

Bobbie was a little boy.

His mother said, “I like apples.

Can you get some for me?”

Bobbie said, “Yes, Mother.

I will go to the apple tree.

I will get some for you.

Good-bye, Mother, good bye.”

Bobbie went to the apple tree.

He looked and looked.

He could not see any apples.

He said, “Good morning, apple tree.

Will you give me some apples?”

The apple tree said, “No, Bobbie.

I have no apples for you.

I gave my apples away.”

Bobbie saw a cat.

He said, “I want some apples.

I want them for Mother.

Who will give me some?

Can you tell me?”

The cat said, “Mew, mew, mew!

I have no apples for you.

I want milk for dinner.

Mew, mew, mew!”

The cat went to the house.

Bobbie saw a dog.

He said, “Good morning, dog.

I want some apples for Mother.

Who will give me some?

Can you tell me?”

The dog said, “Bow-wow, bow-wow!

Go to the cow.

The cow will tell you.”

Bobbie said, “Thank you, dog.”

Bobbie ran to the cow.

He said, “Good morning, cow.

I want some apples for Mother.

Who will give me some?

Can you tell me?”

The cow said, “Moo, moo, moo!

I like apples, too.

Go to the farmer.

He has some apples.”

Bobbie ran to the farmer.

He said, “Good morning, Mr. Farmer.

Have you some apples?

I want some for Mother.”

The farmer said, “Yes, little boy.

I will give you some apples.

Come with me.”

They went to the house.

Bobbie saw a bag full of apples.

He said, “May I have three apples?

I want them for Mother.”

The farmer said, “Yes, little boy.

You may have four apples.

One apple is for you.”

Bobbie said, “Thank you, Mr. Farmer.

I will give three to Mother.”

Away he ran to his mother.

Mother said, “What pretty apples!

Did you bring them all for me?”

Bobbie said, “I have four apples.

Three are for you. One is for me.”

Mother said, “Thank you, Bobbie.

Where did you get them?”

Bobbie said, “I went to the farmer.

The farmer gave them to me.”

( Kate Whiting Patch )

Mother said, “You are a good boy.”

Word list

Bow-wow: the sound that a dog makes

You Practice

A) Answer the following questions.

1) What did Bobbie do for his mother? Why?

2) Who told Bobbie to see the farmer?

3) Was the farmer nice to Bobbie? Why do you think so?

4) Why could the tree, cat, and dog not help Bobbie?

5) Why did Bobbie’s mother tell him he is a good boy?

B) What’s the word? Write the correct words from the reading.

1) a kind of fruit: a _ _ _ _ _

2) the evening meal: d _ _ _ _ _

3) a place where people live: h _ _ _ _

4) a person who works on a farm: f _ _ _ _ _

5) we can put apples in this: b _ _

C) Yes or No? Read the sentences carefully. Write Yes or No for each one.

1) _____ Bobbie got apples from the apple tree.

2) _____ The apple tree gave its apples away.

3) _____ The cow likes apples.

4) _____ The farmer gave Bobbie five apples.

5) _____ Bobbie gave three apples to his mother. 6ivOwDArUG9xufhu71bu0jmEdDyI83+3hP3QIcO/JLN2cQsqn4Tkg7mBfww6eWV5
