Once a clown at a circus made a noise so much like a pig’s squeal that he fooled the people.
Just then a farmer called out, “That does not sound like a pig’s squeal! Tomorrow I will show you what a pig’s squeal is like.”
The people laughed at him, but the next day he came back,put his head down, and pretended to squeal. At once the people shouted, “That does not sound like a pig!”
“Ha! Ha! Ha!” laughed the farmer, holding out a little pig which he had hidden behind him. “You do not know a pig’s squeal when you hear it.”
(Old Tale )
squeal : a high pitched noise made by a pig
circus : a travelling show that has animals doing tricks, etc
Answer the following questions.
1) Who made a noise that sounded more like a pig-the clown or the farmer?
2) Why do you think the people thought the farmer did not sound like a pig?
3) What can we learn from this story?
4) What other farm animals do you think could have been used in this story?
5) Can you make any noises that sound like animals? What are they?