
Part 4


Please write paragraphs on the basis of the following topics, logic flows and key words listed below.

[段落模仿] 动物实验

Some people argue that animal experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favor of them because of their benefits to humanity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Paragraph 1

不能因为有所谓的“好处”就让动物遭受痛苦 对实验的小鼠植入病毒以便检测新药的疗效 所有生命都应受到尊重


Key words

living subjects; morally wrong; no matter the benefit; cite; suffering and trauma; inflict; living creatures; dubious benefits; infection of laboratory mice; rhesus monkeys; painful and deadly; pharmaceutical treatments






Paragraph 2

没有动物实验就没有可行的方法进行新的药物研究 让实验动物遭受痛苦,所付出的代价很小 如果反对者的家人得了重病,则会对动物实验有不同的感受 赞同禁止非医疗产品的动物实验,但用来开发新药和医疗程序的动物实验是必要的

Key words

counter; viable methods; conduct research; life-saving; a small price; benefit to humanity; deadly or chronic; the need for animal experimentation; animal-based research; non-medical purposes; a necessary evil; new formulas; life-saving drugs; medical procedures






[话题扩展] 野生动物的重要性

In the 21st century, the ascent of man as the predominant species on Earth and the domestication of useful animals would seem to leave wild animals no longer useful or necessary. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Paragraph 1

地球上没有野生动物的容身之处 地球的存在只是为了人类利益 是可笑的、令人厌恶的

21世纪并无特别之处 在与野生动物共存之时人类无理由占领整个地球 地球上有超过70亿人口 在保护其他动物的同时,有足够空间来种植粮食和获取人类生存和发展所需资源 致力于共存,而非绝对统治

Key words

exist; for the benefit of humankind; absurd; repugnant; nothing special; overrun; the entirety of the planet; coexist; the dawn of our species; at the moment; on planet Earth; more than enough space; grow; resources; sustain and thrive; preserve space; work toward coexistence; not absolute dominance






Paragraph 2

野生动物需要自然的、未被驯化的栖息地 这些栖息地对人类生存是必要的 (没有热带雨林 没有生产氧气的森林 二氧化碳上升 破坏地球气候 导致野生动物灭绝 从长远来看,造成洪水暴发、饥荒、极端气候变化,消耗更多资源) 保护野生动物栖息地对野生动物和人类都有利


Key words

natural and untamed habitat; survive; wildlife; humankind; continue existing; rainforests; oxygen producing trees; carbon dioxide level; destabilize; kill off; in the long run; cost (v.); coastal flooding; famine; extreme climate change; the human race





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