
Part 4


Please write paragraphs on the basis of the following topics, logic flows and key words listed below.

[段落模仿] 犯罪的危害

Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Paragraph 1

青少年愿意听取有过亲身经历的人的建议 改过自新的罪犯讲述自己的经历、犯罪生活方式的危害、不光彩的监狱生活 改过自新的罪犯是对“光辉”犯罪生活幻想的活生生的反例 前罪犯的生活经历以及残酷的现实,为我们提供了真实的视角和经验 青少年希望从真人口中听到真相,没有什么比让曾经的罪犯谈论犯罪更真实了

Key words

listen to an opinion; speak from experience; no exception to this rule; reformed offenders; original experiences; criminal lifestyle; relay; unsavory realities of life; behind bars; firsthand experience; walking counterexample; fantasy; glorious criminal lifestyle; indifferent to the guidance; brutal existence; authentic






Paragraph 2

请警察到学校谈论犯罪问题 可以作为一种威慑手段,让青少年明确地知道犯罪可能会产生哪些后果,远离犯罪道路,但很多青少年会本能地不信任权威

老师也可以告知孩子犯罪行为的危害 但有些学生根本不认为老师是可靠的信息来源

教育电影可以提供大量信息 提问和回答问题的能力是吸引观众的主要原因,因此大多数电影所产生的影响是极小的


Key words

alternatives; not as effective; most widely used options; in explicit terms; keep off; the criminal path; be instinctively distrustful of; a credible source; informative; interactive; a large part of; engage an audience; minimal






[话题扩展] 青少年犯罪问题

In recent years, there has been a considerable rise in crimes committed by young people in cities. What has caused this? What solutions can you suggest?

Paragraph 1

很多城市都有酗酒现象 在苏格兰,饮酒危害公共健康,因此为限制饮酒,制定了酒类的最低价格 在英国许多城镇的街道上,在许多机构的外面,经常可以看见有人打架斗殴

同样地,在年轻人当中,吸毒的增加与犯罪的增加有明显联系 (年轻人认为吸毒很酷,最终上瘾 一旦上瘾,为了满足毒瘾而参与轻微或重大犯罪的可能性就会成倍增加)


Key words

principal cause; the rise in crime among younger demographics; increased access to and recreational use of; narcotics and alcohol; suffer from; the results of an increased culture of binge drinking; destructive to public health; a minimum price; limit drinking; a common sight; see fights outside of establishments; a clear correlation; increased use of narcotics and increased criminal activity; see drug use as socially desirable; end up addicted; the likelihood; resort to; petty or even serious criminal activity; feed that addiction; rise exponentially






Paragraph 2

经常建议和使用的方法 对吸毒和反社会行为实施更严厉的惩罚 或许可行,尽管在美国已进行了40年的“禁毒战争”表明情况并非如此

更积极的方法:积极的教育 帮助年轻人学会如何更早地在生活中做出正确的选择,消除问题的根源


Key words

a variety of methods; have been hypothesized; ongoing problem; the most frequently suggested and used methods; stricter punishments; drug abuse; antisocial behaviour; work; evidence from the “War on Drugs”; suggest otherwise; more positive way; through proactive education; make good choices earlier in life; eliminate the root cause





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