

At the time of the Revolutionary War, a brave little American girl named Anne Randolph lived on a farm not far from Philadelphia.Her father and her two brothers had joined the American army under the command of George Washington. Anne and her mother were left alone to take care of the farm.

Two years before the time of this story Anne’s father had given her a beautiful calf as a pet, and the two had become great friends.Whenever Anne went into the field, the young cow came to be petted.

At one time during the war the English army was in Philadelphia.The soldiers, as they marched through the country, took the wheat and the com of the farmers, and their horses and cattle as well.

One day the soldiers came to the farm of Mr. Randolph and seized Anne’s pet cow. They tied a rope about hex horns and drove her away. In great grief, Anne begged for her pet, but without success.

It did not take long for Anne to think what to do. She ran to the stable, saddled her pony, and then rode at full speed to see Lord Cornwallis, the general of the English army. It was a very brave thing for a little girl only twelve years of age to do.

A soldier was marching back and forth in front of the general’s quarters. “What do you want?’’ he asked Anne, as she galloped up.

“I wish to see Lord Cornwallis.” she said.

The soldier let her pass, thinking, no doubt, that she had very important news to tell. Lord Cornwallis and some of his friends were at dinner when little Anne rushed into the room.

“What do you want, my child?” asked the general.

“I want my cow, sir. Your soldiers have taken her away, and I have come to get her. Oh, please, sir, you must let me have her.”

“And who are you, my little girl?” asked the general, kindly.

“I am Anne Randolph, and I live three miles from here with my mother. Have you seen my cow, sir?”

“Have you no father or brothers, Anne?”

“Yes, sir, but they are in the army.”

“In which army?”

“In the American army, sir.”

“Oho! so they are rebels, are they?”

“Oh, yes, sir, we are all rebels about here, sir.”

“And you are a bit of a rebel yourself?”

“Yes, indeed, I was born so.”

The general threw back his head and laughed.

“And your cow is a rebel, too, I suppose.”

“I think so, sir. She is the nicest cow I ever knew.”

The general and his officers laughed again. “Look here, my little rebel,” said Lord Cornwallis soberly, “don’t you know that we are here to fight the rebels?”

“Yes, sir, but you are not here to fight a little American girl,”Anne answered, “Oh, sir,” she continued, “I raised my cow myself.She has always been mine. She can’t belong to you. I would never steal your cow, sir,” the little girl said, proudly.

The general rose. “Come here, my child. I promise you that your cow shall be safe in your barn tomorrow; and here, take these,”he said, unfastening a pair of silver knee-buckles. “Keep them to remember me by. And if the soldiers trouble your cow again, come to me at once.”

“Gentlemen,” said Lord Cornwallis to his officers, after Anne had left, “this country is certain to be free, with such brave little rebels in it as this.”

The general kept his promise, and the next morning Anne’s cow was once more in her own snug stable.

Word list

soberly : very seriously

snug : cozy, comfortable

You Practice

A) Answer the following questions.

1) On which side were Anne’s father and brothers?

2) What good qualities did Anne show?

3) What good qualities did Cornwallis show?

4) Why was Anne called a rebel?

5) Why did she think her cow must be a rebel cow?

B) True, False, or Not Given—Read these sentences carefully. Write T (true), F (false), or NG (not given) for each.

1) _________ Cornwallis was kind to Anne.

2) _________ Anne did not like animals.

3) _________ Anne was a good fighter

4) _________ Anne had many pets.

5) _________ Anne had a cow named “rebel”.

C) Summary—Write a short summary of the story. zFRHGC17Vj7ZCsTXY/PsoGPCAYCxIuB7N4oebqAUcimsZUG2tdqtwWWP8qCc6B+4
