
Part 1



There are varying views on the amount of freedom students should have when choosing their academic load. While some may argue that steering students to pre-determined courses that would be beneficial for them and for society is the more desirable and worthwhile option in an era of rapidly increasing tuition costs, I would argue that students should continue to be granted freedom of choice and allowed to construct their academic future as they see fit .

There are many legitimate reasons why certain people may believe that students should be confined to certain academic paths. They posit that certain academic pursuits such as medicine, business, law and mathematics may be more societally beneficial and personally lucrative. It can be argued that pursuing a degree in these high-demand fields will lead to better salaries, more opportunities for career advancement, and, in the end, an improved quality of life for the student. By forcing students into certain career paths, governments can forestall certain ‘knowledge gaps’ or professional shortages that come from a lack of qualified prospects . Finally, by focusing on high technology subject areas, a society is increasing the likelihood that new innovations in technology and science will benefit the masses.

Despite these arguments, it is my personal belief that students should be given the choice to study whatever subject they deem appropriate . In my opinion, it is of more benefit to society in general to have students who are passionate about the subject they are learning. Also, it is impossible to predict the future. It may be that, in the future, majors that put a premium on creative thinking such as art will be of more benefit to society than STEM subjects that put a premium on memorization.

In conclusion, although it may seem sensible for universities to force students into certain high-demand curricula for the benefit of society, I believe that the current educational system with its variety of options is the better choice.





总之,虽然大学为了社会利益让学生学习某些高需求的课程似乎是明智的做法,但我认为有多种选择的现行教育制度是更好的选择。 Ous/e8xmOZZtvP0bWa6hQ5mYq+sxWCIE1pUqIs7dt9p9HHijbatYDzc2P0vTcZyH
