
Part 1



The behaviour of student populations in many countries has become increasingly unruly in recent years. I believe that this can be attributed, at least in part, to changes in the family dynamic brought about by modern society.

In many countries, especially industrialized ones, there has been a long-term swing in demographics toward fewer children. At the same time, increasing costs of living for these families has caused an upswing in dual-income families. These families lavish attention on their child not in traditional ways like time or attention, but with material gifts. Many children are handed expensive toys and trinkets by parents who feel guilty about the lack of time and attention that they can give the child, and are slow to discipline that child when he or she misbehaves due to a feeling that it is their fault. Increasingly, this means that children now grow to adolescence and adulthood without consideration for others and without a proper understanding of how they are provided with the material goods that they see as their due . Increasingly, because of this, they now attend school lacking an understanding of consequences and of proper behaviour. They no longer respect authority figures and engage in antisocial behaviour as a result.

Teachers, administrators and school personnel continuously complain about the problem and bemoan the lack of effective techniques to discipline unruly children. However, in the end it is not the teacher's job to mold a respectable citizen, it is the family's responsibility. The current generation of parents needs to be more aware of the long-term consequences of raising their children without respect for hard work and discipline. If modern parents spent more time teaching their children to be proper socially responsible individuals and less time indulging them with expensive gifts, perhaps the problem with the student population would become a manageable one .

One solution to this could be parenting classes, taught by responsible individuals who have raised children that have grown into high-functioning and socially responsible members of society. Nursery schools could also be established for dual income families so that children can be socially educated from an early age. I believe that this could and should be a government initiative because this is increasingly becoming a societal problem and not just an individual one .





解决这个问题,其中一个办法就是开设育儿课程,由具有责任感的人授课——他们已将自己的孩子培养成具有高度责任感的社会成员。同时,还可以为双收入家庭建立托儿所,让儿童从小就能接受社会教育。我认为,这可以成为而且应该是一项政府性的倡议,因为这正日益成为一个社会问题,而不仅是个人问题。 H0Yy6vnxnsBKuyB4AAJiGy0VRzlBYFhiHJctYGSPgUFBY3XwBV5wnoo8Uuj9P2wD
