains;

There’s life in the fountains;

Small clouds are sailing;

Blue sky prevailing;

The rain is over and gone!

( William Wordsworth )


William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was one of the great English poets.He was born in the beautiful lake region of northern England, and spent most of his lifetime there. He was always intensely devoted to the cause of liberty.Unlike many great poets, Wordsworth saw the beauty and charm of humble life; the characters in many of his best known poems are of the peasant class.His poems of flowers, birds, and the seasons show the simplicity and sincerity of his nature. In 1843 Wordsworth was appointed poet laureate of England.

Word list

grazing : eating grass in a fiel

prevailing : appearing, dominating

You Practice

Answer the following questions.

1) Which of the things mentioned in the poem have you seen?

2) How many of these can be seen in the city?

3) How many may only be seen in the country?

4) From what places has the snow “retreated”?

5) Where does it still linger?

6) How do we know the plowboy is happy?

7) What are the small clouds compared to? x3xdnGo5f5BYgd+JBKg0nq4XHfn1eTZXPRw77ITqKXON4qmrmkHfajScxC37tBiJ
