
Section 2


一段关于Branley Castle发展史和布局的介绍。Branley Castle已经存在上千年,期间几度更替拥有者,城堡规模也在不断扩大。20世纪80年代,虽然有政府的资助,但城堡的主人支付不起维护费用,将城堡出售给一家经营游乐园的公司。该公司仅将城堡的功能进行改造,城堡的环境和氛围依然维持原貌。


fort n. 堡垒,要塞

defence n. 防御,防卫

invader n. 入侵者,侵略者

conquer v. 征服,打败

nobleman n. 贵族

announce v. 宣布,声称

run down 变弱,走下坡路

apparently adv. 明显地,显然地

luxurious adj. 奢侈的,豪华的

enlarge v. 扩大,扩展

afford v. 负担得起,提供

maintain v. 维护,保养

take over 接管

amusement n. 娱乐

retain v. 保持,保留

original adj. 原本的,本来的

atmosphere n. 气氛,氛围

life-like adj. 栩栩如生的,逼真的

wax n. adj. 蜡制的

costume n. 服装;演出服

conversation n. 对话,交谈

booklet n. 小册子

furniture n. 家具;设备

extensive adj. 广阔的,广大的

display n./v. 展示,展出

sculpture n. 雕塑,塑像

wander around 漫步,闲逛

gallery n. 画廊

conservatory n. 暖房,温室

extend v. 延伸,延长

redesign v. 重新设计,翻新

archer n. 弓箭手

bow n.

arrow n.

performance n. 表演,演出

traditional adj. 传统的;古老的


audience n. 观众

barbecue n. 烧烤

blanket n. 毯子

botanical garden 植物园

camping n. 露营

campsite n. 露营地

child-friendly adj. 方便儿童使用的

commentary n. 解说,评论

commercial adj. 商业的

departure n. 出发;离开

facility n. 设施

high-quality adj. 高质量的

luxury n. 奢侈

occupy v. 占有;占用

palace n. 宫殿

public lavatory 公共厕所

recommend v. 推荐

refreshment n. 小点心

region n. 地区

reservation n. 预订,预约

residence n. 居所,住处

special offer 特价

standard n. 标准 adj. 标准的

stopping points 停靠地点

superb adj. 极好的

take advantage of 利用

tent n. 帐篷

well-qualifi ed adj. 有资格的


1. However, when Queen Elizabeth I announced that she was going to visit the castle in 1576 it was beginning to look a bit run down, and it was decided that rather than repair the guest rooms, they'd make a new house for her out of wood next to the main hall. She stayed there for four nights and apparently it was very luxurious, but unfortunately it was destroyed a few years later by fire. 但是,当伊丽莎白一世女王在1576年宣布要造访城堡的时候,这座城堡有些破败。后来有人决定在正厅的旁边用木材建造一座新殿,而不是翻修客房。女王在这座豪华的房子里住了四晚,不幸的是这座新殿在几年后的一场大火中被烧毁了。 it was beginning to look a bit run down中的it指代castle。it was decided that...中的it为形式主语,真正的主语是that后面的部分。

2. However, by 1982 the Fenys family could no longer afford to maintain the castle, even though they received government support, and they put it on the market. It was eventually taken over by a company who owned a number of amusement parks, but when we get there I think you'll see that they've managed to retain the original atmosphere of the castle. 尽管Fenys家族得到政府资助,但还是无法负担城堡的维护费用,1982年,Fenys家族把城堡挂牌出售。最终,城堡被一家拥有许多游乐园的公司接手,但当我们到达的时候,你会看到他们在尽力保护城堡的原貌。 短语take over指“接管,接手”。

3. When you go inside, you'll find that in the state rooms there are life-like moving wax models dressed in costumes of different periods in the past, which even carry on conversations together. 当你走进去,你会看到大厅里有真人大小的蜡像穿着不同历史时期的服装在移动,甚至在对话。 本句意指蜡像被做成真人尺寸,栩栩如生地模拟着生活场景,对话有可能是蜡像里的内置录音设备实现的。

4. Nowadays the old zoo buildings are used for public displays of paintings and sculpture. The park also has some beautiful trees, though the oldest of all, which dated back 800 years, was sadly blown down in 1987. 老动物园的建筑现今用来公开展出画作和雕塑。公园里还有些漂亮的树木,可惜的是,其中最古老的一棵,有着800多年的历史,在1987年被风吹倒了。

5. If you want to get a good view of the whole castle, you can walk around the walls. The starting point's quite near the main entrance - walk straight down the path until you get to the south gate, and it's just there. 如果你想看一下城堡的全貌,可以绕着墙走一圈。出发点离正门特别近,沿路直走下去,一直到南门,那里就是。 have/get a good view of是口语中的固定用法。

6. If you like animals there's also a display of hunting birds - falcons and eagles and so on. If you go from the main entrance in the direction of the south gate, but turn right before you get there instead of going through it, you'll see it on your right past the first tower. 如果你喜欢动物,也可以看猎鹰、老鹰等狩猎鸟类的表演。从正门出发向南门走,但是千万别穿过南门,而是在右手边第一个路口右转,过了第一座塔的右手边就是。

7. At 3 pm there's a short performance of traditional dancing on the outdoor stage. That's right at the other side of the castle from the entrance, and over the bridge. 下午3点在露天舞台有短时间的传统舞蹈表演。舞台在城堡正门的正对面,过了桥就是。



11. 题干词Queen Elizabeth I及1576均属于专有名词和特殊词,在原文中稳定性较强,可以帮助定位。三个选项在原文中皆有相似信息被提及,混淆性强。考生一定要掌握rather than指“而不是”,属于否定,选项A被排除;之后紧随答案B;选项C干扰性强,但该选项指main hall被烧毁,原文提到的是main hall旁边的new house被烧毁。

12. 题干信息1982原文重现,本题定位不难。三个选项原文均有提及。考生需要掌握no longer表示“不再”,意为否定,Fenys family被排除。选项A中的government出现在关联词though之后,显然不是重要信息。而后提到eventually(最终),该词通常阐述结果或强调某信息,entertainment与amusement同义替换。本题逻辑稍具难度。

13. 本题定位稍有难度,题干中仅有rooms一词原文重现。原文中的conversation是一个理解陷阱。moving wax models...even carry on conversations指移动的蜡像在相互对话(可能由内置录音设备实现)。选项A:和研究城堡历史的专家对话;选项B:和装扮成著名人物的演员互动;选项C:看到历史人物的模型在移动和说话。选项C符合原文含义,本题需要充分理解原文和选项含义。

14. 题干词castle park原文重现,较易定位。原文提及在19世纪有zoo,但现在用于展示paintings and sculptures。old tree曾经存在,但被吹倒了。选项B中的exhibition符合含义。

15. 题干词at the end of原文重现,可以用于定位。本题考查以下表达的理解:meet together at the bottom of the Great Staircase是“在Great Staircase尽头集合”;photographs showing the family who owned the castle是“拥有城堡的家族的照片”;the same place where afternoon tea will be served to you是“在同一个地方享用下午茶”。选项A与原文符合。本题需要透彻理解相关段落方可解答。

16~20. 地图题对方位指示词要求较高。下表中的这些表达,考生需要掌握。另外,本题出现东南西北指向标,代表原文一定涉及东南西北方向。 drMdjtrSSYuhdd4DYpFjBFpVIAlPBhsGYO3xQ+/Rln11hspk2D9h+m6SbsFjr6DQ
