
Part 1



It is an unquestioned fact that some criminals serve their sentences, return to society and become honest, hardworking citizens. I agree wholeheartedly with the idea that such people should be allowed and encouraged to speak about their experiences with younger people.

In my opinion, most people are willing to listen to an opinion if it comes from a person who speaks from experience . Teenagers are no exception to this rule. Reformed offenders can tell young people about their experiences and the dangers of a criminal lifestyle. They can also relay to young people the unsavory realities of life behind bars from firsthand experience . Reformed offenders are walking counterexamples to the fantasy of the glorious criminal lifestyle. While adolescents are often indifferent to the guidance given by older people, the life experiences and brutal existence that ex-offender has experienced provides an authentic perspective with real experience, which is something most people cannot offer. In short, teenagers want to hear the real truth from a real person, and there is nothing more real than an ex-criminal when talking about crime.

Of course, there are other alternatives to using reformed criminals when looking at options to educate young people, but I feel that they would not be as effective. One option, and one of the most widely used options at present, is to have police officers come into schools and talk about crime. This can be useful as a form of deterrence. Finding out, in explicit terms, exactly what may happen to them may keep some adolescents off the criminal path, but many teenagers also are instinctively distrustful of authority. School teachers can also instruct their students about the consequences of criminal behaviour, but some students simply would not see their teacher as a credible source . Finally, educational films might be informative. Unfortunately, educational films are not interactive. The ability to ask and have questions answered is a large part of engaging an audience, so I feel that the impact of most films would be minimal.

In conclusion, I am in strong agreement with the statement that ex-offenders are the best and most qualified people to talk to adolescents when trying to dissuade them from committing crimes.





总之,我完全同意这种说法,即前罪犯是劝阻青少年远离犯罪的最佳也是最适合的人选。 6fLXwvD/Qe+kVuR0ye60aKYVsF9OEc/bcVq+DnVETLddQl/dVbw3at9iLxE6pecA
