

Have you seen an apple orchard in the spring?

In the spring?

An English apple orchard in the spring?

When the spreading trees are hoary

With their wealth of promised glory,

And the mavis pipes his story

In the spring?

Have you plucked the apple blossoms in the spring ?

In the spring?

And caught their subtle odors in the spring?

Pink buds bursting at the light,

Crumpled petals baby-white —

Just to touch them a delight!

In the spring!

Have you walked beneath the blossoms in the spring?

In the spring?

Beneath the apple blossoms in the spring?

When the pink cascades were falling,

And the silver brooklets brawling,

And the cuckoo bird is calling

In the spring!

Have you seen a merry bridal in the spring?

In the spring?

In an English apple country in the spring?

When the bride and maidens wear

Apple blossoms in their hair;

Apple blossoms everywhere,

In the spring!

If you have not, then you know not, in the spring.

In the spring,

Half the color, beauty, wonder of the spring.

No sight can I remember

Half so precious, half so tender,

As the apple blossoms render

In the spring!

( William Wesley Martin )


William Wesley Martin is an English author of modem times. His “Apple Blossoms” proves that a comparatively unknown poet may produce a poem that ranks with the works of authors whose reputation is well established.

Word list

mavis : a kind of songbird

crumpled : crushed together

brawling : fightin

render : to produce

You Practice

Answer the following questions.

1) What does the poem describe?

2) What is the “promised glory” of the apple tree?

3) What picture does “baby white” give you?

4) What other sign of spring does the poet mention?

5) What made the booklets look like silver?

6) What are three example of rhyme in the poem? LYctNOnB/OXSfCvFlZoZBufGnI+hLGPVwfM5XCsHhDHPg+MKfUQX7ZRdys6AOMVC

