

Ned had a little red cart.

He wanted Grandmother to see it.

His mother gave him a big apple.

She gave him some cookies, too.

He put the apple and the cookies into the cart.

Then he went to see Grandmother.

Soon Ned came to a meadow.

He saw Little Pig there.

“Good morning!” said Ned.

Little Pig said, “Wee, wee!

I want some cookies.”

Ned said, “No, no, Little Pig!

They are for Grandmother.

Come with me to her house.

She will give you some dinner.”

So Little Pig went along with Ned.

Soon they came to a barn.

Ned saw White Hen.

“Good morning!” said Ned.

White Hen said, “Cluck, cluck!

I want some cookies.”

Ned said, “No, no, White Hen!

They are for Grandmother.

Come with us to her house.

She will give you some dinner.”

So White Hen went along with them.

Soon they came to a house.

Gray Kitten was in the yard.

“Good morning!” said Ned.

Gray Kitten said, “Mew, mew!

I want some cookies.”

Ned said, “No, no, Gray Kitten!

They are for Grandmother.

Come with us to her house.

She will give you some dinner.”

So Gray Kitten went along with them.

Soon they came to a big tree.

Little Bird was in the tree.

He flew down to the ground.

“Good morning!” said Ned.

Little Bird said, “Peep, peep!

I want some cookies.”

Ned said, “No, no, Little Bird!

They are for Grandmother.

Come with us to her house.

She will give you some dinner.”

So Little Bird went along with them.

Grandmother looked down the road.

“What do I see?” she said.

“Oh, it is little Ned!

Good morning, Ned!”

Ned said, “Good morning!

See my red cart, Grandmother!

I have some cookies for you.

I have an apple for you, too.”

Grandmother said, “Thank you, Ned!

I like cookies and apples.”

GrAnDmother: Ned, what can I give you?

little neD: Oh, give us some dinner!

GrAnDmother: What do you like, Ned?

little neD: Little Pig likes corn.

White Hen likes corn, too.

Little Bird likes bread.

Gray Kitten likes milk.

I like milk, too.

GrAnDmother: I will get corn and bread.

I will get milk, too.

Little Bird ate bread.

White Hen and Little Pig ate corn.

Ned and Gray Kitten drank milk.

Grandmother ate the cookies.

She ate the apple, too.

Ned said, “We must go now.

Thank you for the good dinner.”

“Good-bye, Ned,” said Grandmother.

“Good-bye, Grandmother,” said Ned.

Soon they came to the big tree.

“Good-bye, Little Bird,” said Ned.

“Peep, peep!” said Little Bird.

Next they came to the house.

“Good-bye, Gray Kitten!” said Ned.

“Mew, mew!” said Gray Kitten.

Next they came to the barn.

“Good-bye, White Hen!” said Ned.

“Cluck, cluck!” said White Hen.

Next they came to the meadow.

“Good-bye, Little Pig!” said Ned.

“Wee, wee!” said Little Pig.

( Marion Wathen )

Ned ran to his mother.

Word list

cart: a kind of container on wheels

You Practice

A) Answer the following questions.

1) What did Ned take in his cart for Grandmother?

2) What characters did Ned meet who wanted to eat the cookies?

3) Why did the animals go with Ned to Grandmother’s house?

4) Did the animals like Ned and Grandmother? Why or why not?

5) Do you think Ned will see the animals again? Why or why not?

B) True or False? Read these sentences carefully and tell if they are true or false.

1) _____ Ned gave cookies and apples to his grandmother.

2) _____ Ned gave cookies to Little Pig.

3) _____ Grandmother gave bread to Little Bird.

4) _____ Grandmother didn’t eat the apple.

5) _____ Ned drank milk.

C) Word scramble—Unscramble these words from the story.

1) aeppl _________

2) trca ________

3) scokoie _________

4) tneitk _________

5) uhoes ________ y0tsGYgGoz2o0hEYE/QyP1NgSosZLhGunPHsTu5S2S4GFqhwk8m81QMsvKRElQvR
