
Part 4


Please write paragraphs on the basis of the following topics, logic flows and key words listed below.

[段落模仿] 学生行为问题

Problem behaviour among student populations in many countries has seen a sharp upswing in recent years. What do you think are the underlying causes? What solutions can you suggest?

Paragraph 1

在很多国家,人口生育率偏低 (生活成本增加 双收入家庭增加) 这些家庭不是以投入时间、关心等传统方式来关爱孩子,而是过多地用物质和礼物来代替关心(送昂贵礼物和小饰物 父母缺乏对孩子传统方式的关心而感到愧疚) 孩子表现不好时,迟迟不管教( 觉得这是他们造成的) 儿童长大、进入青春期和成年期后不考虑他人的感受;对于他们认为理应得到的物质商品从何而来不会有正确的理解 上学时,对正确行为和不当后果缺乏理解 不再尊重权威人士,做出反社会的行为

Key words

a long-term swing; demographics; fewer children; an upswing; dual-income families; lavish attention on; with material gifts; be handed; expensive gifts and trinkets; feel guilty; lack of time and attention; be slow; discipline; misbehave; fault; grow to adolescence and adulthood; without consideration; without a proper understanding; see as; due; attend school; lack an understanding; respect authority figures; engage in; antisocial behaviour






Paragraph 2

教师、管理人员和学校工作人员抱怨学生的行为问题,哀叹缺乏有效管教学生的方法 归根结底,不是教师的职责,而是家长的责任 父母更加意识到孩子不尊重(别人的)勤奋工作和不遵守纪律的长期后果 (投入更多的时间把孩子教育成有社会责任感的人,少花时间给孩子买昂贵的礼物 问题就会迎刃而解)

Key words

complain; bemoan; lack of effective techniques; in the end; not the teachers' job; the current generation of parents; long-term consequences; without respect for hard work and discipline; be proper socially responsible individuals; indulge; the student population; manageable






Paragraph 3


为双收入家庭建立托儿所 从小接受社会教育 (应该成为政府性倡议 越来越成为社会问题,而不是个人问题)

Key words

parenting classes; raise; high-functioning and socially responsible members of society; nursery schools; be socially educated; from an early age; a government initiative; a societal problem






[话题扩展] 青少年行为问题

Many countries have seen an increase in unruly adolescent behaviour in modern times. This has been largely attributed to a lack of parental supervision due to the necessities of modern life. How true do you find this statement?

Paragraph 1




Key words

beyond doubt; bear at least partial responsibility; adolescent children; especially true; absent from; long periods of time; provide for; adequate supervision; spend sufficient time with…; engage in; antisocial and dangerous behaviour






Paragraph 2

努力、勤奋工作的父母会给孩子树立良好的、负责任的行为榜样 来自父母都工作努力的家庭的孩子一般成绩较好,在校内或校外都有社会责任感 很多青少年有犯罪行为 故意破坏财产的行为,来自父母失业的家庭以及可以花更多时间陪伴孩子的家庭 体现了概述的危险性,问题的产生不只有一个原因

Key words

to counter; could also be said, a hardworking and diligent parent; model good and responsible behaviour; hardworking absentee parents; high achievers; socially responsible citizens; in school and away from it; engage in criminal and juvenile behaviour; vandalism; unemployed; the danger of making generalised statements; more than one underlying cause






Paragraph 3

许多青少年发现学习生活很困难,年龄不大就辍学了,步入社会;现代经济社会对教育越来越重视 缺乏工作机会,在街上无所事事,造成轻微或严重的犯罪;青少年的社会问题 老师缺乏对他们的控制


Key words

other underlying causes; delinquency; originate; find academic life difficult; drop out of school; enter into; a modern economy; put an increasing premium on; employment options; end up; idle on the streets; commit petty or serious crimes; teenage children; be attributed to; a lack of control; exercise; instructors





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