

A little pine tree lived in the woods. It had leaves like long green needles. But the little pine tree was not happy.

“I do not like my green needles,” it said. “I wish I had beautiful leaves. How happy I should be if I only had gold leaves!”

Night came. Then the Fairy of the Trees walked in the woods.

“Little pine tree,” she said, “You may have your wish.”

In the morning the little pine tree had leaves of gold.

“How beautiful I am!” it said. “See how I shine in the sun!Now I am happy!”

Night came. Then a man walked in the woods. He took all the gold leaves and put them into a bag.

The little tree had no leaves at all. “What shall I do?” it said.

“I do not want gold leaves again. I wish I had glass leaves.Glass leaves would shine in the sun, too. And no one would take glass leaves.”

Night came. The Fairy walked in the woods again.

“Little pine tree,” she said, “You may have your wish.”

In the morning the tree had glass leaves. “How beautiful I am!” it said. “See how I shine in the sun! Now I am happy.”

Night came. Then the wind came through the woods. Oh,how it blew! It broke all the beautiful glass leaves.

“What shall I do now?” said the tree. “I do not want glass

leaves again. The oak tree has big green leaves. I wish I had big green leaves, too.”

Night came. Then the fairy of the trees walked in the woods again.

“Little pine tree,” she said, “You may have your wish.”

In the morning the little pine tree had big green leaves.

“How beautiful I am!” it said, “Now I am like the other trees. At last I am happy.”

Night came. A goat came through the woods.

He ate all the big green leaves. “What shall I do?” said the tree, “A man took my leaves of gold. The wind broke my leaves of glass. A goat ate my big green leaves. I wish I had my long needles again.”

Night came. The Fairy walked in the woods again.

“Little pine tree,” she said, “you may have your wish.”

In the morning the little pine tree had its long needles again.

“Now I am happy,” said the tree, “I do not want any other leaves. Little pine needles are best for little pine trees.”

( Old Tale )

Word list

pine : a kind of tree that stays green all year

ne edles : small, green things that are found on pine trees (instead of leaves)

You Practice

A) Answer the following questions.

1) What kind of leaves did the pine tree wish for first

2) Why did the man take all the pine tree’s gold leaves?

3) What kind of leaves did the pine tree wish for next?

4) How did the wind break the glass leaves?

5) What kind of tree had big, green leaves like Little Pine tree wanted?

B) What’s the word? Using the clues, write the correct words from the story.

1) similar to leaves: n _ _ _ _ _ _

2) another name for forest: w _ _ _ _

3) a kind of tree: p _ _ _

4) a pretty colour: g _ _ _

5) the early part of the day: m _ _ _ _ _ _

C) True or false? Read these sentences carefully. Write true of false for each one.

1) _____ The pine tree had gold needles.

2) _____ The pine tree was happy with its gold needles.

3) _____ A man ate the gold needles.

4) _____ The fairy was very kind to the pine tree.

5) _____ At the end of the story, the pine tree was very sad. 0EBE1o3ccjxMQNGCyjrxEqkqT7KCBVmWD6z7fydQCulmFHyP41eA06YF47ivUSpQ
