

A dog and a horse once lived in the same farmyard. In the spring the fields around the farm were green with grain; in summer they were yellow with ripening wheat; in autumn they were brown with the harvest.

As the neighbours passed by this farm, they always said,“Stefan has a fine farm. He is a lucky man.”

One day, when the dog heard these words, he said to the horse,“Of course Stefan has a fine farm. That is because I work so hard.In the day-time I keep the cattle out of the fields of grain. At night I guard the house and barns so that thieves cannot enter.

“But what do you do? I have never seen you do anything but plow, or draw a cart; and you sleep all night. The farm could get along without you.”

“What you say about yourself is true,” answered the horse,“You do keep the cattle out of the fields of grain, and you do guard the barns and the house at night. But did you ever stop to think that if I did not plow the fields, there would be no grain here for you to guard?

“Stefan would have no wheat and oats and barley in his barns. He would not need to keep a watchdog, and you would have no home. Perhaps I had better live in the farmyard a little longer. What do you think about it now?”

And for once, the dog had nothing to say.

(Russian Tale )

Word list

harvest : the time when fruit and vegetables are ready to be picked

grain : seed from a cereal grass

guard : to protect against

You Practice

A) Answer the following questions.

1) What did the neighbours say about Stefan’s farm?

2) Why did the dog think he was so important to Stefan’s farm?

3) After the horse spoke, why did the dog have nothing to say?

4) Who do you think is more helpful to the farmer—the dog or the horse? Why?

5) What mistake did the dog make?

B) What’s the word? Using the clues, write the correct words from the story.

1) a kind of cereal grain-w _ _ _ _

2) a kind of dog who makes sure things aren’t stolen-w _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3) people who steal things-t  _ _ _ _ _ _

4) a place where farm animals live-b _ _ _

5) another word for fall a _ _ _ _ _

C) Word Groups—Complete the following word groups with words in the story.

1) wheat, oats, b _ _ _ _ _

2) autumn, spring, s _ _ _ _ _

3) horse, cow, c _ _ _ _ _

4) green, yellow, b _ _  _ _

5) fields, orchards, f _ _ _ _ _ _ BOyIrm+YpmrwD2twhaDqdPPKu/1MwSb6eAnthlBHYdb/wFj7fvDZgoYt3x/HMz0z
