

The girls saw a nest.

It was a little nest.

It was in a tree.

The girls saw two birds.

Can you see them?

They were pretty birds.

They were in the tree.

Mother bird sat on the nest.

One day she flew from the nest.

What was in the nest?

Can you guess?

The girls saw eggs in the nest.

They saw one, two, three, four eggs.

The four eggs were blue.

Mother bird sat on the nest.

She sat there day after day.

One day she flew from the nest.

She sat in the tree.

She sang and sang.

Father bird sang, too.

The girls looked in the nest.

Can you guess what they saw?

Four little birds were in the nest.

Soon they could fly.

Mother bird said, “Fly, fly!”

Father bird said, “Fly, fly!”

They flew from the nest.

They flew from tree to tree.

One day they flew away.

The girls said, “Good-bye, good-bye!”

Word list

nest: home for birds

You Practice

A) Answer the following questions.

1) What did the girls see the first time they looked in the nes?

2) Why do you think the girls wanted to look in the nest?

3) What did the girls see the second time they looked in the nest?

4) What did mother bird and father bird do?

5) What happened at the end of the story? Why do you think this happened?

B) Word groups: Complete these word groups with words from the story.

1) barn, house, n _ _ _

3) red, green, b _ _ _

5) plant, flower, t _ _

2) cute, nice-looking, p _ _ _ _ _

4) daughter, son, m , f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C) Yes or No? Read these sentences carefully, write Yes or No for each sentence.

1) _____ The four baby birds were blue.

2) _____ The girls sang and sang.

3) _____ The girls looked in the nest twice.

4) _____ The mother bird sat on the eggs.

5) _____ The baby birds flew away at the end of the story ua6WkyBqzHIxYt2dWzwhuIVeM2Iy2J4RMOijasLQmrZ5FuyYp0IJvtxFGa7Gf18O
