
Part 4


Please write paragraphs on the basis of the following topics, logic flows and key words listed below.

[段落模仿] 节日记忆

In modern times, most people seem to have forgotten the original meaning of traditional holidays. During today's holiday periods, the common consensus is that people only want to enjoy themselves. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Paragraph 1

圣诞节:从耶稣诞生的庆祝活动演变成欢乐的节日 购物、收送礼物、装饰房屋、与家人享受晚餐,期盼圣诞节是作为假期而非宗教节日

非宗教和更具有民族主义的节日 例如“盖伊·福克斯之夜”(Guy Fawkes Night),最初是纪念一位天主教徒用火药暗杀议会,现在人们生篝火、看烟花、到当地公园参加大型活动,乐趣和欢庆代替了反思成为主要的目的


Key words

religious and traditional festivals; evolve from; traditional roots; celebratory; a traditional celebration; the birth of Jesus Christ; a festival period; focus on; decorate homes; ornaments; enjoy a traditional Christmas dinner with families; look forward to; a holiday period; observe a religious moment; reflect on; similar behaviour; non-religious; more nationalistic festivals; Guy Fawkes Night; mark the occasion; a Catholic loyalist; attempt; assassinate; Parliament; barrels of gunpowder; associate with; make fires; firework displays; enjoyment and celebration; replace; historical reflection; primary goal






Paragraph 2

在英国小学,学生详细了解圣诞节、复活节等宗教节日的原本意义 唱反映节日中的宗教精神的圣诞歌以及表演耶稣诞生剧,以此表达对耶稣诞生的传统敬意

家庭也在传递宗教节日的深刻意义方面发挥作用,而篝火之夜、万圣节等更具历史意义的节日也是如此( 儿童很小的时候就知道这些节日背后的故事、神话和传说)


Key words

underlying meaning; the aforementioned festivals; learn in detail about; the religious spirit; perform nativity plays; traditional homages to…; play a role; pass; deeper significance; the same holds true for…; historical significance; Bonfire Night; Halloween; myth; legend; at an early age






[话题扩展] 科技与传统文化的关系

It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops. Technology and traditional cultures are incompatible. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Paragraph 1

工业革命前,世世代代的英国家庭都生活在同一个区域 有很深的根源于共同的习俗、信念和家庭纽带的认同感 与祖先的土地有牢固的联系

工业革命后,运输、通讯和制造业的迅速发展 使家庭迅速大规模地迁移( 到城市找工作) 小区居住着通勤的人 他们与所居住的土地几乎没有任何联系,那些对祖先很重要的中世纪风俗习惯在他们看来只剩下最模糊的概念


Key words

the advances in technology; drive industrialization in developed countries; contribute to; extinction of certain traditional ways of life; before the Industrial Revolution; generations of British families; the same village communities; strong ties; ancestral land; a profound sense of identity; root; shared; family ties; take hold; rapid developments; a rapid and massive migration; head toward; swelling cities; in search of work; be inhabited by; commuters; have very little ties to the land; have only the faintest ideas of; the medieval customs; forebears






Paragraph 2


其他传统文化通过适应而非隔离的方式生存下来 (非洲大陆的农业社区,接受了高科技通信技术;跳过固定电话,直接进入手机网络 现代的安卓或苹果手机让普通农民可以获得天气预报、农作物的市场价格信息)


Key words

some parts of the world; traditional cultures; thrive; untouched; industrial and following Technological Revolution; transform society; tribes; live deep in the Amazon rainforests; encounter; a cellular phone; a laptop computer; a steam press or machine loom; previous century; tribal communities; tens of thousands of years ago; hunter-gathers; the same ancient skills; thousands of years before; survive; isolation; adaptation; farming communities across the African continent; embrace; high-tech communications technology; skip; the landline; go straight to the cellular network; mobile phones; run; Android or Apple applications; average farmers; access; weather forecasts; commodities prices





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