


North Wind went out one summer day. “Now I will have a good play,” he said. He saw an apple tree full of apples.

“Oh, apple tree, come and play with me! We can have fun together,” said North Wind.

“Oh, no!” said the apple tree. “I can not play with you. I must work. I am helping my apples to grow. By and by they will grow big and red. Then little children can eat them. Oh,no! I cannot play with you.”

“We will see about that,” said North Wind, “I will make you play with me.”

“Puff! Puff!” he said, and all the apples fell to the ground.

Then North Wind saw a field of corn. “Oh, corn, come and play with me!” he said. “No, no, North Wind!” said the corn.“I can not play with you just now. I must stand still and grow.Look under my long, green leaves. Do you see the white grains under them? They must grow big and yellow. Then they can be ground at the mill. Little children can have corn bread to eat.No, no! I cannot play with you.”

“Puff! Puff!” said North Wind. All the corn fell to the ground.


By and by North Wind saw a lily. “Oh, lily, come and play with me. We can have fun together.” he said.

“Oh, no, North Wind!” said the lily, “I cannot play with you today. I must take care of my buds. They will open soon and then they will be beautiful lilies. Then little children will come to see me. Oh, no! I can not play with you.”

“Puff! Puff!” said North Wind.

The lily hung her head. She could not look up again.

At night North Wind went home.

“What did you do today?” said his father.

“I went out to play,” said North Wind, “But no one wanted to play with me. So I shook the apple tree, and all the apples fell to the ground. Then I shook the corn, and it fell, too. I blew until the lily hung her head. I did not want to hurt them,Father. I was only playing.”

“You are too rough,” said his father, “I know you do not want to be rough. You must stay at home in summer. You must wait until the apples and the corn and the lilies are gone. You may go out to play in winter. Then you can puff all you want to.”

( Old Tale )

Word list

lily : a small, delicate flowe

puff : the action of the wind blowing

buds : the beginnings of flower

rough : strong and not careful

You Practice

A) Answer the following questions.

1) What did North Wind want to do on summer day?

2) What three characters did North Wind ask to play?

3) How was the apple tree helping the apples to grow?

4) What did North Wind do when the corn said it could not play?

5) How does this story explain how the North Wind blows mostly in winter?

B) Fill in the blanks—Read these sentences carefully. Fill in the blanks with words from the story.

1) The North Wind wanted to play with an apple _ _ _ _.

2) The North Wind made the corn fall on the _ _ _ _ _ _.

3) _ _ _ _ _ can be made with corn.

4) The _ _ _ _ could not look up again.

5) The North Wind’s father told him that he is too _ _ _ _ _.

C) What’s the word? Using the clues, write the correct words from the story.

1) a kind of fruit: a _ _ _ _ _

2) corn is this colour: y _ _ _ _ _

3) the leaves of corn are this colour: g _ _ _ _

4) not gentle: r _ _ _ _

5) to blow, like wind: p _ _ _ f3vA/WZTHUPbiF4UtdgwtYMAB7N8IeFz9d/h+ErxYYdYJQ/AIJO7JrVEALuuQdkY
